#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # STUFF THAT DOESN'T WORK: # - before doing a list with '-' make sure to put an empty line before it # - external links with '.md' in them get broken - gets replaced with '.html' # - anchors that work in github don't work in the generated html so all interlinking with anchors doesn't work import os html_dir = "../doc/html_generated/" md_dir = "../doc/markdown/" filelist = [f for f in os.listdir(html_dir) if f.endswith(".html")] for f in filelist: os.remove(html_dir + f) for filename in os.listdir(md_dir): if filename[-2:] == "md": md = open(md_dir + filename, "r") md_contents = md.read() md.close() html = open(html_dir + filename[:-3] + ".html", "w") html.write('\n') html.write('\n') html.write('' + filename[:-3] + '\n') html.write('\n\n') md_contents = md_contents.replace(".md", ".html") md_contents = md_contents.replace("```c++", "```") html.write(md_contents) html.write('\n\n\n') html.write('\n') html.write('\n') html.close()