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Changes in `1.1.0 <http://matrix.org/git/olm/commit/?h=1.1.0>`_
This release includes a fix to a bug which caused Ed25519 keypairs to be
generated and used insecurely. Any Ed25519 keys generated by libolm 1.0.0
or earlier should be considered compromised.
The fix necessitates a change to the format of the OlmAccount pickle; since
existing OlmAccounts should in any case be considered compromised (as above),
the library refuses to load them, returning OLM_BAD_LEGACY_ACCOUNT_PICKLE.
2016-07-11 13:50:11 +02:00
Changes in `1.0.0 <http://matrix.org/git/olm/commit/?h=1.0.0>`_
This release includes a fix to a bug which had the potential to leak sensitive
data to the application: see
https://github.com/vector-im/vector-web/issues/1719. Users of pre-1.x.x
versions of the Olm library should upgrade. Our thanks to `Dmitry Luyciv
<https://github.com/dluciv>`_ for bringing our attention to the bug.
Other changes since 0.1.0:
* *Experimental* implementation of the primitives for group sessions. This
implementation has not yet been used in an application and developers are
advised not to rely on its stability.
* Replace custom build scripts with a Makefile.
* Include the major version number in the soname of libolm.so (credit to
Emmanuel Gil Peyrot).