#!/usr/bin/bash # #RESULT_POSSIBLE=("init","list","start","start_backup","create","backup","restore","suppr") # Constante d'éxecutions. Version="0.7.0-developpement_01-31-2021" USAGE="vm-start [PARAMETTER] [ NAME COMMAND [OPTION] ] Script to manage virtual machine easily. NAME is the name of the virtual machine to use. PARAMETTER available -h, --help Print this help and exit -v, --version Print the version of this program and quit -l, --list Print the list of all availables machines and quit COMMAND available init Create the conf file in conf/NAME_var.sh start Start the virtual machine using the variabes in conf/NAME_var.sh start-backup Start the virtual machine using the backup volume if it exists. create Create the virtual machine using the conf in conf/NAME_var.sh backup Create a backup file for the vm restore Restore the virtual machine using to backup file suppr Suppr all data related to the virtual machine other than the conf file. COMMAND TODO suppr-all Suppr all data related to the vm even the conf file #TODO OPTION available nproc= Def the number of proc of the vm memory= Def the qty of memory allocated to the vm size= Def the size that should be allocated by create uefi Select if there will be an UEFI by default. can be either set or unset. By default is unset. options=