#!/bin/sh if which doas 2> /dev/null then rooter=$(which doas) elif which sudo 2> /dev/null then rooter=$(which sudo) sudo echo "Exec of the script" || exit 1 elif [ "$(id -u)" == "0" ] then rooter="" else echo "Error, no enough rights" >&2 exit fi echo "change firewall rules" # step zero, active ipv4_forward, and changes rule nftables to authorise forward, and and masquerade wlan0. echo "1" | $rooter tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward $rooter nft flush ruleset echo "e" $rooter nft "table inet my_nat { chain postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept; oifname \"wlan0\" masquerade } }" echo "create dummy interface veth0" # step one, create a dummy veth interface $rooter ip link add veth0 type dummy $rooter ip a add dev veth0 $rooter ip link set dev veth0 up echo "link br0 with veth0" # step two, create the bridge br0 interface, and link it with veth0 $rooter ip link add br0 type bridge $rooter ip link set dev veth0 master br0 $rooter ip link set dev br0 up $rooter ip a del dev veth0 $rooter ip a add dev br0 $rooter ip route add via dev br0 $rooter ip route add via dev br0 echo "create two other interfaces." # step three, create others bridges interface $rooter ip link add br1 type bridge $rooter ip link set dev br1 up $rooter ip link add br2 type bridge $rooter ip link set dev br2 up