Lukas Lihotzki 2949811917 Use CMake for Android builds (externalNativeBuild)
Signed-off-by: Lukas Lihotzki <lukas@lihotzki.de>
2021-05-04 18:05:09 -04:00

654 lines
24 KiB

* Copyright 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
* Copyright 2016 Vector Creations Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "olm_inbound_group_session.h"
using namespace AndroidOlmSdk;
* Release the session allocation made by initializeInboundGroupSessionMemory().<br>
* This method MUST be called when java counter part account instance is done.
JNIEXPORT void OLM_INBOUND_GROUP_SESSION_FUNC_DEF(releaseSessionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
OlmInboundGroupSession* sessionPtr = getInboundGroupSessionInstanceId(env,thiz);
LOGD("## releaseSessionJni(): InBound group session IN");
if (!sessionPtr)
LOGE("## releaseSessionJni(): failure - invalid inbound group session instance");
LOGD(" ## releaseSessionJni(): sessionPtr=%p", sessionPtr);
size_t retCode = olm_clear_inbound_group_session(sessionPtr);
LOGD(" ## releaseSessionJni(): clear_inbound_group_session=%lu",static_cast<long unsigned int>(retCode));
LOGD(" ## releaseSessionJni(): free IN");
LOGD(" ## releaseSessionJni(): free OUT");
* Initialize a new inbound group session and return it to JAVA side.<br>
* Since a C prt is returned as a jlong, special care will be taken
* to make the cast (OlmInboundGroupSession* => jlong) platform independent.
* @param aSessionKeyBuffer session key from an outbound session
* @param isImported true when the session key has been retrieved from a backup
* @return the initialized OlmInboundGroupSession* instance or throw an exception it fails.
JNIEXPORT jlong OLM_INBOUND_GROUP_SESSION_FUNC_DEF(createNewSessionJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray aSessionKeyBuffer, jboolean isImported)
const char* errorMessage = NULL;
OlmInboundGroupSession* sessionPtr = NULL;
jbyte* sessionKeyPtr = NULL;
jboolean sessionWasCopied = JNI_FALSE;
size_t sessionSize = olm_inbound_group_session_size();
LOGD("## createNewSessionJni(): inbound group session IN");
if (!sessionSize)
LOGE(" ## createNewSessionJni(): failure - inbound group session size = 0");
errorMessage = "inbound group session size = 0";
else if (!(sessionPtr = (OlmInboundGroupSession*)malloc(sessionSize)))
LOGE(" ## createNewSessionJni(): failure - inbound group session OOM");
errorMessage = "inbound group session OOM";
else if (!aSessionKeyBuffer)
LOGE(" ## createNewSessionJni(): failure - invalid aSessionKey");
errorMessage = "invalid aSessionKey";
else if (!(sessionKeyPtr = env->GetByteArrayElements(aSessionKeyBuffer, &sessionWasCopied)))
LOGE(" ## createNewSessionJni(): failure - session key JNI allocation OOM");
errorMessage = "Session key JNI allocation OOM";
sessionPtr = olm_inbound_group_session(sessionPtr);
size_t sessionKeyLength = (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aSessionKeyBuffer);
LOGD(" ## createNewSessionJni(): sessionKeyLength=%lu", static_cast<long unsigned int>(sessionKeyLength));
size_t sessionResult;
if (JNI_FALSE == isImported)
LOGD(" ## createNewSessionJni(): init");
sessionResult = olm_init_inbound_group_session(sessionPtr, (const uint8_t*)sessionKeyPtr, sessionKeyLength);
LOGD(" ## createNewSessionJni(): import");
sessionResult = olm_import_inbound_group_session(sessionPtr, (const uint8_t*)sessionKeyPtr, sessionKeyLength);
if (sessionResult == olm_error())
errorMessage = olm_inbound_group_session_last_error(sessionPtr);
LOGE(" ## createNewSessionJni(): failure - init inbound session creation Msg=%s", errorMessage);
LOGD(" ## createNewSessionJni(): success - result=%lu", static_cast<long unsigned int>(sessionResult));
if (sessionKeyPtr)
if (sessionWasCopied) {
memset(sessionKeyPtr, 0, (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aSessionKeyBuffer));
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(aSessionKeyBuffer, sessionKeyPtr, JNI_ABORT);
if (errorMessage)
// release the allocated session
if (sessionPtr)
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
return (jlong)(intptr_t)sessionPtr;
* Get a base64-encoded identifier for this inbound group session.
* An exception is thrown if the operation fails.
* @return the base64-encoded identifier
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_INBOUND_GROUP_SESSION_FUNC_DEF(sessionIdentifierJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
const char* errorMessage = NULL;
OlmInboundGroupSession *sessionPtr = getInboundGroupSessionInstanceId(env, thiz);
jbyteArray returnValue = 0;
LOGD("## sessionIdentifierJni(): inbound group session IN");
if (!sessionPtr)
LOGE(" ## sessionIdentifierJni(): failure - invalid inbound group session instance");
errorMessage = "invalid inbound group session instance";
// get the size to alloc
size_t lengthSessionId = olm_inbound_group_session_id_length(sessionPtr);
LOGD(" ## sessionIdentifierJni(): inbound group session lengthSessionId=%lu",static_cast<long unsigned int>(lengthSessionId));
uint8_t *sessionIdPtr = (uint8_t*)malloc(lengthSessionId*sizeof(uint8_t));
if (!sessionIdPtr)
LOGE(" ## sessionIdentifierJni(): failure - inbound group session identifier allocation OOM");
errorMessage = "inbound group session identifier allocation OOM";
size_t result = olm_inbound_group_session_id(sessionPtr, sessionIdPtr, lengthSessionId);
if (result == olm_error())
errorMessage = (const char *)olm_inbound_group_session_last_error(sessionPtr);
LOGE(" ## sessionIdentifierJni(): failure - get inbound group session identifier failure Msg=%s",(const char *)olm_inbound_group_session_last_error(sessionPtr));
LOGD(" ## sessionIdentifierJni(): success - inbound group session result=%lu sessionId=%.*s",static_cast<long unsigned int>(result), static_cast<int>(result), (char*)sessionIdPtr);
returnValue = env->NewByteArray(result);
env->SetByteArrayRegion(returnValue, 0 , result, (jbyte*)sessionIdPtr);
if (errorMessage)
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
return returnValue;
* Decrypt a message.
* An exception is thrown if the operation fails.
* @param aEncryptedMsg the encrypted message
* @param aDecryptMessageResult the decryptMessage information
* @return the decrypted message
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_INBOUND_GROUP_SESSION_FUNC_DEF(decryptMessageJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray aEncryptedMsgBuffer, jobject aDecryptionResult)
jbyteArray decryptedMsgBuffer = 0;
const char* errorMessage = NULL;
OlmInboundGroupSession *sessionPtr = getInboundGroupSessionInstanceId(env, thiz);
jbyte *encryptedMsgPtr = NULL;
jclass indexObjJClass = 0;
jfieldID indexMsgFieldId;
LOGD("## decryptMessageJni(): inbound group session IN");
if (!sessionPtr)
LOGE(" ## decryptMessageJni(): failure - invalid inbound group session ptr=NULL");
errorMessage = "invalid inbound group session ptr=NULL";
else if (!aEncryptedMsgBuffer)
LOGE(" ## decryptMessageJni(): failure - invalid encrypted message");
errorMessage = "invalid encrypted message";
else if (!aDecryptionResult)
LOGE(" ## decryptMessageJni(): failure - invalid index object");
errorMessage = "invalid index object";
else if (!(encryptedMsgPtr = env->GetByteArrayElements(aEncryptedMsgBuffer, 0)))
LOGE(" ## decryptMessageJni(): failure - encrypted message JNI allocation OOM");
errorMessage = "encrypted message JNI allocation OOM";
else if (!(indexObjJClass = env->GetObjectClass(aDecryptionResult)))
LOGE("## decryptMessageJni(): failure - unable to get index class");
errorMessage = "unable to get index class";
else if (!(indexMsgFieldId = env->GetFieldID(indexObjJClass,"mIndex","J")))
LOGE("## decryptMessageJni(): failure - unable to get index type field");
errorMessage = "unable to get index type field";
// get encrypted message length
size_t encryptedMsgLength = (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aEncryptedMsgBuffer);
uint8_t *tempEncryptedPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(encryptedMsgLength*sizeof(uint8_t)));
// create a dedicated temp buffer to be used in next Olm API calls
if (!tempEncryptedPtr)
LOGE(" ## decryptMessageJni(): failure - tempEncryptedPtr allocation OOM");
errorMessage = "tempEncryptedPtr allocation OOM";
memcpy(tempEncryptedPtr, encryptedMsgPtr, encryptedMsgLength);
LOGD(" ## decryptMessageJni(): encryptedMsgLength=%lu encryptedMsg=%.*s",static_cast<long unsigned int>(encryptedMsgLength), static_cast<int>(encryptedMsgLength), encryptedMsgPtr);
// get max plaintext length
size_t maxPlainTextLength = olm_group_decrypt_max_plaintext_length(sessionPtr,
if (maxPlainTextLength == olm_error())
errorMessage = olm_inbound_group_session_last_error(sessionPtr);
LOGE(" ## decryptMessageJni(): failure - olm_group_decrypt_max_plaintext_length Msg=%s", errorMessage);
LOGD(" ## decryptMessageJni(): maxPlaintextLength=%lu",static_cast<long unsigned int>(maxPlainTextLength));
uint32_t messageIndex = 0;
// allocate output decrypted message
uint8_t *plainTextMsgPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(maxPlainTextLength*sizeof(uint8_t)));
// decrypt, but before reload encrypted buffer (previous one was destroyed)
memcpy(tempEncryptedPtr, encryptedMsgPtr, encryptedMsgLength);
size_t plaintextLength = olm_group_decrypt(sessionPtr,
if (plaintextLength == olm_error())
errorMessage = olm_inbound_group_session_last_error(sessionPtr);
LOGE(" ## decryptMessageJni(): failure - olm_group_decrypt Msg=%s", errorMessage);
// update index
env->SetLongField(aDecryptionResult, indexMsgFieldId, (jlong)messageIndex);
decryptedMsgBuffer = env->NewByteArray(plaintextLength);
env->SetByteArrayRegion(decryptedMsgBuffer, 0 , plaintextLength, (jbyte*)plainTextMsgPtr);
LOGD(" ## decryptMessageJni(): UTF-8 Conversion - decrypted returnedLg=%lu OK",static_cast<long unsigned int>(plaintextLength));
if (plainTextMsgPtr)
memset(plainTextMsgPtr, 0, maxPlainTextLength*sizeof(uint8_t));
if (tempEncryptedPtr)
// free alloc
if (encryptedMsgPtr)
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(aEncryptedMsgBuffer, encryptedMsgPtr, JNI_ABORT);
if (errorMessage)
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
return decryptedMsgBuffer;
* Provides the first known index.
* An exception is thrown if the operation fails.
* @return the first known index
JNIEXPORT jlong OLM_INBOUND_GROUP_SESSION_FUNC_DEF(firstKnownIndexJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
const char* errorMessage = NULL;
OlmInboundGroupSession *sessionPtr = getInboundGroupSessionInstanceId(env, thiz);
long returnValue = 0;
LOGD("## firstKnownIndexJni(): inbound group session IN");
if (!sessionPtr)
LOGE(" ## firstKnownIndexJni(): failure - invalid inbound group session instance");
errorMessage = "invalid inbound group session instance";
returnValue = olm_inbound_group_session_first_known_index(sessionPtr);
if (errorMessage)
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
return returnValue;
* Tells if the session is verified.
* An exception is thrown if the operation fails.
* @return true if the session is verified
JNIEXPORT jboolean OLM_INBOUND_GROUP_SESSION_FUNC_DEF(isVerifiedJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz)
const char* errorMessage = NULL;
OlmInboundGroupSession *sessionPtr = getInboundGroupSessionInstanceId(env, thiz);
jboolean returnValue = JNI_FALSE;
LOGD("## isVerifiedJni(): inbound group session IN");
if (!sessionPtr)
LOGE(" ## isVerifiedJni(): failure - invalid inbound group session instance");
errorMessage = "invalid inbound group session instance";
LOGE(" ## isVerifiedJni(): faaa %d", olm_inbound_group_session_is_verified(sessionPtr));
returnValue = (0 != olm_inbound_group_session_is_verified(sessionPtr)) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
if (errorMessage)
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
return returnValue;
* Exports the session as byte array from a message index
* An exception is thrown if the operation fails.
* @param messageIndex key used to encrypt the serialized session data
* @return the session saved as bytes array
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_INBOUND_GROUP_SESSION_FUNC_DEF(exportJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jlong messageIndex) {
jbyteArray exportedByteArray = 0;
const char* errorMessage = NULL;
OlmInboundGroupSession *sessionPtr = getInboundGroupSessionInstanceId(env, thiz);
LOGD("## exportJni(): inbound group session IN");
if (!sessionPtr)
LOGE(" ## exportJni (): failure - invalid inbound group session instance");
errorMessage = "invalid inbound group session instance";
size_t length = olm_export_inbound_group_session_length(sessionPtr);
LOGD(" ## exportJni(): length =%lu", static_cast<long unsigned int>(length));
void *bufferPtr = malloc(length * sizeof(uint8_t));
if (!bufferPtr)
LOGE(" ## exportJni(): failure - pickledPtr buffer OOM");
errorMessage = "pickledPtr buffer OOM";
size_t result = olm_export_inbound_group_session(sessionPtr,
(long) messageIndex);
if (result == olm_error())
errorMessage = olm_inbound_group_session_last_error(sessionPtr);
LOGE(" ## exportJni(): failure - olm_export_inbound_group_session() Msg=%s", errorMessage);
LOGD(" ## exportJni(): success - result=%lu buffer=%.*s", static_cast<long unsigned int>(result), static_cast<int>(length), static_cast<char*>(bufferPtr));
exportedByteArray = env->NewByteArray(length);
env->SetByteArrayRegion(exportedByteArray, 0 , length, (jbyte*)bufferPtr);
// clean before leaving
memset(bufferPtr, 0, length);
if (errorMessage)
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
return exportedByteArray;
* Serialize and encrypt session instance into a base64 string.<br>
* An exception is thrown if the operation fails.
* @param aKeyBuffer key used to encrypt the serialized session data
* @return a base64 string if operation succeed, null otherwise
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray OLM_INBOUND_GROUP_SESSION_FUNC_DEF(serializeJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray aKeyBuffer)
const char* errorMessage = NULL;
jbyteArray pickledDataRet = 0;
jbyte* keyPtr = NULL;
jboolean keyWasCopied = JNI_FALSE;
OlmInboundGroupSession* sessionPtr = getInboundGroupSessionInstanceId(env, thiz);
LOGD("## inbound group session serializeJni(): IN");
if (!sessionPtr)
LOGE(" ## serializeJni(): failure - invalid session ptr");
errorMessage = "invalid session ptr";
else if (!aKeyBuffer)
LOGE(" ## serializeJni(): failure - invalid key");
errorMessage = "invalid key";
else if (!(keyPtr = env->GetByteArrayElements(aKeyBuffer, &keyWasCopied)))
LOGE(" ## serializeJni(): failure - keyPtr JNI allocation OOM");
errorMessage = "keyPtr JNI allocation OOM";
size_t pickledLength = olm_pickle_inbound_group_session_length(sessionPtr);
size_t keyLength = (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aKeyBuffer);
LOGD(" ## serializeJni(): pickledLength=%lu keyLength=%lu", static_cast<long unsigned int>(pickledLength), static_cast<long unsigned int>(keyLength));
void *pickledPtr = malloc(pickledLength*sizeof(uint8_t));
if (!pickledPtr)
LOGE(" ## serializeJni(): failure - pickledPtr buffer OOM");
errorMessage = "pickledPtr buffer OOM";
size_t result = olm_pickle_inbound_group_session(sessionPtr,
(void const *)keyPtr,
if (result == olm_error())
errorMessage = olm_inbound_group_session_last_error(sessionPtr);
LOGE(" ## serializeJni(): failure - olm_pickle_outbound_group_session() Msg=%s", errorMessage);
LOGD(" ## serializeJni(): success - result=%lu pickled=%.*s", static_cast<long unsigned int>(result), static_cast<int>(pickledLength), static_cast<char*>(pickledPtr));
pickledDataRet = env->NewByteArray(pickledLength);
env->SetByteArrayRegion(pickledDataRet, 0 , pickledLength, (jbyte*)pickledPtr);
// free alloc
if (keyPtr)
if (keyWasCopied) {
memset(keyPtr, 0, (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aKeyBuffer));
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(aKeyBuffer, keyPtr, JNI_ABORT);
if (errorMessage)
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
return pickledDataRet;
* Allocate a new session and initialize it with the serialisation data.<br>
* An exception is thrown if the operation fails.
* @param aSerializedData the session serialisation buffer
* @param aKey the key used to encrypt the serialized account data
* @return the deserialized session
JNIEXPORT jlong OLM_INBOUND_GROUP_SESSION_FUNC_DEF(deserializeJni)(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray aSerializedDataBuffer, jbyteArray aKeyBuffer)
const char* errorMessage = NULL;
OlmInboundGroupSession* sessionPtr = NULL;
size_t sessionSize = olm_inbound_group_session_size();
jbyte* keyPtr = NULL;
jboolean keyWasCopied = JNI_FALSE;
jbyte* pickledPtr = NULL;
LOGD("## deserializeJni(): IN");
if (!sessionSize)
LOGE(" ## deserializeJni(): failure - inbound group session size = 0");
errorMessage = "inbound group session size = 0";
else if (!(sessionPtr = (OlmInboundGroupSession*)malloc(sessionSize)))
LOGE(" ## deserializeJni(): failure - session failure OOM");
errorMessage = "session failure OOM";
else if (!aKeyBuffer)
LOGE(" ## deserializeJni(): failure - invalid key");
errorMessage = "invalid key";
else if (!aSerializedDataBuffer)
LOGE(" ## deserializeJni(): failure - serialized data");
errorMessage = "serialized data";
else if (!(keyPtr = env->GetByteArrayElements(aKeyBuffer, &keyWasCopied)))
LOGE(" ## deserializeJni(): failure - keyPtr JNI allocation OOM");
errorMessage = "keyPtr JNI allocation OOM";
else if (!(pickledPtr = env->GetByteArrayElements(aSerializedDataBuffer, 0)))
LOGE(" ## deserializeJni(): failure - pickledPtr JNI allocation OOM");
errorMessage = "pickledPtr JNI allocation OOM";
sessionPtr = olm_inbound_group_session(sessionPtr);
size_t pickledLength = (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aSerializedDataBuffer);
size_t keyLength = (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aKeyBuffer);
LOGD(" ## deserializeJni(): pickledLength=%lu keyLength=%lu",static_cast<long unsigned int>(pickledLength), static_cast<long unsigned int>(keyLength));
LOGD(" ## deserializeJni(): pickled=%.*s", static_cast<int>(pickledLength), (char const *)pickledPtr);
size_t result = olm_unpickle_inbound_group_session(sessionPtr,
(void const *)keyPtr,
if (result == olm_error())
errorMessage = olm_inbound_group_session_last_error(sessionPtr);
LOGE(" ## deserializeJni(): failure - olm_unpickle_inbound_group_session() Msg=%s", errorMessage);
LOGD(" ## deserializeJni(): success - result=%lu ", static_cast<long unsigned int>(result));
// free alloc
if (keyPtr)
if (keyWasCopied) {
memset(keyPtr, 0, (size_t)env->GetArrayLength(aKeyBuffer));
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(aKeyBuffer, keyPtr, JNI_ABORT);
if (pickledPtr)
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(aSerializedDataBuffer, pickledPtr, JNI_ABORT);
if (errorMessage)
if (sessionPtr)
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), errorMessage);
return (jlong)(intptr_t)sessionPtr;