2024-02-04 11:55:05 +00:00

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# vm-start
## Description:
script which permit to launch easily some virtual machines via qemu
## Dependencies:
- <u>qemu</u> full installation
## Optionnal Dependencies:
- <u>ssh</u> to have possibility to connect via ssh with the remote_connection.sh script.
- <u>rsp</u> to have possibility to connect via rsp with the remote_connection.sh script.
## Functionnality:
- use of config files [not fully ok]
- start,create vm reading the config file [ok]
- delete all data related to a vm [ok]
- create a backup or being able to recall the bacup [ok - have to be improved]
- start directly the backup file [ok]
- list all vm already configured [ok]
- print help of version number [ok]
- support options to overrides the config file [ok]
- can support launching vm in uefi mode [ok] (doesn't support automatic add of uefi in conf file.)
- take option create_disk to know what disk to use when creating a vm. [ok]
- compatible to an extensive network configuration [~ok] (don't work with conf file, and no possibility to bridge over an existing interface.)
### Next changes to come
- put the path of the creation disk on the config file
- add vnc support
- add an option -ng, --nographic with it's parametters assiciated.
- majors changes in setup_bridges.sh, it will be from this point called
```setup_bridges 'bridge_name' add|rm [--ip=<ip> | --imaster=<interface_master>] ```
## Usage:
### to get some help;
`vm-start --help`
### to list all vm already configured
`vm-start --list `
### to create a new vm
`vm-start <nom_de_la_vm> create --create_disk=<location_of_iso_file>`
you can of course add options like --uefi to tun in uefi mode, or --nproc=<nb_proc> to select a number of processors.
If you go to the conf folder created the first time you launch the script, you will find all configured variables for each of your vm.
### to connect two vm on different networks at a gateway nat.
first, run the script set-tap.sh to create two bridges.
setup_bridge.sh --addbridge=br0
setup_bridge.sh --addbridge=br1
after that change the mac address of all vm in conf folder.
vm-1 from 00:00:00:00:00:00 to 00:00:00:00:00:01
vm-2 from 00:00:00:00:00:00 to 00:00:00:00:00:02
and start the gateway and the vms after.
vm-start.sh gateway start --net=br:br0 --net=br:br1 --net=nat:id01
vm-start.sh vm-1 start --net=br:br0
vm-start.sh vm-2 start --net=br:br1
And that's it, your three vm are now connected. You just have now to do some configurations on thoses vms.