add a mirror to the old man

This commit is contained in:
primardj 2024-03-24 23:51:57 +00:00
parent cec07ba0a7
commit 0080be8701
271 changed files with 14564 additions and 0 deletions

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# Officials:
# Artix-packaged

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<title>runit - benefits</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a><br>
<a href="index.html">runit</a><br>
<h1>runit - benefits</h1>
<a href="#supervision">Service supervision</a><br>
<a href="#state">Clean process state</a><br>
<a href="#log">Reliable logging facility</a><br>
<a href="#fast">Fast system boot up and shutdown</a><br>
<a href="#portability">Portability</a><br>
<a href="#packaging">Packaging friendly</a><br>
<a href="#smallcode">Small code size</a>
<a name="supervision"><h3>Service supervision</h3></a>
Each service is associated with a <i>service directory</i>, and each
service daemon runs as a child process of a supervising
<a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> process running in this directory.
The <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> program provides a reliable interface
for signalling the service daemon and controlling the service and
Normally the <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program is used to send commands
through this interface, and to query status informations about the service.
The <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> program supervises the corresponding
service daemon.
By default a service is defined to be up, that means, if the service daemon
dies, it will be restarted.
Of course you can <a href="sv.8.html">tell runsv</a> otherwise.
This reliable interface to control daemons and supervisors obsoletes
pid-guessing programs, such as <tt>pidof</tt>, <tt>killall</tt>,
<tt>start-stop-daemon</tt>, which, due to guessing, are prone to failures
by design.
It also obsoletes so called <tt>pid-files</tt>, no need for each and every
service daemon to include code to daemonize, to write the new process id
into a file, and to take care that the file is removed properly on shutdown,
which might be very difficult in case of a crash.
<a name="state"><h3>Clean process state</h3></a>
<i>runit</i> guarantees each service a clean process state, no matter if the
service is activated for the first time or automatically at boot time,
reactivated, or simply restarted.
This means that the service always is started with the same environment,
resource limits, open file descriptors, and controlling terminals.
You don't necessarily have that with <i>sysv init</i> scripts for example.
It requires a carefully written init script that reliably cleans up and sets
the process state before starting the service daemon.
This adds even more complexity to the init script in comparison with a run
script used by <i>runit</i>.
Many of today's init scripts don't provide a clean process state, here is
an example on what could happen:
# /etc/init.d/foo-daemon start
Starting foo daemon: food.
Everything works, nothing to worry about.
After rebooting the system this shows up on the screen:
Starting foo daemon: food: command not found
The <tt>food</tt> program is installed in <tt>/opt/foo/bin/</tt>.
When starting the service for the first time using the init script, the
<tt>PATH</tt> environment variable contained <tt>/opt/foo/bin</tt>.
After reboot <tt>init</tt> started the service using the init script, but
with a different value for the <tt>PATH</tt> variable, not containing
Of course the init script should have set <tt>PATH</tt> before starting the
daemon; the problem is that it worked in the first place, and that the error
didn't show up until system reboot.
With bad init scripts miraculous things could also happen when just doing
# /etc/init.d/foo-daemon restart
at the command line.
The clean process state includes open file descriptors, obsoleting the
widely used hack in many service daemons to force-close all file descriptors
that might be open, up to the limit of available file descriptors for the
daemon process (often results in 1024 unnecessary close() system calls in a
great number of service daemon implementations).
<a name="log"><h3>Reliable logging facility</h3></a>
The <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> program provides a reliable logging
facility for the service daemon.
If configured, <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> creates a pipe, starts and
supervises an additional log service, redirects the log daemon's standard
input to read from the pipe, and redirects the service daemon's standard
output to write to the pipe.
Restarting the service does not require restarting the log service, and vice
A good choice for a log daemon is <i>runit</i>'s service logging daemon
<a href="svlogd.8.html">svlogd</a>.
The service daemon and the log daemon can run with different process states,
and under different user id's.
<i>runit</i> supports easy and reliable logging for service daemons running
If <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> is told to shutdown a service, e.g. at
system shutdown, it ensures that the log service stays up as long as the
corresponding service daemon is running and possibly writing to the log.
<a name="fast"><h3>Fast system boot up and shutdown</h3></a>
After the system's one time tasks (stage 1) are done, the system services
are started up in parallel.
The operating system's process scheduler takes care of having the services
available as soon as possible.
On system shutdown, stage 3 uses <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a>'s control
interface to wait until each service daemon is terminated and all logs are
Again, services are taken down in parallel.
As soon as all services are down, system halt or system reboot is initiated.
<a name="portability"><h3>Portability</h3></a>
<i>runit</i> comes ready-to-run for Debian GNU/Linux and BSD systems, and
can easily be configured to run on other UNIX systems.
The UNIX system's one time initialization tasks and tasks to shutdown the
system must be identified and <i>runit</i>'s stages 1 and 3 configured
Stages 1 and 3 handle one time tasks.
They only run for short and exit soon.
Stage 2 handles the system's uptime tasks (via the
<a href="runsvdir.8.html">runsvdir</a> program) and is running the whole
system's uptime.
<i>runit</i>'s stage 2 is portable across UNIX systems.
<i>runit</i> is well suited for server systems and embedded systems, and
also does its job well on desktop systems.
<a name="packaging"><h3>Packaging friendly</h3></a>
<i>runit</i>'s stages 1 and 3 are distribution specific.
They normally are shell scripts, and an operating system distribution with
software package management should adapt these scripts if they need support
for their package management.
<a href="">
Debian package is an attempt to integrate <i>runit</i> into
<a href="">Debian GNU/Linux</a> as an alternative to
the default
<a href="">
Stage 2 is packaging friendly:
all a software package that provides a service needs to do is to include
a <i>service directory</i> in the package, and to provide a symbolic link
to this directory in <tt>/service/</tt>.
The service will be started within five seconds, and automatically at boot
The package's install and update scripts can use the reliable control
interface to stop, start, restart, or send signals to the service.
On package removal, the symbolic link simply is removed.
The service will be taken down automatically.
<a name="smallcode"><h3>Small code size</h3></a>
One of the <i>runit</i> project's principles is to keep the code size
As of version 1.0.0 of <i>runit</i>, the <tt>runit.c</tt> source contains
330 lines of code; the <tt>runsvdir.c</tt> source is 274 lines of code, the
<tt>runsv.c</tt> source 509.
This minimizes the possibility of bugs introduced by programmer's fault,
and makes it more easy for security related people to proofread the source
The <i>runit</i> core programs have a very small memory footprint and do not
allocate memory dynamically.
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

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<title>chpst(8) manual page</title>
<body bgcolor='white'>
<a href=''>G. Pape</a><br><a href='index.html'>runit</A><hr><p>
<h2><a name='sect0'>Name</a></h2>
chpst - runs a program with a changed process state
<h2><a name='sect1'>Synopsis</a></h2>
<b>chpst</b> [-vP012]
[-u <i>user</i>] [-U <i>user</i>] [-b <i>argv0</i>] [-e <i>dir</i>] [-/ <i>root</i>] [-n <i>inc</i>] [-l|-L <i>lock</i>] [-m <i>bytes</i>] [-d <i>bytes</i>]
[-o <i>n</i>] [-p <i>n</i>] [-f <i>bytes</i>] [-c <i>bytes</i>] <i>prog</i>
<h2><a name='sect2'>Description</a></h2>
<i>prog</i> consists of one or
more arguments. <p>
<b>chpst</b> changes the process state according to the given options,
and runs <i>prog</i>.
<h2><a name='sect3'>Options</a></h2>
<dt><b>-u <i>[:]user[:group]</b> </i></dt>
<dd>setuidgid. Set uid and gid to the
<i>user</i>&rsquo;s uid and gid, as found in <i>/etc/passwd</i>. If <i>user</i> is followed by a colon
and a <i>group</i>, set the gid to <i>group</i>&rsquo;s gid, as found in <i>/etc/group</i>, instead
of <i>user</i>&rsquo;s gid. If <i>group</i> consists of a colon-separated list of group names,
<b>chpst</b> sets the group ids of all listed groups. If <i>user</i> is prefixed with
a colon, the <i>user</i> and all <i>group</i> arguments are interpreted as uid and gids
respectivly, and not looked up in the password or group file. All initial
supplementary groups are removed. </dd>
<dt><b>-U <i>[:]user[:group]</b> </i></dt>
<dd>envuidgid. Set the environment
variables $UID and $GID to the <i>user</i>&rsquo;s uid and gid, as found in <i>/etc/passwd</i>.
If <i>user</i> is followed by a colon and a <i>group</i>, set $GID to the <i>group</i>&rsquo;s gid,
as found in <i>/etc/group</i>, instead of <i>user</i>&rsquo;s gid. If <i>user</i> is prefixed with a
colon, the <i>user</i> and <i>group</i> arguments are interpreted as uid and gid respectivly,
and not looked up in the password or group file. </dd>
<dt><b>-b <i>argv0</b> </i></dt>
<dd>argv0. Run <i>prog</i>
with <i>argv0</i> as the 0th argument. </dd>
<dt><b>-e <i>dir</b> </i></dt>
<dd>envdir. Set various
environment variables as specified by files in the directory <i>dir</i>: If <i>dir</i>
contains a file named <i>k</i> whose first line is <i>v</i>, <b>chpst</b> removes the environment
variable <i>k</i> if it exists, and then adds the environment variable <i>k</i> with
the value <i>v</i>. The name <i>k</i> must not contain =. Spaces and tabs at the end of
<i>v</i> are removed, and nulls in <i>v</i> are changed to newlines. If the file <i>k</i> is
empty (0 bytes long), <b>chpst</b> removes the environment variable <i>k</i> if it exists,
without adding a new variable. </dd>
<dt><b>-/ <i>root</b> </i></dt>
<dd>chroot. Change the root directory to
<i>root</i> before starting <i>prog</i>. </dd>
<dt><b>-n <i>inc</b> </i></dt>
<dd>nice. Add <i>inc</i> to the <i><b>nice</b>(2)</i> value before
starting <i>prog</i>. <i>inc</i> must be an integer, and may start with a minus or plus.
<dt><b>-l <i>lock</b> </i></dt>
<dd>lock. Open the file <i>lock</i> for writing, and obtain an exclusive lock
on it. <i>lock</i> will be created if it does not exist. If <i>lock</i> is locked by another
process, wait until a new lock can be obtained. </dd>
<dt><b>-L <i>lock</b> </i></dt>
<dd>The same as -l, but
fail immediately if <i>lock</i> is locked by another process. </dd>
<dt><b>-m <i>bytes</b> </i></dt>
<dd>limit memory.
Limit the data segment, stack segment, locked physical pages, and total
of all segment per process to <i>bytes</i> bytes each. </dd>
<dt><b>-d <i>bytes</b> </i></dt>
<dd>limit data segment.
Limit the data segment per process to <i>bytes</i> bytes. </dd>
<dt><b>-o <i>n</b> </i></dt>
<dd>limit open files.
Limit the number of open file descriptors per process to <i>n</i>. </dd>
<dt><b>-p <i>n</b> </i></dt>
<dd>limit processes.
Limit the number of processes per uid to <i>n</i>. </dd>
<dt><b>-f <i>bytes</b> </i></dt>
<dd>limit output size. Limit
the output file size to <i>bytes</i> bytes. </dd>
<dt><b>-c <i>bytes</b> </i></dt>
<dd>limit core size. Limit the core
file size to <i>bytes</i> bytes. </dd>
<dt><b>-v</b> </dt>
<dd>verbose. Print verbose messages to standard error.
This includes warnings about limits unsupported by the system. </dd>
<dt><b>-P</b> </dt>
Run <i>prog</i> in a new process group. </dd>
<dt><b>-0</b> </dt>
<dd>Close standard input before starting
<i>prog</i>. </dd>
<dt><b>-1</b> </dt>
<dd>Close standard output before starting <i>prog</i>. </dd>
<dt><b>-2</b> </dt>
<dd>Close standard error
before starting <i>prog</i>. </dd>
<h2><a name='sect4'>Exit Codes</a></h2>
<b>chpst</b> exits 100 when called with wrong options.
It prints an error message and exits 111 if it has trouble changing the
process state. Otherwise its exit code is the same as that of <i>prog</i>.
<h2><a name='sect5'>Emulation</a></h2>
<b>chpst</b> is called as <b>envdir</b>, <b>envuidgid</b>, <b>pgrphack</b>, <b>setlock</b>, <b>setuidgid</b>, or
<b>softlimit</b>, it emulates the functionality of these programs from the daemontools
package respectively.
<h2><a name='sect6'>See Also</a></h2>
<i>sv(8)</i>, <i>runsv(8)</i>, <i>setsid(2)</i>, <i>runit(8)</i>, <i>runit-init(8)</i>,
<i>runsvdir(8)</i>, <i>runsvchdir(8)</i> <p>
<h2><a name='sect7'>Author</a></h2>
Gerrit Pape &lt;; <p>
<a name='toc'><b>Table of Contents</b></a><p>
<li><a name='toc0' href='#sect0'>Name</a></li>
<li><a name='toc1' href='#sect1'>Synopsis</a></li>
<li><a name='toc2' href='#sect2'>Description</a></li>
<li><a name='toc3' href='#sect3'>Options</a></li>
<li><a name='toc4' href='#sect4'>Exit Codes</a></li>
<li><a name='toc5' href='#sect5'>Emulation</a></li>
<li><a name='toc6' href='#sect6'>See Also</a></li>
<li><a name='toc7' href='#sect7'>Author</a></li>

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<title>runit -service dependencies</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a><br>
<a href="index.html">runit</a><br>
<h1>runit - service dependencies</h1>
<i>runit</i>'s service supervision resolves dependencies for service daemons
designed to be run by a supervisor process automatically.
The service daemon (or the corresponding <tt>run</tt> scripts) should behave
as follows:
<li>before providing the service, check if all services it depends on are
If not, exit with an error, the supervisor will then try again.
<li>write all logs through <i>runit</i>'s logging facility.
The <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> program takes care that all logs for
the service are written safely to disk.
Therefore there's no need to depend on a system logging service.
<li>optionally when the service is told to become down, take down other
services that depend on this one after disabling the service.
If you want to run service daemons that do not support service supervision
as described above, please refer to
<a href="">this page</a>
about service dependencies I wrote some time ago.
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

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@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
<title>runit - Frequently asked questions</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a><br>
<a href="index.html">runit</a><br>
<h1>runit - Frequently asked questions</h1>
<a href="#what">
What's runit, why is it that different
<a href="#help">
I need some help with runit, what should I do
<a href="#service">
What is a service, what a service daemon
<a href="#license">
What's the license, is runit free software
<a href="#run">
How do I run a service under runit service supervision
<a href="#create">
How do I create a new service directory
<a href="#log">
What is a log service
<a href="#createlog">
How do I create a new service directory with an appendant log service
<a href="#tell">
How do I tell runit about a new service
<a href="#control">
How do I start, stop, or restart a service
<a href="#signal">
How can I send signals to a service daemon
<a href="#status">
How can I query the status of a service
<a href="#remove">
How do I remove a service
<a href="#depends">
How do I make a service depend on another service
<a href="#strongdepends">
How can I make a service affect a dependant service
<a href="#runlevels">
What about runlevels
<a href="#lsb">
What about LSB init scripts compliance
<a href="#user">
Is it possible to allow a user other than root to control a service
<a href="#userservices">
Does runit support user-specific services?
<a href="#readonlyfs">
Does runit work on a read-only filesystem
<a name="what"><h3>
What's runit, why is it that different
What is this runit init scheme about?
Why is it that different from sysvinit and other init schemes?
Please see the <a href="index.html">introduction</a>, and web page about
runit's <a href="benefits.html">benefits</a>.
<a name="help"><h3>
I need some help with runit, what should I do
I have a question, runit is doing something wrong, or I'm doing something
wrong, what should I do?
First see the documentation, especially this list of
<a href="faq.html">frequently asked questions</a>, and the man pages
if you have a question about a specific runit program.
If that still doesn't answer your question, try to search the
<a href="">
supervision mailing list archive</a>.
Finally, if this fails, feel free to post your question to the
<a href="">supervision mailing list</a>.
<a name="service"><h3>
What is a service, what a service daemon
The runit documentation talks about services and service daemons.
What actually is a service, and what a service daemon?
<a name="license"><h3>
What's the license, is runit free software
I would like to distribute runit, in source and binary form.
Am I allowed to do so?
runit is free software, it's licensed under a three-clause BSD alike
See the file <tt>package/COPYING</tt> in the runit tarball.
<a name="run"><h3>
How do I run a service under runit service supervision
I want a service to be run under runit service supervision, so that it's
automatically started on system boot, and supervised while system uptime.
How does that work?
runit doesn't use the usual <tt>/etc/init.d/</tt> init script interface,
but uses a directory per service.
To integrate a service into the runit init scheme,
<a href="#create">create a service directory</a> for the service, and
<a href="#tell">tell runit</a> about it.
<a name="create"><h3>
How do I create a new service directory
How do I create a service directory for the use with runit?
Service directories usually are placed into the <tt>/etc/sv/</tt>
Create a new directory for your service in <tt>/etc/sv/</tt>, put a
<tt>./run</tt> script into it, and make the script executable.
Note that for the use with runit,
<a href="#service">service daemons</a> must not put themself into the
background, but must run in the foreground.
Here's a simple example for a <tt>getty</tt> service:
$ cat /etc/sv/getty-2/run
exec getty 38400 tty2 linux
Note the <tt>exec</tt> in the last line, it tells the shell that
interprets the script to replace itself with the service daemon
<tt>getty</tt>; this is necessary to make
<a href="#control">controlling the service</a> work properly.
<a name="log"><h3>
What is a log service
Additionally to supervising a service runit can supervise an appendant
log service.
What does that mean?
<a name="createlog"><h3>
How do I create a new service directory with an appendant log service
How do I create a service directory with an appendant log service for the
use with runit?
First <a href="#create">create the service directory</a> for the service.
Then create a subdirectory <tt>./log</tt> in the service directory, again
put a <tt>./run</tt> script into it, and make the script executable.
The <tt>./run</tt> script must run a service logging daemon, normally
this is the <a href="svlogd.8.html">svlogd</a> program.
See the <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> man page for details.
Here's an example of a <tt>./log/run</tt> script:
$ cat /etc/sv/socklog-klog/log/run
exec chpst -ulog svlogd -tt ./main
<a name="tell"><h3>
How do I tell runit about a new service
I created a service directory for a service that should run under runit
service supervision.
How do I tell runit about the new service directory, so that it picks
up and runs the service by default?
Create a symbolic link in <tt>/service/</tt> pointing to the service
directory, runit will pick up the service within the next five seconds,
and automatically start it on system boot.
# ln -s /etc/sv/getty-2 /service/
<a name="control"><h3>
How do I start, stop, or restart a service
I want to stop a service temporarily, and probably restart is later, or
I want to have it restarted immediately.
How can I control a service running under runit service supervision?
Use the <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program.
E.g., to restart the <tt>socklog-unix</tt> service, do:
# sv restart socklog-unix
<a name="signal"><h3>
How can I send signals to a service daemon
I want to send a service daemon the HUP signal, to have it re-read its
configuration, or I want to send it the INT signal.
How can a send signals to a service daemon?
Use the <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program.
E.g., to send the <tt>dhcp</tt> service the HUP signal, do:
# sv hup dhcp
<a name="status"><h3>
How can I query the status of a service
I want to now the status of a service, whether it is up and available,
or down as requested, or so.
How can I find out this information?
User the <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program.
E.g., to query or check the status of the <tt>socklog-unix</tt> service,
# sv status socklog-unix
# sv check socklog-unix
<a name="remove"><h3>
How do I remove a service
I want to remove a service that currently runs under runit service
How do I tell runit?
Remove the symbolic link in <tt>/service/</tt> pointing to the service
directory, runit recognizes the removed service within the next five
seconds, then stops the service, the optional log service, and finally the
supervisor process.
# rm /service/getty-2
<a name="depends"><h3>
How do I make a service depend on another service
I have a service that needs another service to be available before it can
How can I tell runit about this dependency?
Make sure in the <tt>./run</tt> script of the dependant service that the
service it depends on is available before the service daemon starts.
The <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program can be used for that.
E.g. the <tt>cron</tt> service wants the <tt>socklog-unix</tt> system
logging service to be available before starting the <tt>cron</tt> service
daemon, so no logs get lost:
$ cat /etc/sv/cron/run
sv start socklog-unix || exit 1
exec cron -f
See also the <a href="dependencies.html">documentation</a>.
<a name="strongdepends"><h3>
How can I make a service affect a dependant service
<a href="#depends">This dependency</a> is not enough.
I have a service that needs to be stopped or restarted, whenever a service
it depends on stops or restarts.
How can I tell runit about that a service affects a dependant service in
such a way?
First think about whether you really need this, it almost never should be
If you really need this,
<a name="runlevels"><h3>
What about runlevels
Other init schemes support runlevels, what about runit?
runit supports runlevels, even more flexible than traditional init schemes.
See <a href="runlevels.html">the documentation</a>.
<a name="lsb"><h3>
What about LSB init scripts compliance
I know about the <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program to control a service,
but have applications that rely on the <tt>/etc/init.d/</tt> scripts
interface as defined through LSB.
Do I need to change the application to work with runit?
You don't need to change the application.
The <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program supports the <tt>/etc/init.d/</tt>
script interface
<a href="">
as defined through LSB</a>.
To make this script interface work for a service, create a symbolic link
in <tt>/etc/init.d/</tt>, named as the service daemon, pointing to the
<a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program, e.g. for the <tt>cron</tt> service:
# ln -s /bin/sv /etc/init.d/cron
# /etc/init.d/cron restart
ok: run: cron: (pid 5869) 0s
<a name="user"><h3>
Is it possible to allow a user other than root to control a service
Using the <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program to control a service, or query
its status informations, only works as root.
Is it possible to allow non-root users to control a service too?
Yes, you simply need to adjust file system permissions for the
<tt>./supervise/</tt> subdirectory in the service directory.
E.g.: to allow the user <tt>burdon</tt> to control the service
<tt>dhcp</tt>, change to the <tt>dhcp</tt> service directory, and do
# chmod 755 ./supervise
# chown burdon ./supervise/ok ./supervise/control ./supervise/status
This works similarly with groups, of course.
<a name="userservices"><h3>
Does runit support user-specific services?
It's very nice to simply
<a href="#tell">create symbolic links</a> to add system-wide services.
Does this work for user-specific services too?
E.g.: to provide the user <tt>floyd</tt> with facility to manage services
through <tt>~/service/</tt>, <a href="#createlog">create a service</a>
<tt>runsvdir-floyd</tt> with the following run script and a usual log/run
script, and <a href="#tell">tell runit</a> about the service
exec 2>&1
exec chpst -ufloyd runsvdir /home/floyd/service
Now <tt>floyd</tt> can create services on his own, and manage them through
symbolic links in <tt>~/service/</tt> to have them run under his user id.
<a name="readonlyfs"><h3>
Does runit work on a read-only filesystem
On my system <tt>/etc/</tt> is mounted read-only by default.
runit uses many files in <tt>/etc/</tt> it needs to write to, like
<tt>/etc/runit/stopit</tt>, and the <tt>./supervise/</tt>
subdirectories in the service directories.
How can I make runit work on my system?
Use symbolic links, runit deals with them well, even with dangling
E.g., make a ramdisk available at a moint point, say <tt>/var/run/</tt>,
and create symbolic links for the files and directories that runit needs
to write access to pointing into <tt>/var/run/</tt>:
# ln -s /var/run/runit.stopit /etc/runit/stopit
# ln -s /var/run/sv.getty-2 /etc/sv/getty-2/supervise
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
<title>runit - a UNIX init scheme with service supervision</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a>
<h1>runit - a UNIX init scheme with service supervision</h1>
<a href="install.html">How to install runit</a><br>
<a href="upgrade.html">Upgrading from previous versions of runit</a>
<a href="benefits.html">Benefits</a><br>
<a href="replaceinit.html">How to replace init</a><br>
<a href="useinit.html">How to use runit with current init</a><br>
<a href="usedietlibc.html">How to use dietlibc</a><br>
<a href="faq.html">Frequently asked questions</a><br>
<a href="runlevels.html">Runlevels</a><br>
<a href="dependencies.html">Service dependencies</a><br>
<a href="runscripts.html">A collection of run scripts</a><br>
<a href="runit.8.html">The <tt>runit</tt> program</a><br>
<a href="runit-init.8.html">The <tt>runit-init</tt> program</a><br>
<a href="sv.8.html">The <tt>sv</tt> program</a><br>
<a href="runsvdir.8.html">The <tt>runsvdir</tt> program</a><br>
<a href="runsvchdir.8.html">The <tt>runsvchdir</tt> program</a><br>
<a href="runsv.8.html">The <tt>runsv</tt> program</a><br>
<a href="svlogd.8.html">The <tt>svlogd</tt> program</a><br>
<a href="chpst.8.html">The <tt>chpst</tt> program</a><br>
<a href="utmpset.8.html">The <tt>utmpset</tt> program</a><br>
<i>runit</i> is a
cross-platform Unix init scheme with service supervision, a replacement for
<a href="">sysvinit</a>,
and other init schemes.
It runs on <b>GNU/Linux</b>, <b>*BSD</b>, <b>MacOSX</b>, <b>Solaris</b>,
and can easily be adapted to other Unix operating systems.
If <i>runit</i> runs for you on any other operating system, please
<a href="">let me know</a>.
<i>runit</i> is discussed on the
<a href="">
mailing list.
Please contact this list and not me privately.
To subscribe send an empty email to
<a href="">
Mailing list archives are available at
<a href=""></a>, and
<a href=""></a>.
The program <a href="runit.8.html">runit</a> is intended to run as Unix
process no 1, it is automatically started by the
<a href="runit-init.8.html">runit-init</a> <tt>/sbin/init</tt>-replacement
if this is started by the kernel.
<a href="runit.8.html">runit</a> performs the system's <i>booting</i>,
<i>running</i> and <i>shutting down</i> in <b>three stages</b>:
<li><b>Stage 1:</b><br>
<i>runit</i> starts <tt>/etc/runit/1</tt> and waits for it to
The system's one time initialization tasks are done here.
<tt>/etc/runit/1</tt> has full control over <tt>/dev/console</tt> to be
able to start an emergency shell in case the one time initialization
tasks fail.
<li><b>Stage 2:</b><br>
<i>runit</i> starts <tt>/etc/runit/2</tt> which should not return
until the system is going to halt or reboot; if it crashes, it will be
Normally, <tt>/etc/runit/2</tt> runs
<a href="runsvdir.8.html">runsvdir</a>.
In Stage 2 <i>runit</i> optionally handles the INT signal (ctrl-alt-del
keyboard request on Linux/i386).
<li><b>Stage 3:</b><br>
If <i>runit</i> is told to halt or reboot the system, or Stage 2 returns
without errors, it terminates Stage 2 if it is running, and runs
The systems tasks to shutdown and halt or reboot are done here.
These are working examples for Debian sarge:
<a href="debian/1">/etc/runit/1</a>,
<a href="debian/2">/etc/runit/2</a>,
<a href="debian/3">/etc/runit/3</a>.
The program <a href="runit-init.8.html">runit-init</a> is intended to
replace <tt>/sbin/init</tt>.
The command <b><tt>init 0</tt></b> tells <i>runit</i> to halt the system,
and <b><tt>init 6</tt></b> to reboot.
<a href="runlevels.html">Runlevels</a> are handled through the
<a href="runsvdir.8.html">runsvdir</a> and
<a href="runsvchdir.8.html">runsvchdir</a> programs.
Service <a href="dependencies.html">dependencies</a> are resolved
<i>runit</i> is optimized for reliability and small size.
The amount of code in process no 1 should be minimal.
See <a href="install.html">How to install runit</a> for installing
<i>runit</i>, and <a href="replaceinit.html">How to replace init</a> for
configuring <i>runit</i> to run as process no 1.
See <a href="useinit.html">How to use with current init</a> if you want to
use <i>runit</i> without replacing the current init scheme.
Please read the list of
<a href="faq.html">Frequently asked questions with answers</a>.
If <i>runit</i> on Linux is compiled and linked with the
<a href="">dietlibc</a>, it yields in a
statically linked <tt>runit</tt> binary of 8.5k size and this
<tt>ps axuw</tt> output on my system:
root 1 0.0 0.0 20 16 ? S 2002 0:02 runit
I recommend doing this; for instructions, see
<a href="usedietlibc.html">How to use dietlibc</a>.
The following distributions are known to include or package <i>runit</i>:
<li><a href="">
Debian GNU/Linux</a> (as alternative init scheme)
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
Ubuntu</a> (as alternative init scheme)
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
Linux from Scratch</a>
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
SME server</a>
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
Dragora GNU/Linux</a> (as default init scheme)
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
<li><a href="">
Zinux Linux</a> (as default init scheme)
<li><a href="">
deepOfix Mail Server</a> (as default init scheme)
If you know of more distributions, please
<a href="">let me know</a>.
<b><i>runit</i> in use</b>:
I replaced <i>sysvinit</i> successfully with <i>runit</i> on several server
systems and a laptop running Debian/GNU Linux sarge, woody, and potato.
Here is an example:
# strings /proc/1/exe |grep Id
&#36;Id: runit.c,v 1.7 2002/02/13 09:59:52 pape Exp &#36;
# uptime
11:59:13 up 365 days, 23:22, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00
# ps axuw |head -n20
root 1 0.0 0.0 20 16 ? S 2002 0:07 runit
root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 2002 0:00 [keventd]
root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SWN 2002 0:51 [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 2002 144:38 [kswapd]
root 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 2002 0:08 [bdflush]
root 6 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW 2002 7:24 [kupdated]
root 168 0.0 0.0 1652 168 ? S 2002 0:27 /usr/sbin/cron
root 174 0.0 0.0 36 24 ? S 2002 1:06 runsvdir /var/service log: ...............................................................................................
root 176 0.0 0.0 20 20 ? S 2002 0:00 runsv qmail-send
root 177 0.0 0.0 20 20 ? S 2002 0:00 runsv getty-5
root 178 0.0 0.0 20 20 ? S 2002 0:00 runsv getty-4
root 179 0.0 0.0 20 20 ? S 2002 0:00 runsv getty-3
root 180 0.0 0.0 20 20 ? S 2002 0:00 runsv getty-2
root 182 0.0 0.0 20 20 ? S 2002 0:00 runsv socklog-unix
root 183 0.0 0.0 1256 4 tty5 S 2002 0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty5 linux
root 184 0.0 0.0 1256 4 tty3 S 2002 0:00 getty 38400 tty3 linux
root 185 0.0 0.0 20 20 ? S 2002 0:00 runsv socklog-klog
root 186 0.0 0.0 20 20 ? S 2002 0:00 runsv ssh
root 187 0.0 0.0 1256 4 tty4 S 2002 0:00 getty 38400 tty4 linux
# pstree
| `-qmail-send-+-qmail-clean
| |-qmail-lspawn
| `-qmail-rspawn---qmail-remote
| `-socklog]
| `-sshd-+-sshd---sshd---bash---bash---pstree
| `-sshd---sshd---rsync
| `-multilog
| |-gcache
| `-4*[multilog]
| `-tcpserver]
| `-tinydns]
| `-tcpsvd]
| `-tcpsvd-+-smtpfront-qmail
| `-smtpfront-qmail---qmail-queue
See <a href=""></a>
for recent informations.
Related links:
<li><a href="">
minit</a> - a small yet feature-complete init
<li><a href="">
svscan as process 1</a> - by Paul Jarc
<li><a href="">
sysvinit</a> - source code
<li><a href="">
FreeBSD's init</a> - CVS repository
<li><a href="">
NetBSD's init</a> - CVS repository
<li><a href="">
OpenBSD's init</a> - CVS repository
<li><a href="">
Linux Boot Scripts</a> - by Richard Gooch
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
<title>runit - installation</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a><br>
<a href="index.html">runit</a><br>
<h1>runit - installation</h1>
<i>runit</i> installs into
<a href="">/package</a>.
If you don't have a <tt>/package</tt> directory, create it now:
# mkdir -p /package
# chmod 1755 /package
<a href="runit-2.1.2.tar.gz">runit-2.1.2.tar.gz</a> into <tt>/package</tt>
and unpack the archive
# cd /package
# gunzip runit-2.1.2.tar
# tar -xpf runit-2.1.2.tar
# rm runit-2.1.2.tar
# cd admin/runit-2.1.2
On MacOSX, do
# echo 'cc -Xlinker -x' &gt;src/conf-ld
# cp src/Makefile src/Makefile.old
# sed -e 's/ -static//' &lt;src/Makefile.old &gt;src/Makefile
Now compile and install the <i>runit</i> programs
# package/install
If you want to make the man pages available in the <tt>/usr/local/man/</tt>
hierarchy, do:
# package/install-man
To report success:
# mail &lt;compile/sysdeps
If you use <i>runit</i> regularly, please
<a href="">contribute</a> to the project.
Refer to <a href="replaceinit.html">replacing init</a> for
replacing <i>init</i> with <i>runit</i>, or to
<a href="useinit.html">use with traditional init</a> for running
<i>runit</i>'s service supervision with your system's current <i>init</i>
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
<title>runit - replacing init</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a><br>
<a href="index.html">runit</a>
<h1>runit - replacing init</h1>
<a href="#sysv">How to replace sysvinit on GNU/Linux</a><br>
<a href="#bsd">How to replace init on *BSD</a><br>
<a href="#macosx">How to replace init on MacOSX</a><br>
<a href="#solaris">How to replace init on Solaris</a>
<a name="sysv"><h2>Replacing sysvinit (GNU/Linux)</h2></a>
Follow these steps to migrate from <i>sysvinit</i> to <i>runit</i> on
<a href="">Debian GNU/Linux (woody)</a>.
The <tt>/sbin/init</tt> binary is not replaced until step 6, <i>runit</i> is
the default Unix process no 1 after step 7.
If you have installed the precompiled Debian package, start at step 3.
<h3>Step 1: The three stages</h3>
<i>runit</i> looks for the three stages implementing the system's
<i>booting</i>, <i>running</i> and <i>shutdown</i> in <tt>/etc/runit/1</tt>,
<tt>/etc/runit/2</tt> and <tt>/etc/runit/3</tt>, create the files now:
# mkdir -p /etc/runit
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/debian/[123] /etc/runit/
Create also a getty service directory:
# mkdir -p /etc/sv/getty-5
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/debian/getty-tty5/run /etc/sv/getty-5/
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/debian/getty-tty5/finish /etc/sv/getty-5/
If you want <i>runit</i> to handle the ctrl-alt-del keyboard request, do:
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/debian/ctrlaltdel /etc/runit/
<h3>Step 2: The runit programs</h3>
The <i>runit</i> programs must reside on the root partition, copy them to
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/command/runit* /sbin/
<h3>Step 3: The getties</h3>
At least one getty must run in stage 2 so that you are able to login.
Choose a free <tt>tty</tt>, say <tt>tty5</tt>, where <i>sysvinit</i> is not
running any getty (edit <tt>/etc/inittab</tt> and <tt>kill -HUP 1</tt> if
needed), and tell <a href="runsvdir.8.html">runsvdir</a> about the getty-5
# mkdir -p /service
# ln -s /etc/sv/getty-5 /service/
Start <i>runit</i>'s stage 2 for testing:
# /etc/runit/2 &
And check that the getty is running.
<h3>Step 4: Reboot into runit for testing</h3>
Boot your system with <i>runit</i> for the first time.
This does not change the default boot behavior of your system, <i>lilo</i>
will be told to use <i>runit</i> just once:
<li>reboot the system
<li>enter the following on the lilo prompt:<br>
<li>watch the console output while <i>runit</i> boots up the system
<li>switch to <tt>tty5</tt> when stage 2 is reached, a <tt>getty</tt>
should run there, you are able to login.
If you are not using <i>lilo</i> as boot loader, refer to the documentation
of your boot loader on how to pass <tt>init=/sbin/runit-init</tt> to the
<h3>Step 5: Service migration</h3>
The goal is to migrate all services from <i>sysvinit</i> scheme to the
<i>runit</i> service supervision design; take a look at these
<a href="runscripts.html">run scripts</a> for popular services.
The migration can be done smoothly.
For those services that are not migrated to use <tt>run</tt> scripts yet,
add the corresponding <tt>init</tt>-script startup to <tt>/etc/runit/1</tt>,
# one time tasks
/etc/init.d/kerneld start
touch /etc/runit/stopit
chmod 0 /etc/runit/stopit
It is possible to just add <tt>/etc/init.d/rc 2</tt> for having all services
from the former runlevel 2 started as one time tasks, but keep the goal above
in mind, supervising services has great advantages.
To migrate a service,
<a href="faq.html#create">create a service directory</a>, disable the service
if it is running, disable the service in <tt>/etc/rc.conf</tt> or remove the
service startup from the <tt>/etc/rc.*</tt> scripts and
<a href="faq.html#tell">tell runsvdir</a> about the new service.
Repeat step 4 and 5, using <tt><b>/sbin/runit-init 6</b></tt> to reboot the
system, until you are satisfied with your services startup.
If anything goes wrong, reboot the system into the default <i>sysvinit</i>
<tt>/sbin/init</tt> and repair the <i>runit</i> stages, then start again at
step 4.
<h3>Step 6: Replace /sbin/init</h3>
Now it is time to replace the <i>sysvinit</i> <tt>/sbin/init</tt> binary:
# mv /sbin/init /sbin/init.sysv
# ln -s runit-init /sbin/init
<h3>Step 7: Final reboot</h3>
The last step is to do the final reboot to boot the system with the new
default Unix process no 1 <i>runit</i>.
# init 6
To report success:
# ( uname -a ; cat /etc/runit/[123] ) |mail
<a name="bsd"><h2>Replacing init (*BSD)</h2></a>
Follow these steps to migrate from <i>init</i> to <i>runit</i> on
<a href="">OpenBSD 2.9</a> or
<a href="">FreeBSD 4.4</a>.
The <tt>/sbin/init</tt> binary is not replaced until step 4.
<h3>Step 1: The three stages</h3>
<i>runit</i> looks for the three stages implementing the system's
<i>booting</i>, <i>running</i> and <i>shutdown</i> in <tt>/etc/runit/1</tt>,
<tt>/etc/runit/2</tt> and <tt>/etc/runit/3</tt> respectively.
Create the scripts now:
# mkdir -p /etc/runit
OpenBSD 2.9:
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/openbsd/[123] /etc/runit/
FreeBSD 4.4:
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/freebsd/[123] /etc/runit/
Remove the <tt>svscanboot</tt> startup from <tt>/etc/rc.local</tt> by
deleting the line <tt>csh -cf '/command/svscanboot &'</tt> (this normally
is the last one); <i>runit</i> will start
<a href="runsvdir.8.html">runsvdir</a> in stage 2 after running
<tt>rc.local</tt> in stage 1.
# vi /etc/rc.local
<h3>Step 2: The runit programs</h3>
The <i>runit</i> programs must reside on the root partition, install them
into <tt>/sbin</tt>:
# install -m0500 /package/admin/runit/command/runit* /sbin/
<h3>Step 3: The getties</h3>
At least one getty must run in stage 2 so that you are able to login.
To have it run on the virtual console no 5, create the getty-5 service
# mkdir -p /etc/sv/getty-5
OpenBSD 2.9:
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/openbsd/getty-ttyC4/run /etc/sv/getty-5/
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/openbsd/getty-ttyC4/finish /etc/sv/getty-5/
FreeBSD 4.4:
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/freebsd/getty-ttyv4/run /etc/sv/getty-5/
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/freebsd/getty-ttyv4/finish /etc/sv/getty-5/
and tell <a href="runsvdir.8.html">runsvdir</a> about the <tt>getty-5</tt>
# mkdir -p /service
# ln -s /etc/sv/getty-5 /service/
Start <i>runit</i>'s stage 2 for testing:
# /etc/runit/2 &
And check that the getty is running.
<h3>Step 4: Replace the <tt>/sbin/init</tt> binary</h3>
Before replacing the <tt>init</tt> binary, make sure that you are able
to boot your system alternatively, e.g. with a boot floppy, to restore the
former <tt>/sbin/init</tt> if anything goes wrong.
Make a backup copy of the current <tt>/sbin/init</tt> program and replace
it with <tt>/sbin/runit-init</tt>:
# cp -p /sbin/init /sbin/init.bsd
# install /sbin/runit-init /sbin/init
Boot your system with <i>runit</i> for the first time:
# reboot
Watch the console output while <i>runit</i> boots up the system.
Switch to the virtual console 5 (CTRL-ALT-F5) when stage 2 is reached, a
getty should run there, you are able to login.
Use <b>init 6</b> to reboot and <b>init 0</b> to halt a system that runs
This will cause <i>runit</i> to enter stage 3 which runs
<tt>/sbin/reboot</tt> or <tt>/sbin/halt</tt> as last command.
To report success:
# ( uname -a ; cat /etc/runit/[123] ) |mail
<h3>Step 5: Service migration</h3>
The goal is to migrate all services from <i>/etc/rc.*</i> scheme to the
<i>runit</i> service supervision design; take a look at these
<a href="runscripts.html">run scripts</a> for popular services.
The migration can be done smoothly.
By default <i>runit</i> runs the <tt>/etc/rc</tt> scripts in stage 1 as a
one time task, so the services are started automatically:
# system one time tasks
/bin/sh /etc/rc autoboot
touch /etc/runit/stopit
chmod 0 /etc/runit/stopit
To migrate a service,
<a href="faq.html#create">create a service directory</a>, disable the service
if it is running, disable the service in <tt>/etc/rc.conf</tt> or remove the
service startup from the <tt>/etc/rc.*</tt> scripts and
<a href="faq.html#tell">tell runsvdir</a> about the new service.
<a name="macosx"><h2>Replacing init on MacOSX</h2></a>
Replacing init on MacOSX is not yet supported.
Please refer to the <a href="useinit.html">instructions</a> on how to use
<i>runit</i> service supervision with the MacOSX init scheme.
<a name="solaris"><h2>Replacing init on Solaris</h2></a>
Replacing init on Solaris is not yet supported.
Please refer to the <a href="useinit.html">instructions</a> on how to use
<i>runit</i> service supervision with the Solaris sysvinit scheme.
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
<title>runit-init(8) manual page</title>
<body bgcolor='white'>
<a href=''>G. Pape</a><br><a href='index.html'>runit</A><hr><p>
<h2><a name='sect0'>Name</a></h2>
init - a UNIX process no 1
<h2><a name='sect1'>Synopsis</a></h2>
<b>init</b> [ 0 | 6 ]
<h2><a name='sect2'>Description</a></h2>
is the first process the kernel starts. If <b>runit-init</b> is started as process
no 1, it runs and replaces itself with <i><b>runit</b>(8)</i>. <p>
If <b>runit-init</b> is started
while the system is up, it must be either called as <b>init 0</b> or <b>init 6:</b>
0</b> </dt>
<dd>tells the Unix process no 1 to shutdown and halt the system. To signal
<i><b>runit</b>(8)</i> the system halt request, <b>runit-init</b> removes all permissions of
the file <i>/etc/runit/reboot</i> (chmod 0), and sets the execute by owner permission
of the file <i>/etc/runit/stopit</i> (chmod 100). Then a CONT signal is sent to
<i><b>runit</b>(8)</i>. </dd>
<dt><b>init 6</b> </dt>
<dd>tells the Unix process no 1 to shutdown and reboot the
system. To signal <i><b>runit</b>(8)</i> the system reboot request, <b>runit-init</b> sets the
execute by owner permission of the files <i>/etc/runit/reboot</i> and <i>/etc/runit/stopit</i>
(chmod 100). Then a CONT signal is sent to <i><b>runit</b>(8)</i>. </dd>
<h2><a name='sect3'>Exit Codes</a></h2>
returns 111 on error, 0 in all other cases.
<h2><a name='sect4'>See Also</a></h2>
<i>runit(8)</i>, <i>runsvdir(8)</i>,
<i>runsvchdir(8)</i>, <i>sv(8)</i>, <i>runsv(8)</i>, <i>chpst(8)</i>, <i>utmpset(8)</i>, <i>svlogd(8)</i> <p>
<h2><a name='sect5'>Author</a></h2>
Gerrit Pape &lt;; <p>
<a name='toc'><b>Table of Contents</b></a><p>
<li><a name='toc0' href='#sect0'>Name</a></li>
<li><a name='toc1' href='#sect1'>Synopsis</a></li>
<li><a name='toc2' href='#sect2'>Description</a></li>
<li><a name='toc3' href='#sect3'>Exit Codes</a></li>
<li><a name='toc4' href='#sect4'>See Also</a></li>
<li><a name='toc5' href='#sect5'>Author</a></li>

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
<title>runit(8) manual page</title>
<body bgcolor='white'>
<a href=''>G. Pape</a><br><a href='index.html'>runit</A><hr><p>
<h2><a name='sect0'>Name</a></h2>
runit - a UNIX process no 1
<h2><a name='sect1'>Synopsis</a></h2>
<h2><a name='sect2'>Description</a></h2>
<b>runit</b> must be run
as Unix process no 1. It performs the system&rsquo;s booting, running, and shutdown
in three stages:
<h2><a name='sect3'>Stage 1</a></h2>
<b>runit</b> runs <i>/etc/runit/1</i> and waits for it to terminate.
The system&rsquo;s one time tasks are done here. <i>/etc/runit/1</i> has full control
of <i>/dev/console</i> to be able to start an emergency shell if the one time
initialization tasks fail. If <i>/etc/runit/1</i> crashes, or exits 100, <b>runit</b>
will skip stage 2 and enter stage 3.
<h2><a name='sect4'>Stage 2</a></h2>
<b>runit</b> runs <i>/etc/runit/2</i>, which
should not return until system shutdown; if it crashes, or exits 111, it
will be restarted. Normally <i>/etc/runit/2</i> starts <i><b>runsvdir</b>(8)</i>. <b>runit</b> is able
to handle the ctrl-alt-del keyboard request in stage 2, see below.
<h2><a name='sect5'>Stage 3</a></h2>
<b>runit</b> is told to shutdown the system, or stage 2 returns, it terminates
stage 2 if it is running, and runs <i>/etc/runit/3</i>. The systems tasks to shutdown
and possibly halt or reboot the system are done here. If stage 3 returns,
<b>runit</b> checks if the file <i>/etc/runit/reboot</i> exists and has the execute by
owner permission set. If so, the system is rebooted, it&rsquo;s halted otherwise.
<h2><a name='sect6'>Ctrl-alt-del</a></h2>
If <b>runit</b> receives the ctrl-alt-del keyboard request and the file
<i>/etc/runit/ctrlaltdel</i> exists and has the execute by owner permission set,
<b>runit</b> runs <i>/etc/runit/ctrlaltdel</i>, waits for it to terminate, and then sends
itself a CONT signal.
<h2><a name='sect7'>Signals</a></h2>
<b>runit</b> only accepts signals in stage 2. <p>
If <b>runit</b>
receives a CONT signal and the file <i>/etc/runit/stopit</i> exists and has the
execute by owner permission set, <b>runit</b> is told to shutdown the system. <p>
<b>runit</b> receives an INT signal, a ctrl-alt-del keyboard request is triggered.
<h2><a name='sect8'>See Also</a></h2>
<i>runit-init(8)</i>, <i>runsvdir(8)</i>, <i>runsvchdir(8)</i>, <i>sv(8)</i>, <i>runsv(8)</i>, <i>chpst(8)</i>,
<i>utmpset(8)</i>, <i>svlogd(8)</i> <p>
<h2><a name='sect9'>Author</a></h2>
Gerrit Pape &lt;;
<a name='toc'><b>Table of Contents</b></a><p>
<li><a name='toc0' href='#sect0'>Name</a></li>
<li><a name='toc1' href='#sect1'>Synopsis</a></li>
<li><a name='toc2' href='#sect2'>Description</a></li>
<li><a name='toc3' href='#sect3'>Stage 1</a></li>
<li><a name='toc4' href='#sect4'>Stage 2</a></li>
<li><a name='toc5' href='#sect5'>Stage 3</a></li>
<li><a name='toc6' href='#sect6'>Ctrl-alt-del</a></li>
<li><a name='toc7' href='#sect7'>Signals</a></li>
<li><a name='toc8' href='#sect8'>See Also</a></li>
<li><a name='toc9' href='#sect9'>Author</a></li>

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
<title>runit - runlevels</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a><br>
<a href="index.html">runit</a><br>
<h1>runit - runlevels</h1>
<a href="#prepare">Prepare runit for using runlevels</a><br>
<a href="#switch">Switching runlevels</a><br>
<a href="#create">Creating runlevels</a>
<a name="prepare"><h3>Prepare runit</h3></a>
If not yet done, configure your system to use
<a href="runit.8.html">runit</a> as process no 1 by following the
<a href="replaceinit.html">instructions</a>.
Create the following directories and symbolic links:
# mkdir -p /etc/runit/runsvdir/default
# mkdir -p /etc/runit/runsvdir/single
# ln -s /etc/sv/getty-5 /etc/runit/runsvdir/single/
# ln -s default /etc/runit/runsvdir/current
Copy the contents of <tt>/service/</tt> to
<tt>/etc/runit/runsvdir/current/</tt> and replace <tt>/service/</tt>
with a symbolic link:
# cp -pR /service/* /etc/runit/runsvdir/current/
# mv -f /service /service.old && \
ln -s /etc/runit/runsvdir/current /service
You have now created two runlevels: <tt>default</tt> and <tt>single</tt>.
The <tt>current</tt> runlevel is <tt>default</tt>.
It is safe to remove <tt>/service.old/</tt> if you don't need it anymore.
Finally edit <tt>/etc/runit/2</tt> to set the <tt>default</tt> runlevel when
stage 2 starts:
$ cat /etc/runit/2
<b>runsvchdir default &gt;/dev/null</b>
exec env - PATH=$PATH \
runsvdir /service 'log: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................'
<a name="switch"><h3>Switching runlevels</h3></a>
Switching runlevels with <i>runit</i> is done by switching the directory the
<a href="runsvdir.8.html">runsvdir</a> program is running in.
This is done by the <a href="runsvchdir.8.html">runsvchdir</a> program, e.g.
to switch to the <tt>single</tt> user runlevel, do:
# runsvchdir single
To switch back to the <tt>default</tt> runlevel, do:
# runsvchdir default
See <a href="runsvdir.8.html">the runsvdir program</a> for a description of
what happens when <i>runsvdir</i> sees the directory changed.
Note that there is no guarantee that all services from the <tt>previous</tt>
runlevel will stop, the <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> processes have sent
the service daemons a SIGTERM and wait for them to terminate.
You can check the status of the <tt>previous</tt> runlevel through
<a name="create"><h3>Creating new runlevels</h3></a>
To create a new runlevel, simply create a new directory in
The name of the directory is the name of the new runlevel.
The name must not start with a dot and must not be <tt>current</tt>,
<tt></tt>, or <tt>previous</tt>, e.g.:
# mkdir /etc/runit/runsvdir/maintenance
Add the services you want to run in the runlevel <tt>maintenance</tt> to the
newly created directory, e.g.:
# ln -s /etc/sv/getty-5 /etc/runit/runsvdir/maintenance/
# ln -s /etc/sv/ssh /etc/runit/runsvdir/maintenance/
# ln -s /etc/sv/dnscache /etc/runit/runsvdir/maintenance/
If you want to switch to the runlevel <tt>maintenance</tt>, do:
# runsvchdir maintenance
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
<title>runsv(8) manual page</title>
<body bgcolor='white'>
<a href=''>G. Pape</a><br><a href='index.html'>runit</A><hr><p>
<h2><a name='sect0'>Name</a></h2>
runsv - starts and monitors a service and optionally an appendant log
<h2><a name='sect1'>Synopsis</a></h2>
<b>runsv</b> <i>service</i>
<h2><a name='sect2'>Description</a></h2>
<i>service</i> must be a directory. <p>
switches to the directory <i>service</i> and starts ./run. If ./run exits and ./finish
exists, <b>runsv</b> starts ./finish. If ./finish doesn&rsquo;t exist or ./finish exits,
<b>runsv</b> restarts ./run. <p>
If ./run or ./finish exit immediately, <b>runsv</b> waits a
second before starting ./finish or restarting ./run. <p>
Two arguments are given
to ./finish. The first one is ./run&rsquo;s exit code, or -1 if ./run didn&rsquo;t exit normally.
The second one is the least significant byte of the exit status as determined
by <i><b>waitpid</b>(2)</i>; for instance it is 0 if ./run exited normally, and the signal
number if ./run was terminated by a signal. If <b>runsv</b> cannot start ./run for
some reason, the exit code is 111 and the status is 0. <p>
If the file <i>service</i>/down
exists, <b>runsv</b> does not start ./run immediately. The control interface (see
below) can be used to start the service and to give other commands to <b>runsv</b>.
If the directory <i>service</i>/log exists, <b>runsv</b> creates a pipe, redirects <i>service</i>/run&rsquo;s
and <i>service</i>/finish&rsquo;s standard output to the pipe, switches to the directory
<i>service</i>/log and starts ./run (and ./finish) exactly as described above for
the <i>service</i> directory. The standard input of the log service is redirected
to read from the pipe. <p>
<b>runsv</b> maintains status information in a binary format
(compatible to the daemontools&rsquo; <b>supervise</b> program) in <i>service</i>/supervise/status
and <i>service</i>/log/supervise/status, and in a human-readable format in <i>service</i>/supervise/stat,
<i>service</i>/log/supervise/stat, <i>service</i>/supervise/pid, <i>service</i>/log/supervise/pid.
<h2><a name='sect3'>Control</a></h2>
The named pipes <i>service</i>/supervise/control, and (optionally) <i>service</i>/log/supervise/control
are provided to give commands to <b>runsv</b>. You can use <i><b>sv</b>(8)</i> to control the
service or just write one of the following characters to the named pipe:
<dt><b>u</b> </dt>
<dd>Up. If the service is not running, start it. If the service stops, restart
it. </dd>
<dt><b>d</b> </dt>
<dd>Down. If the service is running, send it a TERM signal, and then a
CONT signal. If ./run exits, start ./finish if it exists. After it stops, do
not restart service. </dd>
<dt><b>o</b> </dt>
<dd>Once. If the service is not running, start it. Do not
restart it if it stops. </dd>
<dt><b>p</b> </dt>
<dd>Pause. If the service is running, send it a STOP
signal. </dd>
<dt><b>c</b> </dt>
<dd>Continue. If the service is running, send it a CONT signal. </dd>
<dt><b>h</b> </dt>
If the service is running, send it a HUP signal. </dd>
<dt><b>a</b> </dt>
<dd>Alarm. If the service
is running, send it a ALRM signal. </dd>
<dt><b>i</b> </dt>
<dd>Interrupt. If the service is running,
send it a INT signal. </dd>
<dt><b>q</b> </dt>
<dd>Quit. If the service is running, send it a QUIT signal. </dd>
<dt><b>1</b> </dt>
<dd>User-defined 1. If the service is running, send it a USR1 signal. </dd>
<dt><b>2</b> </dt>
<dd>User-defined 2. If the service is running, send it a USR2 signal. </dd>
<dt><b>t</b> </dt>
<dd>Terminate. If the service
is running, send it a TERM signal. </dd>
<dt><b>k</b> </dt>
<dd>Kill. If the service is running, send
it a KILL signal. </dd>
<dt><b>x</b> </dt>
<dd>Exit. If the service is running, send it a TERM signal,
and then a CONT signal. Do not restart the service. If the service is down,
and no log service exists, <b>runsv</b> exits. If the service is down and a log
service exists, <b>runsv</b> closes the standard input of the log service, and
waits for it to terminate. If the log service is down, <b>runsv</b> exits. This
command is ignored if it is given to <i>service</i>/log/supervise/control. </dd>
to send a TERM signal to the socklog-unix service, either do # sv term
# printf t &gt;/service/socklog-unix/supervise/control<br>
<i><b>printf</b>(1)</i> usually blocks if no <b>runsv</b> process is running in the service
<h2><a name='sect4'>Customize Control</a></h2>
For each control character <i>c</i> sent to the control
pipe, <b>runsv</b> first checks if <i>service</i>/control/<i>c</i> exists and is executable.
If so, it starts <i>service</i>/control/<i>c</i> and waits for it to terminate, before
interpreting the command. If the program exits with return code 0, <b>runsv</b>
refrains from sending the service the corresponding signal. The command
<i>o</i> is always considered as command <i>u</i>. On command <i>d</i> first <i>service</i>/control/<i>t</i>
is checked, and then <i>service</i>/control/<i>d</i>. On command <i>x</i> first <i>service</i>/control/<i>t</i>
is checked, and then <i>service</i>/control/<i>x</i>. The control of the optional log
service cannot be customized.
<h2><a name='sect5'>Signals</a></h2>
If <b>runsv</b> receives a TERM signal, it
acts as if the character x was written to the control pipe.
<h2><a name='sect6'>Exit Codes</a></h2>
exits 111 on an error on startup or if another <b>runsv</b> is running in <i>service</i>.
<b>runsv</b> exits 0 if it was told to exit.
<h2><a name='sect7'>See Also</a></h2>
<i>sv(8)</i>, <i>chpst(8)</i>, <i>svlogd(8)</i>,
<i>runit(8)</i>, <i>runit-init(8)</i>, <i>runsvdir(8)</i>, <i>runsvchdir(8)</i>, <i>utmpset(8)</i> <p>
<h2><a name='sect8'>Author</a></h2>
Gerrit Pape &lt;; <p>
<a name='toc'><b>Table of Contents</b></a><p>
<li><a name='toc0' href='#sect0'>Name</a></li>
<li><a name='toc1' href='#sect1'>Synopsis</a></li>
<li><a name='toc2' href='#sect2'>Description</a></li>
<li><a name='toc3' href='#sect3'>Control</a></li>
<li><a name='toc4' href='#sect4'>Customize Control</a></li>
<li><a name='toc5' href='#sect5'>Signals</a></li>
<li><a name='toc6' href='#sect6'>Exit Codes</a></li>
<li><a name='toc7' href='#sect7'>See Also</a></li>
<li><a name='toc8' href='#sect8'>Author</a></li>

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<title>runsvchdir(8) manual page</title>
<body bgcolor='white'>
<a href=''>G. Pape</a><br><a href='index.html'>runit</A><hr><p>
<h2><a name='sect0'>Name</a></h2>
runsvchdir - change services directory of <i>runsvdir(8)</i>
<h2><a name='sect1'>Synopsis</a></h2>
<h2><a name='sect2'>Description</a></h2>
<i>dir</i> is a services directory for the use with <i><b>runsvdir</b>(8)</i>.
If <i>dir</i> does not start with a slash, it is searched in /etc/runit/runsvdir/.
<i>dir</i> must not start with a dot. <p>
<b>runsvchdir</b> switches to the directory <i>/etc/runit/runsvdir/</i>,
copies <i>current</i> to <i>previous</i>, and replaces <i>current</i> with a symlink pointing
to <i>dir</i>. <p>
Normally <i>/service</i> is a symlink to <i>current</i>, and <i><b>runsvdir</b>(8)</i> is running
<h2><a name='sect3'>Exit Codes</a></h2>
<b>runsvchdir</b> prints an error message and exits 111 on
error. <b>runsvchdir</b> exits 0 on success.
<h2><a name='sect4'>Files</a></h2>
<h2><a name='sect5'>See Also</a></h2>
<i>runsvdir(8)</i>, <i>runit(8)</i>, <i>runit-init(8)</i>, <i>sv(8)</i>, <i>runsv(8)</i> <p>
<h2><a name='sect6'>Author</a></h2>
Gerrit Pape &lt;; <p>
<a name='toc'><b>Table of Contents</b></a><p>
<li><a name='toc0' href='#sect0'>Name</a></li>
<li><a name='toc1' href='#sect1'>Synopsis</a></li>
<li><a name='toc2' href='#sect2'>Description</a></li>
<li><a name='toc3' href='#sect3'>Exit Codes</a></li>
<li><a name='toc4' href='#sect4'>Files</a></li>
<li><a name='toc5' href='#sect5'>See Also</a></li>
<li><a name='toc6' href='#sect6'>Author</a></li>

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
<title>runsvdir(8) manual page</title>
<body bgcolor='white'>
<a href=''>G. Pape</a><br><a href='index.html'>runit</A><hr><p>
<h2><a name='sect0'>Name</a></h2>
runsvdir - starts and monitors a collection of <i>runsv(8)</i> processes
<h2><a name='sect1'>Synopsis</a></h2>
[-P] <i>dir</i> [ <i>log</i> ]
<h2><a name='sect2'>Description</a></h2>
<i>dir</i> must be a directory. <i>log</i> is a space holder
for a readproctitle log, and must be at least seven characters long or
absent. <p>
<b>runsvdir</b> starts a <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> process for each subdirectory, or symlink
to a directory, in the services directory <i>dir</i>, up to a limit of 1000 subdirectories,
and restarts a <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> process if it terminates. <b>runsvdir</b> skips subdirectory
names starting with dots. <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> must be in <b>runsvdir</b>&rsquo;s PATH. <p>
At least every
five seconds <b>runsvdir</b> checks whether the time of last modification, the
inode, or the device, of the services directory <i>dir</i> has changed. If so,
it re-scans the service directory, and if it sees a new subdirectory, or
new symlink to a directory, in <i>dir</i>, it starts a new <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> process; if
<b>runsvdir</b> sees a subdirectory being removed that was previously there, it
sends the corresponding <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> process a TERM signal, stops monitoring
this process, and so does not restart the <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> process if it exits.
If the <i>log</i> argument is given to <b>runsvdir</b>, all output to standard error
is redirected to this <i>log</i>, which is similar to the daemontools&rsquo; <b>readproctitle</b>
log. To see the most recent error messages, use a process-listing tool such
as <i><b>ps</b>(1)</i>. <b>runsvdir</b> writes a dot to the readproctitle log every 15 minutes
so that old error messages expire.
<h2><a name='sect3'>Options</a></h2>
<dt><b>-P</b> </dt>
<dd>use <i><b>setsid</b>(2)</i> to run each <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i>
process in a new session and separate process group. </dd>
<h2><a name='sect4'>Signals</a></h2>
If <b>runsvdir</b>
receives a TERM signal, it exits with 0 immediately. <p>
If <b>runsvdir</b> receives
a HUP signal, it sends a TERM signal to each <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> process it is monitoring
and then exits with 111.
<h2><a name='sect5'>See Also</a></h2>
<i>sv(8)</i>, <i>runsv(8)</i>, <i>runsvchdir(8)</i>, <i>runit(8)</i>,
<i>runit-init(8)</i>, <i>chpst(8)</i>, <i>svlogd(8)</i>, <i>utmpset(8)</i>, <i>setsid(2)</i> <p>
<h2><a name='sect6'>Author</a></h2>
Gerrit Pape &lt;; <p>
<a name='toc'><b>Table of Contents</b></a><p>
<li><a name='toc0' href='#sect0'>Name</a></li>
<li><a name='toc1' href='#sect1'>Synopsis</a></li>
<li><a name='toc2' href='#sect2'>Description</a></li>
<li><a name='toc3' href='#sect3'>Options</a></li>
<li><a name='toc4' href='#sect4'>Signals</a></li>
<li><a name='toc5' href='#sect5'>See Also</a></li>
<li><a name='toc6' href='#sect6'>Author</a></li>

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@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
<title>sv(8) manual page</title>
<body bgcolor='white'>
<a href=''>G. Pape</a><br><a href='index.html'>runit</A><hr><p>
<h2><a name='sect0'>Name</a></h2>
sv - control and manage services monitored by <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i>
<h2><a name='sect1'>Synopsis</a></h2>
<b>sv</b> [-v]
[-w <i>sec]</i> <i>command</i> <i>services</i> <p>
<b>/etc/init.d/</b><i>service</i> [-w <i>sec]</i> <i>command</i>
<h2><a name='sect2'>Description</a></h2>
<b>sv</b> program reports the current status and controls the state of services
monitored by the <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> supervisor. <p>
<i>services</i> consists of one or more arguments,
each argument naming a directory <i>service</i> used by <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i>. If <i>service</i> doesn&rsquo;t
start with a dot or slash and doesn&rsquo;t end with a slash, it is searched in
the default services directory <i>/service/</i>, otherwise relative to the current
directory. <p>
<i>command</i> is one of up, down, status, once, pause, cont, hup, alarm,
interrupt, 1, 2, term, kill, or exit, or start, stop, restart, shutdown,
force-stop, force-reload, force-restart, force-shutdown. <p>
The <b>sv</b> program can
be sym-linked to <i>/etc/init.d/</i> to provide an LSB init script interface. The
<i>service</i> to be controlled then is specified by the base name of the &lsquo;&lsquo;init
<h2><a name='sect3'>Commands</a></h2>
<dt><b>status</b> </dt>
<dd>Report the current status of the service, and the
appendant log service if available, to standard output. </dd>
<dt><b>up</b> </dt>
<dd>If the service
is not running, start it. If the service stops, restart it. </dd>
<dt><b>down</b> </dt>
<dd>If the service
is running, send it the TERM signal, and the CONT signal. If ./run exits,
start ./finish if it exists. After it stops, do not restart service. </dd>
<dd>If the service is not running, start it. Do not restart it if it stops. </dd>
cont hup alarm interrupt quit 1 2 term kill</b> </dt>
<dd>If the service is running,
signal respectively. </dd>
<dt><b>exit</b> </dt>
<dd>If the service is running, send it the TERM signal,
and the CONT signal. Do not restart the service. If the service is down,
and no log service exists, <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> exits. If the service is down and a
log service exists, <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> closes the standard input of the log service
and waits for it to terminate. If the log service is down, <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> exits.
This command is ignored if it is given to an appendant log service. </dd>
<b>sv</b> actually
looks only at the first character of these <i>command</i>s.
<h3><a name='sect4'>Commands compatible
to LSB init script actions</a></h3>
<dt><b>status</b> </dt>
<dd>Same as <i>status</i>. </dd>
<dt><b>start</b> </dt>
<dd>Same as <i>up</i>, but wait
up to 7 seconds for the command to take effect. Then report the status or
timeout. If the script <i>./check</i> exists in the service directory, <b>sv</b> runs this
script to check whether the service is up and available; it&rsquo;s considered
to be available if <i>./check</i> exits with 0. </dd>
<dt><b>stop</b> </dt>
<dd>Same as <i>down</i>, but wait up to
7 seconds for the service to become down. Then report the status or timeout.
<dt><b>reload</b> </dt>
<dd>Same as <i>hup</i>, and additionally report the status afterwards. </dd>
<dd>Send the commands <i>term</i>, <i>cont</i>, and <i>up</i> to the service, and wait up to 7 seconds
for the service to restart. Then report the status or timeout. If the script
<i>./check</i> exists in the service directory, <b>sv</b> runs this script to check whether
the service is up and available again; it&rsquo;s considered to be available if
<i>./check</i> exits with 0. </dd>
<dt><b>shutdown</b> </dt>
<dd>Same as <i>exit</i>, but wait up to 7 seconds for
the <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> process to terminate. Then report the status or timeout. </dd>
<dd>Same as <i>down</i>, but wait up to 7 seconds for the service to become down. Then
report the status, and on timeout send the service the <i>kill</i> command. </dd>
<dd>Send the service the <i>term</i> and <i>cont</i> commands, and wait up to 7 seconds for
the service to restart. Then report the status, and on timeout send the
service the <i>kill</i> command. </dd>
<dt><b>force-restart</b> </dt>
<dd>Send the service the <i>term</i>, <i>cont</i> and
<i>up</i> commands, and wait up to 7 seconds for the service to restart. Then report
the status, and on timeout send the service the <i>kill</i> command. If the script
<i>./check</i> exists in the service directory, <b>sv</b> runs this script to check whether
the service is up and available again; it&rsquo;s considered to be available if
<i>./check</i> exits with 0. </dd>
<dt><b>force-shutdown</b> </dt>
<dd>Same as <i>exit</i>, but wait up to 7 seconds
for the <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i> process to terminate. Then report the status, and on timeout
send the service the <i>kill</i> command. </dd>
<dt><b>try-restart</b> </dt>
<dd>if the service is running,
send it the <i>term</i> and <i>cont</i> commands, and wait up to 7 seconds for the service
to restart. Then report the status or timeout.
<p> </dd>
<h3><a name='sect5'>Additional Commands</a></h3>
<dd>Check for the service to be in the state that&rsquo;s been requested. Wait up to
7 seconds for the service to reach the requested state, then report the
status or timeout. If the requested state of the service is <i>up</i>, and the
script <i>./check</i> exists in the service directory, <b>sv</b> runs this script to check
whether the service is up and running; it&rsquo;s considered to be up if <i>./check</i>
exits with 0. </dd>
<h2><a name='sect6'>Options</a></h2>
<dt><b>-v</b> </dt>
<dd>If the <i>command</i> is up, down, term, once, cont, or
exit, then wait up to 7 seconds for the command to take effect. Then report
the status or timeout. </dd>
<dt><b>-w <i>sec</b> </i></dt>
<dd>Override the default timeout of 7 seconds with
<i>sec</i> seconds. This option implies <i>-v</i>. </dd>
<h2><a name='sect7'>Environment</a></h2>
<dt><b>SVDIR</b> </dt>
<dd>The environment variable
$SVDIR overrides the default services directory <i>/service/</i>. </dd>
<dt><b>SVWAIT</b> </dt>
<dd>The environment
variable $SVWAIT overrides the default 7 seconds to wait for a command
to take effect. It is overridden by the -w option. </dd>
<h2><a name='sect8'>Exit Codes</a></h2>
<b>sv</b> exits 0, if
the <i>command</i> was successfully sent to all <i>services</i>, and, if it was told
to wait, the <i>command</i> has taken effect to all services. <p>
For each <i>service</i>
that caused an error (e.g. the directory is not controlled by a <i><b>runsv</b>(8)</i>
process, or <b>sv</b> timed out while waiting), <b>sv</b> increases the exit code by
one and exits non zero. The maximum is 99. <b>sv</b> exits 100 on error. <p>
If <b>sv</b> is
called with a base name other than <b>sv</b>: it exits 1 on timeout or trouble
sending the command; if the <i>command</i> is <b>status</b>, it exits 3 if the service
is down, and 4 if the status is unknown; it exits 2 on wrong usage, and
151 on error.
<h2><a name='sect9'>See Also</a></h2>
<i>runsv(8)</i>, <i>chpst(8)</i>, <i>svlogd(8)</i>, <i>runsvdir(8)</i>, <i>runsvchdir(8)</i>,
<i>runit(8)</i>, <i>runit-init(8)</i> <p>
<h2><a name='sect10'>Author</a></h2>
Gerrit Pape &lt;;
<a name='toc'><b>Table of Contents</b></a><p>
<li><a name='toc0' href='#sect0'>Name</a></li>
<li><a name='toc1' href='#sect1'>Synopsis</a></li>
<li><a name='toc2' href='#sect2'>Description</a></li>
<li><a name='toc3' href='#sect3'>Commands</a></li>
<li><a name='toc4' href='#sect4'>Commands compatible to LSB init script actions</a></li>
<li><a name='toc5' href='#sect5'>Additional Commands</a></li>
<li><a name='toc6' href='#sect6'>Options</a></li>
<li><a name='toc7' href='#sect7'>Environment</a></li>
<li><a name='toc8' href='#sect8'>Exit Codes</a></li>
<li><a name='toc9' href='#sect9'>See Also</a></li>
<li><a name='toc10' href='#sect10'>Author</a></li>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
<title>svlogd(8) manual page</title>
<body bgcolor='white'>
<a href=''>G. Pape</a><br><a href='index.html'>runit</A><hr><p>
<h2><a name='sect0'>Name</a></h2>
svlogd - runit&rsquo;s service logging daemon
<h2><a name='sect1'>Synopsis</a></h2>
<b>svlogd</b> [-tttv] [-r <i>c]</i> [-R
<i>xyz]</i> [-l <i>len]</i> [-b <i>buflen]</i> <i>logs</i>
<h2><a name='sect2'>Description</a></h2>
<i>logs</i> consists of one or more arguments,
each specifying a directory. <p>
<b>svlogd</b> continuously reads log data from its
standard input, optionally filters log messages, and writes the data to
one or more automatically rotated <i>logs</i>. <p>
Recent log files can automatically
be processed by an arbitrary processor program when they are rotated, and
<b>svlogd</b> can be told to alert selected log messages to standard error, and
through udp. <p>
<b>svlogd</b> runs until it sees end-of-file on standard input or is
sent a TERM signal, see below.
<h3><a name='sect3'>Log Directory</a></h3>
A log directory <i>log</i> contains
some number of old log files, and the current log file <i>current</i>. Old log
files have a file name starting with <i>@</i> followed by a precise timestamp
(see the daemontools&rsquo; <b>tai64n</b> program), indicating when <i>current</i> was rotated
and renamed to this file. <p>
A log directory additionally contains the lock
file <i>lock</i>, maybe <i>state</i> and <i>newstate</i>, and optionally the file <i>config</i>. <b>svlogd</b>
creates necessary files if they don&rsquo;t exist. <p>
If <b>svlogd</b> has trouble opening
a log directory, it prints a warning, and ignores this log directory. If
<b>svlogd</b> is unable to open all log directories given at the command line,
it exits with an error. This can happen on start-up or after receiving a
HUP signal.
<h3><a name='sect4'>Log File Rotation</a></h3>
<b>svlogd</b> appends selected log messages to the
<i>current</i> log file. If <i>current</i> has <i>size</i> bytes or more (or there is a new-line
within the last <i>len</i> of <i>size</i> bytes), or is older than a specified amount
of <i>time</i>, <i>current</i> is rotated: <p>
<b>svlogd</b> closes <i>current</i>, changes permission
of <i>current</i> to 0755, renames <i>current</i> to @<i>timestamp.s,</i> and starts with a new
empty <i>current</i>. If <b>svlogd</b> sees <i>num</i> or more old log files in the log directory,
it removes the oldest one. Note that this doesn&rsquo;t decrease the number of
log files if there are already more than <i>num</i> log files, this must be done
manually, e.g. for keeping 10 log files: <p>
ls -1 \@* |sort |sed -ne &rsquo;10,$p&rsquo; |xargs
<h3><a name='sect5'>Processor</a></h3>
If <b>svlogd</b> is told to process recent log files, it saves <i>current</i>
to @<i>timestamp.u,</i> feeds @<i>timestamp.u</i> through &lsquo;&lsquo;sh -c "<i>processor</i>"&rsquo;&rsquo; and writes the
output to @<i>timestamp.t.</i> If the <i>processor</i> finishes successfully, @<i>timestamp.t</i>
is renamed to @<i>timestamp.s,</i> and @<i>timestamp.u</i> is deleted; otherwise @<i>timestamp.t</i>
is deleted and the <i>processor</i> is started again. <b>svlogd</b> also saves any output
that the <i>processor</i> writes to file descriptor 5, and makes that output available
on file descriptor 4 when running <i>processor</i> on the next log file rotation.
A <i>processor</i> is run in the background. If <b>svlogd</b> sees a previously started
<i>processor</i> still running when trying to start a new one for the same <i>log</i>,
it blocks until the currently running <i>processor</i> has finished successfully.
Only the HUP signal works in that situation. Note that this may block any
program feeding its log data to <b>svlogd.</b>
<h3><a name='sect6'>Config</a></h3>
On startup, and after receiving
a HUP signal, <b>svlogd</b> checks for each log directory <i>log</i> if the configuration
file <i>log/config</i> exists, and if so, reads the file line by line and adjusts
configuration for <i>log</i> as follows: <p>
If the line is empty, or starts with
a &lsquo;&lsquo;#&rsquo;&rsquo;, it is ignored. A line of the form
<dt>s<i>size</i> </dt>
<dd>sets the maximum file size
of <i>current</i> when <b>svlogd</b> should rotate the current log file to <i>size</i> bytes.
Default is 1000000. If <i>size</i> is zero, <b>svlogd</b> doesn&rsquo;t rotate log files. You
should set <i>size</i> to at least (2 * <i>len</i>). </dd>
<dt>n<i>num</i> </dt>
<dd>sets the number of old log files
<b>svlogd</b> should maintain to <i>num</i>. If <b>svlogd</b> sees more that <i>num</i> old log files
in <i>log</i> after log file rotation, it deletes the oldest one. Default is 10.
If <i>num</i> is zero, <b>svlogd</b> doesn&rsquo;t remove old log files. </dd>
<dt>N<i>min</i> </dt>
<dd>sets the minimum
number of old log files <b>svlogd</b> should maintain to <i>min</i>. <i>min</i> must be less
than <i>num</i>. If <i>min</i> is set, and <b>svlogd</b> cannot write to <i>current</i> because the
filesystem is full, and it sees more than <i>min</i> old log files, it deletes
the oldest one. </dd>
<dt>t<i>timeout</i> </dt>
<dd>sets the maximum age of the <i>current</i> log file when
<b>svlogd</b> should rotate the current log file to <i>timeout</i> seconds. If <i>current</i>
is <i>timeout</i> seconds old, and is not empty, <b>svlogd</b> forces log file rotation.
<dt>!<i>processor</i> </dt>
<dd>tells <b>svlogd</b> to feed each recent log file through <i>processor</i>
(see above) on log file rotation. By default log files are not processed.
<dt>u<i>a.b.c.d[:port]</i> </dt>
<dd>tells <b>svlogd</b> to transmit the first <i>len</i> characters of selected
log messages to the IP address <i>a.b.c.d</i>, port number <i>port</i>. If <i>port</i> isn&rsquo;t set,
the default port for syslog is used (514). <i>len</i> can be set through the -l
option, see below. If <b>svlogd</b> has trouble sending udp packets, it writes
error messages to the log directory. Attention: logging through udp is unreliable,
and should be used in private networks only. </dd>
<dt>U<i>a.b.c.d[:port]</i> </dt>
<dd>is the same as
the <i>u</i> line above, but the log messages are no longer written to the log
directory, but transmitted through udp only. Error messages from <b>svlogd</b>
concerning sending udp packages still go to the log directory. </dd>
<dt>p<i>prefix</i> </dt>
<b>svlogd</b> to prefix each line to be written to the log directory, to standard
error, or through UDP, with <i>prefix</i>. </dd>
If a line starts with a <i>-</i>, <i>+</i>, <i>e</i>, or <i>E</i>,
<b>svlogd</b> matches the first <i>len</i> characters of each log message against <i>pattern</i>
and acts accordingly:
<dt>-<i>pattern</i> </dt>
<dd>the log message is deselected. </dd>
<dt>+<i>pattern</i> </dt>
log message is selected. </dd>
<dt>e<i>pattern</i> </dt>
<dd>the log message is selected to be printed
to standard error. </dd>
<dt>E<i>pattern</i> </dt>
<dd>the log message is deselected to be printed
to standard error. </dd>
Initially each line is selected to be written to <i>log/current</i>.
Deselected log messages are discarded from <i>log</i>. Initially each line is deselected
to be written to standard err. Log messages selected for standard error
are written to standard error.
<h2><a name='sect7'>Pattern Matching</a></h2>
<b>svlogd</b> matches a log message
against the string <i>pattern</i> as follows: <p>
<i>pattern</i> is applied to the log message
one character by one, starting with the first. A character not a star (&lsquo;&lsquo;*&rsquo;&rsquo;)
and not a plus (&lsquo;&lsquo;+&rsquo;&rsquo;) matches itself. A plus matches the next character in
<i>pattern</i> in the log message one or more times. A star before the end of <i>pattern</i>
matches any string in the log message that does not include the next character
in <i>pattern</i>. A star at the end of <i>pattern</i> matches any string. <p>
Timestamps optionally
added by <b>svlogd</b> are not considered part of the log message. <p>
An <b>svlogd</b> pattern
is not a regular expression. For example consider a log message like this
2005-12-18_09:13:50.97618 tcpsvd: info: pid 1977 from<br>
The following pattern doesn&rsquo;t match <p>
because the first star matches up to the first p in tcpsvd, and then the
match fails because i is not s. To match this log message, you can use a
pattern like this instead <p>
-*: *: pid *<br>
<h2><a name='sect8'>Options</a></h2>
<dt><b>-t</b> </dt>
<dd>timestamp. Prefix each selected line with a precise timestamp
(see the daemontools&rsquo; <b>tai64n</b> program) when writing to <i>log</i> or to standard
error. </dd>
<dt><b>-tt</b> </dt>
<dd>timestamp. Prefix each selected line with a human readable, sortable
UTC timestamp of the form YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS.xxxxx when writing to <i>log</i> or
to standard error. </dd>
<dt><b>-ttt</b> </dt>
<dd>timestamp. Prefix each selected line with a human
readable, sortable UTC timestamp of the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.xxxxx when
writing to <i>log</i> or to standard error. </dd>
<dt><b>-r <i>c</b> </i></dt>
<dd>replace. <i>c</i> must be a single character.
Replace non-printable characters in log messages with <i>c</i>. Characters are replaced
before pattern matching is applied. </dd>
<dt><b>-R <i>xyz</b> </i></dt>
<dd>replace charset. Additionally to
non-printable characters, replace all characters found in <i>xyz</i> with <i>c</i> (default
&lsquo;&lsquo;_&rsquo;&rsquo;). </dd>
<dt><b>-l <i>len</b> </i></dt>
<dd>line length. Pattern matching applies to the first <i>len</i> characters
of a log message only. Default is 1000. </dd>
<dt><b>-b <i>buflen</b> </i></dt>
<dd>buffer size. Set the size
of the buffer <b>svlogd</b> uses when reading from standard input and writing
to <i>logs</i> to <i>buflen</i>. Default is 1024. <i>buflen</i> must be greater than <i>len</i>. For <b>svlogd</b>
instances that process a lot of data in short time, the buffer size should
be increased to improve performance. </dd>
<dt><b>-v</b> </dt>
<dd>verbose. Print verbose messages to
standard error. </dd>
<h2><a name='sect9'>Signals</a></h2>
If <b>svlogd</b> is sent a HUP signal, it closes and reopens
all <i>logs</i>, and updates their configuration according to <i>log/config</i>. If <b>svlogd</b>
has trouble opening a log directory, it prints a warning, and discards
this log directory. If <b>svlogd</b> is unable to open all log directories given
at the command line, it exits with an error. <p>
If <b>svlogd</b> is sent a TERM signal,
or if it sees end-of-file on standard input, it stops reading standard input,
processes the data in the buffer, waits for all <i>processor</i> subprocesses
to finish if any, and exits 0 as soon as possible. <p>
If <b>svlogd</b> is sent an
ALRM signal, it forces log file rotation for all <i>logs</i> with a non empty
<i>current</i> log file.
<h2><a name='sect10'>See Also</a></h2>
<i>sv(8)</i>, <i>runsv(8)</i>, <i>chpst(8)</i>, <i>runit(8)</i>, <i>runit-init(8)</i>,
<i>runsvdir(8)</i>, <i>runsvchdir(8)</i> <p>
<h2><a name='sect11'>Author</a></h2>
Gerrit Pape &lt;;
<a name='toc'><b>Table of Contents</b></a><p>
<li><a name='toc0' href='#sect0'>Name</a></li>
<li><a name='toc1' href='#sect1'>Synopsis</a></li>
<li><a name='toc2' href='#sect2'>Description</a></li>
<li><a name='toc3' href='#sect3'>Log Directory</a></li>
<li><a name='toc4' href='#sect4'>Log File Rotation</a></li>
<li><a name='toc5' href='#sect5'>Processor</a></li>
<li><a name='toc6' href='#sect6'>Config</a></li>
<li><a name='toc7' href='#sect7'>Pattern Matching</a></li>
<li><a name='toc8' href='#sect8'>Options</a></li>
<li><a name='toc9' href='#sect9'>Signals</a></li>
<li><a name='toc10' href='#sect10'>See Also</a></li>
<li><a name='toc11' href='#sect11'>Author</a></li>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
<title>runit - upgrading from previous versions</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a><br>
<a href="index.html">runit</a><br>
<h1>runit - upgrading from previous versions</h1>
<h3>2.0.0 to 2.1.2</h3>
The <a href="chpst.8.html">chpst</a> program learned a new option -b to run
a program with a different name as the 0th argument.
<h3>1.9.0 to 2.0.0</h3>
No further action from you is required.
<h3>1.8.0 to 1.9.0</h3>
The default directory for services is now <tt>/service/</tt>, and no longer
To be consistent with the new default location, create a symlink when
# ln -s /var/service /
When installing runit on a system that should comply with the Filesystem
Hierarchy Standard (FHS), neither <tt>/service/</tt> nor
<tt>/var/service/</tt> should be chosen, but <tt>/etc/service/</tt>.
It is recommended to create a compatibility symlink <tt>/service</tt>
pointing to <tt>/etc/service</tt> in this case.
<h3>1.7.x to 1.8.0</h3>
The <a href="runit.8.html">runit</a> program, the process no 1, has been
fixed to reap dead processes that re-parented to process no 1 (zombies)
more thoroughly.
Instructions on how to run <tt>runit</tt> with upstart as init scheme have
been added, <a href="svlogd.8.html">svlogd</a> has been changed to use a
new source port for each log message sent through udp, and this release
includes a build fix for AIX.
<h3>1.6.0 to 1.7.x</h3>
With this version the <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> program starts to
run the ./finish script with two arguments, the exit code and the exit
status of the just finished ./run script.
The timestamp <a href="svlogd.8.html">svlogd</a> optionally prepends to log
messages can be specified to be in iso 8601 alike format.
See the man pages for details.
<h3>1.5.x to 1.6.0</h3>
<a href="svlogd.8.html">svlogd</a> has been changed to prepend the optional
timestamp also to log messages sent to the network through UDP, just as it
does for log messages written to a log directory or standard error.
<h3>1.4.0 or 1.4.1 to 1.5.x</h3>
The <a href="svlogd.8.html">svlogd</a> program supports a new configuration
option p to optionally prefix each line written to logs, standard error, or
through UDP with a string, and no longer strips empty lines from the logs.
<h3>1.3.x to 1.4.0 or 1.4.1</h3>
With this version the <tt>runsvctrl</tt>, <tt>runsvstat</tt>,
<tt>svwaitdown</tt>, and <tt>svwaitup</tt> programs no longer are being
installed, the functionality of these programs has been incorporated into
the <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a> program.
The documentation now suggest to put service directories by default into
the <tt>/etc/sv/</tt> directory, and a list of frequently asked questions
with answers has been added.
The <a href="chpst.8.html">chpst</a> program understands a new option -d
to limit memory of the data segment per process.
<h3>1.2.x to 1.3.x</h3>
This release introduces a first test version of the <a href="sv.8.html">sv</a>
program, which can be used to control the state and query the status of
services monitored by <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a>.
Optionally it can be sym-linked into <tt>/etc/init.d/</tt> to provide an
interface to LSB init script actions for services controlled by runit.
See the <a href="sv.8.html">man page</a> for details.
Thanks to Lars Uffmann, instructions on how to run runit under launchd on
MacOSX 10.4 have been added.
<h3>1.1.0 to 1.2.x</h3>
With this version the <a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> program makes
controlling the service through commands normally sent by
<a href="runsvctrl.8.html">runsvctrl</a> configurable;
arbitrary actions through external programs can optionally be specified, and
signalling of the service disabled if desired.
See the <a href="runsv.8.html">man page</a> for details.
<a href="runsv.8.html">runsv</a> now reports the seconds since <tt>./run</tt>
has been started when running the <tt>./finish</tt> script, instead of the
seconds since <tt>./finish</tt> has been started.
It no longer reports immediately failing <tt>./run</tt> scripts as ``running''
for up to one second, but as ``down, normally up, want up''.
<h3>1.0.x to 1.1.0</h3>
The <a href="svlogd.8.html">svlogd</a> program now interprets the ``e'' and
``E'' configuration options so that they can be combined to select or
deselect log messages to be written to standard error, similar to the ``+''
and ``-'' options for the rotated log.
It also provides the new ``t'' and ``N'' configuration options, see the
<a href="svlogd.8.html">man page</a> for details.
The <a href="chpst.8.html">chpst</a> program supports adjusting the nice
level through the new -n command line option.
Starting with this version, <tt>/etc/runit/2</tt> by default runs the
<a href="runsvdir.8.html">runsvdir</a> program with the -P option.
To adapt edit <tt>/etc/runit/2</tt> and change the invocation of
<a href="runsvdir.8.html">runsvdir</a> accordingly, see
<a href="../etc/2"">here</a>.
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<title>runit - use dietlibc</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a><br>
<a href="index.html">runit</a><br>
<h1>runit - use dietlibc</h1>
To recompile the <i>runit</i> programs with the
<a href="">diet libc</a>, check that you have
the recent version of
<a href="">dietlibc</a> installed.
Change to the package directory of <i>runit</i>
# cd /package/admin/runit/
Change the <tt>conf-cc</tt> and <tt>conf-ld</tt> to use <tt>diet</tt>
# echo 'diet -Os gcc -O2 -Wall' &gt;src/conf-cc
# echo 'diet -Os gcc -s -Os -pipe' &gt;src/conf-ld
Rebuild and install the <i>runit</i> programs
# package/install
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
<title>runit - use with traditional init</title>
<a href="">G. Pape</a><br>
<a href="index.html">runit</a><br>
<h1>runit - use with traditional init</h1>
It's possible to use <i>runit</i>'s service supervision without replacing
the <i>init</i> scheme of the system.
Simply run the <i>stage 2</i> of <i>runit</i> as a service with your
current <i>init</i>.
Normally this is done by either adding an entry for
<tt>/sbin/runsvdir-start</tt> to <tt>/etc/inittab</tt>, or by adding
<tt>/sbin/runsvdir-start</tt> as command to </tt>/etc/rc.local</tt>, or by
adding <tt>/sbin/runsvdir-start</tt> to the system's <tt>StartupItems</tt>.
In any case, you first need to copy the <i>stage 2</i> script to
<tt>/sbin/runsvdir-start</tt>, and create the services directory
# install -m0750 /package/admin/runit/etc/2 /sbin/runsvdir-start
# mkdir -p /service
<a href="#sysv">How to use with sysvinit and inittab</a><br>
<a href="#upstart">How to use with sysvinit and upstart</a><br>
<a href="#bsd">How to use with *BSD init</a><br>
<a href="#macosx">How to use with MacOSX init</a>
<a name="sysv"><h2>Using with sysvinit and inittab</h2></a>
If your system uses a sysvinit alike init scheme with a <tt>/etc/inittab</tt>
file, do:
# cat &gt;&gt;/etc/inittab &lt;&lt;EOT
and tell <i>init</i> to re-read its configuration, e.g.:
# init q
<a name="upstart"><h2>Using with sysvinit and upstart</h2></a>
If your system uses a sysvinit alike init scheme that utilizes upstart
instead of inittab, and which has start and stop scripts located in
<tt>/etc/init/</tt>, do:
# cat >/etc/init/runsvdir.conf <<\EOT
# for runit - manage /usr/sbin/runsvdir-start
start on runlevel 2
start on runlevel 3
start on runlevel 4
start on runlevel 5
stop on shutdown
exec /usr/sbin/runsvdir-start
and tell init to start the new service, e.g.:
# start runsvdir
<a name="bsd"><h2>Using with *BSD init</h2></a>
If your system uses a BSD alike init scheme with a <tt>/etc/rc.local</tt>
script, do:
# cat &gt;&gt;/etc/rc.local &lt;&lt;EOT
csh -cf '/sbin/runsvdir-start &amp;'
and reboot your system.
<a name="macosx"><h2>Using with MacOSX init</h2></a>
On MacOSX 10.2 create an entry for <i>runit</i> in
# cd /System/Library/StartupItems
# mkdir -p runit
# cp -p /package/admin/runit/etc/macosx/StartupItems/* runit/
and reboot your system.
On MacOSX 10.4 create an entry for <i>runit</i> in
<tt>/Library/LaunchDaemons/</tt>, and tell <i>launchd</i> to start the new
# cp /package/admin/runit/etc/macosx/org.smarden.runit.plist \
# launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.smarden.runit.plist
<address><a href="">
Gerrit Pape &lt;;

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
<title>utmpset(8) manual page</title>
<body bgcolor='white'>
<a href=''>G. Pape</a><br><a href='index.html'>runit</A><hr><p>
<h2><a name='sect0'>Name</a></h2>
utmpset - logout a line from utmp and wtmp file
<h2><a name='sect1'>Synopsis</a></h2>
<b>utmpset</b> [ <b>-w</b>
] <i>line</i>
<h2><a name='sect2'>Description</a></h2>
The <b>utmpset</b> program modifies the user accounting database
<i><b>utmp</b>(5)</i> and optionally <i><b>wtmp</b>(5)</i> to indicate that the user on the terminal
<i>line</i> has logged out. <p>
Ordinary <i><b>init</b>(8)</i> processes handle utmp file records
for local login accounting. The <i><b>runit</b>(8)</i> program doesn&rsquo;t include code to
update the utmp file, the <i><b>getty</b>(8)</i> processes are handled the same as all
other services. <p>
To enable local login accounting, add <b>utmpset</b> to the <i><b>getty</b>(8)</i>
<i>finish</i> scripts, e.g.: <p>
$ cat /service/getty-5/finish<br>
exec utmpset -w tty5<br>
<h2><a name='sect3'>Options</a></h2>
<dt><b>-w</b> </dt>
<dd>wtmp. Additionally to the utmp file, write an empty record for
<i>line</i> to the wtmp file. </dd>
<h2><a name='sect4'>Exit Codes</a></h2>
<b>utmpset</b> returns 111 on error, 1 on wrong
usage, 0 in all other cases.
<h2><a name='sect5'>See Also</a></h2>
<i>sv(8)</i>, <i>runsv(8)</i>, <i>runit(8)</i>, <i>runit-init(8)</i>
<i>runsvdir(8)</i>, <i>runsvchdir(8)</i>, <i>chpst(8)</i>, <i>svlogd(8)</i>, <i>getty(8)</i> <p>
<h2><a name='sect6'>Author</a></h2>
Gerrit Pape &lt;; <p>
<a name='toc'><b>Table of Contents</b></a><p>
<li><a name='toc0' href='#sect0'>Name</a></li>
<li><a name='toc1' href='#sect1'>Synopsis</a></li>
<li><a name='toc2' href='#sect2'>Description</a></li>
<li><a name='toc3' href='#sect3'>Options</a></li>
<li><a name='toc4' href='#sect4'>Exit Codes</a></li>
<li><a name='toc5' href='#sect5'>See Also</a></li>
<li><a name='toc6' href='#sect6'>Author</a></li>

mirror_runit/runit-2.1.2/etc/2 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
exec env - PATH=$PATH \
runsvdir -P /service 'log: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................'

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# system one time tasks
touch /etc/runit/stopit
chmod 0 /etc/runit/stopit

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
exec 2>&1
test -x /etc/runit/reboot && LAST=6
echo 'Waiting for services to stop...'
sv -w196 force-stop /service/*
sv exit /service/*
echo 'Shutdown...'
/etc/init.d/rc $LAST

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
MSG="System is going down in 14 seconds..."
# echo 'disabled.' ; exit
touch /etc/runit/stopit
chmod 100 /etc/runit/stopit && echo "$MSG" | wall
/bin/sleep 14

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
exec utmpset -w tty5

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty5 linux

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# system one time tasks
trap : 2
trap : 3
sh /etc/rc autoboot
if test $? -ne 0; then
# /etc/rc crashed, start emergency shell.
echo '/etc/rc failed. Press <enter> for emergency shell...'
read input
sh -p
exec reboot
touch /etc/runit/stopit
chmod 0 /etc/runit/stopit

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
exec 2>&1
echo 'Waiting for services to stop...'
sv -w196 force-stop /service/*
sv exit /service/*
echo 'Shutdown...'
if test -x /etc/runit/reboot; then
exec reboot
exec halt

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
MSG="System is going down in 14 seconds..."
# echo 'disabled.' ; exit
touch /etc/runit/stopit
chmod 100 /etc/runit/stopit && echo "$MSG" | wall
/bin/sleep 14

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
exec utmpset -w ttyv4

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
exec /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv4

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Description = "runit service supervision";
Provides = ("runit");
Requires = ("Disks");
OrderPreference = "None";
Messages =
start = "Starting runit service supervision";
stop = "Stopping runit service supervision";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# runit
. /etc/rc.common
StartService() {
ConsoleMessage "Starting runit service supervision"
/bin/csh -cf '/sbin/runsvdir-start &'
StopService() {
ConsoleMessage "Stopping runit service supervision"
sv -w196 force-stop /service/*
sv exit /service/*
RestartService() {
return 0
RunService "$1"

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>runsvdir - starts and monitors a collection of runsv(8) processes</string>

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# system one time tasks
trap : 2
trap : 3
sh /etc/rc autoboot
if test $? -ne 0; then
# /etc/rc crashed, start emergency shell.
echo '/etc/rc failed. Press <enter> for emergency shell...'
read input
sh -l
exec reboot
touch /etc/runit/stopit
chmod 0 /etc/runit/stopit

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
exec 2>&1
echo 'Waiting for services to stop...'
sv -w196 force-stop /service/*
sv exit /service/*
echo 'Shutdown...'
if test -x /etc/runit/reboot; then
exec reboot
exec halt

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
MSG="System is going down in 14 seconds..."
# echo 'disabled.' ; exit
touch /etc/runit/stopit
chmod 100 /etc/runit/stopit && echo "$MSG" | wall
/bin/sleep 14

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
exec utmpset -w ttyC4

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
exec /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyC4

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@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
.TH chpst 8
chpst \- runs a program with a changed process state
.B chpst
.IR user ]
.IR user ]
.IR argv0 ]
.IR dir ]
.IR root ]
.IR inc ]
.IR lock ]
.IR bytes ]
.IR bytes ]
.IR n ]
.IR n ]
.IR bytes ]
.IR bytes ]
.I prog
.I prog
consists of one or more arguments.
.B chpst
changes the process state according to the given options, and runs
.IR prog .
.B \-u \fI[:]user[:group]
Set uid and gid to the
.IR user 's
uid and gid, as found in
.IR /etc/passwd .
.I user
is followed by a colon and a
.IR group ,
set the gid to
.IR group 's
gid, as found in
.IR /etc/group ,
instead of
.IR user 's
.I group
consists of a colon-separated list of group names,
.B chpst
sets the group ids of all listed groups.
.I user
is prefixed with a colon, the
.I user
and all
.I group
arguments are interpreted as uid and gids respectivly, and not looked up in
the password or group file.
All initial supplementary groups are removed.
.B \-U \fI[:]user[:group]
Set the environment variables $UID and $GID to the
.IR user 's
uid and gid, as found in
.IR /etc/passwd .
.I user
is followed by a colon and a
.IR group ,
set $GID to the
.IR group 's
gid, as found in
.IR /etc/group ,
instead of
.IR user 's
.I user
is prefixed with a colon, the
.I user
.I group
arguments are interpreted as uid and gid respectivly, and not looked up in
the password or group file.
.B \-b \fIargv0
.I prog
.I argv0
as the 0th argument.
.B \-e \fIdir
Set various environment variables as specified by files in the directory
.IR dir :
.I dir
contains a file named
.I k
whose first line is
.IR v ,
.B chpst
removes the environment variable
.I k
if it exists, and then adds the environment variable
.I k
with the value
.IR v .
The name
.I k
must not contain =.
Spaces and tabs at the end of
.I v
are removed, and nulls in
.I v
are changed to newlines.
If the file
.I k
is empty (0 bytes long),
.B chpst
removes the environment variable
.I k
if it exists, without adding a new variable.
.B \-/ \fIroot
Change the root directory to
.I root
before starting
.IR prog .
.B \-n \fIinc
.I inc
to the
.BR nice (2)
value before starting
.IR prog .
.I inc
must be an integer, and may start with a minus or plus.
.B \-l \fIlock
Open the file
.I lock
for writing, and obtain an exclusive lock on it.
.I lock
will be created if it does not exist.
.I lock
is locked by another process, wait until a new lock can be obtained.
.B \-L \fIlock
The same as \-l, but fail immediately if
.I lock
is locked by another process.
.B \-m \fIbytes
limit memory.
Limit the data segment, stack segment, locked physical pages, and total of
all segment per process to
.I bytes
bytes each.
.B \-d \fIbytes
limit data segment.
Limit the data segment per process to
.I bytes
.B \-o \fIn
limit open files.
Limit the number of open file descriptors per process to
.IR n .
.B \-p \fIn
limit processes.
Limit the number of processes per uid to
.IR n .
.B \-f \fIbytes
limit output size.
Limit the output file size to
.I bytes
.B \-c \fIbytes
limit core size.
Limit the core file size to
.I bytes
.B \-v
Print verbose messages to standard error.
This includes warnings about limits unsupported by the system.
.B \-P
.I prog
in a new process group.
.B \-0
Close standard input before starting
.IR prog .
.B \-1
Close standard output before starting
.IR prog .
.B \-2
Close standard error before starting
.IR prog .
.B chpst
exits 100 when called with wrong options.
It prints an error message and exits 111 if it has trouble changing the
process state.
Otherwise its exit code is the same as that of
.IR prog .
.B chpst
is called as
.BR envdir ,
.BR envuidgid ,
.BR pgrphack ,
.BR setlock ,
.BR setuidgid ,
.BR softlimit ,
it emulates the functionality of these programs from the daemontools package
Gerrit Pape <>

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
.TH runit-init 8
init \- a UNIX process no 1
.B init
[ 0 | 6 ]
.B runit-init
is the first process the kernel starts.
.B runit-init
is started as process no 1, it runs and replaces itself with
.BR runit (8).
.B runit-init
is started while the system is up, it must be either called as
.B init 0
.B init 6\fR:
.B init 0
tells the Unix process no 1 to shutdown and halt the system.
To signal
.BR runit (8)
the system halt request,
.B runit-init
removes all permissions of the file
.I /etc/runit/reboot
(chmod 0), and sets the execute by owner permission of the file
.I /etc/runit/stopit
(chmod 100).
Then a CONT signal is sent to
.BR runit (8).
.B init 6
tells the Unix process no 1 to shutdown and reboot the system.
To signal
.BR runit (8)
the system reboot request,
.B runit-init
sets the execute by owner permission of the files
.I /etc/runit/reboot
.I /etc/runit/stopit
(chmod 100). Then a CONT signal is sent to
.BR runit (8).
.B runit-init
returns 111 on error, 0 in all other cases.
Gerrit Pape <>

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
.TH runit 8
runit \- a UNIX process no 1
.B runit
.B runit
must be run as Unix process no 1.
It performs the system's booting, running, and shutdown in three stages:
.B runit
.I /etc/runit/1
and waits for it to terminate.
The system's one time tasks are done here.
.I /etc/runit/1
has full control of
.I /dev/console
to be able to start an emergency shell if the one time initialization tasks
fail. If
.I /etc/runit/1
crashes, or exits 100,
.B runit
will skip stage 2 and enter stage 3.
.B runit
.IR /etc/runit/2 ,
which should not return until system shutdown; if it crashes, or exits 111,
it will be restarted.
.I /etc/runit/2
.BR runsvdir (8).
.B runit
is able to handle the ctrl-alt-del keyboard request in stage 2, see below.
.B runit
is told to shutdown the system, or stage 2 returns, it terminates stage 2 if
it is running, and runs
.IR /etc/runit/3 .
The systems tasks to shutdown and possibly halt or reboot the system are
done here.
If stage 3 returns,
.B runit
checks if the file
.I /etc/runit/reboot
exists and has the execute by owner permission set.
If so, the system is rebooted, it's halted otherwise.
.B runit
receives the ctrl-alt-del keyboard request and the file
.I /etc/runit/ctrlaltdel
exists and has the execute by owner permission set,
.B runit
.IR /etc/runit/ctrlaltdel ,
waits for it to terminate, and then sends itself a CONT signal.
.B runit
only accepts signals in stage 2.
.B runit
receives a CONT signal and the file
.I /etc/runit/stopit
exists and has the execute by owner permission set,
.B runit
is told to shutdown the system.
.B runit
receives an INT signal, a ctrl-alt-del keyboard request is triggered.
Gerrit Pape <>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
.TH runsv 8
runsv \- starts and monitors a service and optionally an appendant log
.B runsv
.I service
.I service
must be a directory.
.B runsv
switches to the directory
.I service
and starts ./run.
If ./run exits and ./finish exists,
.B runsv
starts ./finish.
If ./finish doesn't exist or ./finish exits,
.B runsv
restarts ./run.
If ./run or ./finish exit immediately,
.B runsv
waits a second before starting ./finish or restarting ./run.
Two arguments are given to ./finish.
The first one is ./run's exit code, or -1 if ./run didn't exit normally.
The second one is the least significant byte of the exit status as
determined by
.BR waitpid (2);
for instance it is 0 if ./run exited normally, and the signal number
if ./run was terminated by a signal.
.B runsv
cannot start ./run for some reason, the exit code is 111 and the status is 0.
If the file
.IR service /down
.B runsv
does not start ./run immediately.
The control interface (see below) can be used to start the service and to
give other commands to
.BR runsv .
If the directory
.IR service /log
.B runsv
creates a pipe, redirects
.IR service /run's
.IR service /finish's
standard output to the pipe, switches to the directory
.IR service /log
and starts ./run (and ./finish) exactly as described above for the
.I service
The standard input of the log service is redirected to read from the pipe.
.B runsv
maintains status information in a binary format (compatible to the
.B supervise
program) in
.IR service /supervise/status
.IR service /log/supervise/status,
and in a human-readable format in
.IR service /supervise/stat,
.IR service /log/supervise/stat,
.IR service /supervise/pid,
.IR service /log/supervise/pid.
The named pipes
.IR service /supervise/control,
and (optionally)
.IR service /log/supervise/control
are provided to give commands to
.BR runsv .
You can use
.BR sv (8)
to control the service or just write one of the following characters to
the named pipe:
.B u
If the service is not running, start it.
If the service stops, restart it.
.B d
If the service is running, send it a TERM signal, and then a CONT signal.
If ./run exits, start ./finish if it exists.
After it stops, do not restart service.
.B o
If the service is not running, start it.
Do not restart it if it stops.
.B p
If the service is running, send it a STOP signal.
.B c
If the service is running, send it a CONT signal.
.B h
If the service is running, send it a HUP signal.
.B a
If the service is running, send it a ALRM signal.
.B i
If the service is running, send it a INT signal.
.B q
If the service is running, send it a QUIT signal.
.B 1
User-defined 1.
If the service is running, send it a USR1 signal.
.B 2
User-defined 2.
If the service is running, send it a USR2 signal.
.B t
If the service is running, send it a TERM signal.
.B k
If the service is running, send it a KILL signal.
.B x
If the service is running, send it a TERM signal, and then a CONT signal.
Do not restart the service.
If the service is down, and no log service exists,
.B runsv
If the service is down and a log service exists,
.B runsv
closes the standard input of the log service, and waits for it to terminate.
If the log service is down,
.B runsv
This command is ignored if it is given to
.IR service /log/supervise/control.
Example: to send a TERM signal to the socklog-unix service, either do
# sv term /service/socklog-unix
# printf t >/service/socklog-unix/supervise/control
.BR printf (1)
usually blocks if no
.B runsv
process is running in the service directory.
For each control character
.I c
sent to the control pipe,
.B runsv
first checks if
.I service\fR/control/\fIc
exists and is executable.
If so, it starts
.I service\fR/control/\fIc
and waits for it to terminate, before interpreting the command.
If the program exits with return code 0,
.B runsv
refrains from sending the service the corresponding signal.
The command
.I o
is always considered as command
.IR u .
On command
.I d
.I service\fR/control/t
is checked, and then
.I service\fR/control/d.
On command
.I x
.I service\fR/control/t
is checked, and then
.I service\fR/control/x.
The control of the optional log service cannot be customized.
.B runsv
receives a TERM signal, it acts as if the character x was written to the
control pipe.
.B runsv
exits 111 on an error on startup or if another
.B runsv
is running in
.IR service .
.B runsv
exits 0 if it was told to exit.
Gerrit Pape <>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
.TH runsvchdir 8
runsvchdir \- change services directory of runsvdir(8)
.B runsvchdir
.I dir
.I dir
is a services directory for the use with
.BR runsvdir (8).
.I dir
does not start with a slash, it is searched in /etc/runit/runsvdir/.
.I dir
must not start with a dot.
.B runsvchdir
switches to the directory
.IR /etc/runit/runsvdir/ ,
.I current
.IR previous ,
and replaces
.I current
with a symlink pointing to
.IR dir .
.I /service
is a symlink to
.IR current ,
.BR runsvdir (8)
is running
.IR /service/ .
.B runsvchdir
prints an error message and exits 111 on error.
.B runsvchdir
exits 0 on success.
Gerrit Pape <>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
.TH runsvdir 8
runsvdir \- starts and monitors a collection of runsv(8) processes
.B runsvdir
.I dir
.I log
.I dir
must be a directory.
.I log
is a space holder for a readproctitle log, and must be at least seven
characters long or absent.
.B runsvdir
starts a
.BR runsv (8)
process for each subdirectory, or symlink to a directory, in the services
.IR dir ,
up to a limit of 1000 subdirectories,
and restarts a
.BR runsv (8)
process if it terminates.
.B runsvdir
skips subdirectory names starting with dots.
.BR runsv (8)
must be in
.BR runsvdir 's
At least every five seconds
.B runsvdir
checks whether the time of last modification, the inode, or the device, of
the services directory
.I dir
has changed.
If so, it re-scans the service directory, and if it sees a new subdirectory,
or new symlink to a directory, in
.IR dir ,
it starts a new
.BR runsv (8)
.B runsvdir
sees a subdirectory being removed that was previously there, it sends the
.BR runsv (8)
process a TERM signal, stops monitoring this process, and so does not
restart the
.BR runsv (8)
process if it exits.
If the
.I log
argument is given to
.BR runsvdir ,
all output to standard error is redirected to this
.IR log ,
which is similar to the daemontools'
.B readproctitle
To see the most recent error messages, use a process-listing tool such as
.BR ps (1).
.B runsvdir
writes a dot to the readproctitle log every 15 minutes so that old error
messages expire.
.B \-P
.BR setsid (2)
to run each
.BR runsv (8)
process in a new session and separate process group.
.B runsvdir
receives a TERM signal, it exits with 0 immediately.
.B runsvdir
receives a HUP signal, it sends a TERM signal to each
.BR runsv (8)
process it is monitoring and then exits with 111.
Gerrit Pape <>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
.TH sv 8
sv \- control and manage services monitored by
.BR runsv (8)
.B sv
[\-v] [\-w
.I sec\fR]
.I command
.I services
.BI /etc/init.d/ service
.I sec\fR]
.I command
.B sv
program reports the current status and controls the state of services
monitored by the
.BR runsv (8)
.I services
consists of one or more arguments, each argument naming a directory
.I service
used by
.BR runsv (8).
.I service
doesn't start with a dot or slash and doesn't end with a slash, it is
searched in the default services directory
.IR /service/ ,
otherwise relative to the current directory.
.I command
is one of up, down, status, once, pause, cont, hup, alarm, interrupt, 1, 2,
term, kill, or exit, or start, stop, restart, shutdown, force-stop,
force-reload, force-restart, force-shutdown.
.B sv
program can be sym-linked to
.I /etc/init.d/
to provide an LSB init script interface.
.I service
to be controlled then is specified by the base name of the ``init script''.
.B status
Report the current status of the service, and the appendant log service if
available, to standard output.
.B up
If the service is not running, start it.
If the service stops, restart it.
.B down
If the service is running, send it the TERM signal, and the CONT signal.
If ./run exits, start ./finish if it exists.
After it stops, do not restart service.
.B once
If the service is not running, start it.
Do not restart it if it stops.
.B pause cont hup alarm interrupt quit 1 2 term kill
If the service is running, send it the STOP, CONT, HUP, ALRM, INT, QUIT,
USR1, USR2, TERM, or KILL signal respectively.
.B exit
If the service is running, send it the TERM signal, and the CONT signal.
Do not restart the service.
If the service is down, and no log service exists,
.BR runsv (8)
If the service is down and a log service exists,
.BR runsv (8)
closes the standard input of the log service and waits for it to terminate.
If the log service is down,
.BR runsv (8)
This command is ignored if it is given to an appendant log service.
.BR sv
actually looks only at the first character of these
.IR command s.
.SS Commands compatible to LSB init script actions
.B status
Same as
.IR status .
.B start
Same as
.IR up ,
but wait up to 7 seconds for the command to take effect.
Then report the status or timeout.
If the script
.I ./check
exists in the service directory,
.B sv
runs this script to check whether the service is up and available;
it's considered to be available if
.I ./check
exits with 0.
.B stop
Same as
.IR down ,
but wait up to 7 seconds for the service to become down.
Then report the status or timeout.
.B reload
Same as
.IR hup ,
and additionally report the status afterwards.
.B restart
Send the commands
.IR term ,
.IR cont ,
.I up
to the service, and wait up to 7 seconds for the service to restart.
Then report the status or timeout.
If the script
.I ./check
exists in the service directory,
.B sv
runs this script to check whether the service is up and available again;
it's considered to be available if
.I ./check
exits with 0.
.B shutdown
Same as
.IR exit ,
but wait up to 7 seconds for the
.BR runsv (8)
process to terminate.
Then report the status or timeout.
.B force-stop
Same as
.IR down ,
but wait up to 7 seconds for the service to become down.
Then report the status, and on timeout send the service the
.I kill
.B force-reload
Send the service the
.I term
.I cont
commands, and wait up to 7 seconds for the service to restart.
Then report the status, and on timeout send the service the
.I kill
.B force-restart
Send the service the
.IR term ,
.I cont
.I up
commands, and wait up to 7 seconds for the service to restart.
Then report the status, and on timeout send the service the
.I kill
If the script
.I ./check
exists in the service directory,
.B sv
runs this script to check whether the service is up and available again;
it's considered to be available if
.I ./check
exits with 0.
.B force-shutdown
Same as
.IR exit ,
but wait up to 7 seconds for the
.BR runsv (8)
process to terminate.
Then report the status, and on timeout send the service the
.I kill
.B try-restart
if the service is running, send it the
.I term
.I cont
commands, and wait up to 7 seconds for the service to restart.
Then report the status or timeout.
.SS Additional Commands
.B check
Check for the service to be in the state that's been requested.
Wait up to 7 seconds for the service to reach the requested state, then
report the status or timeout.
If the requested state of the service is
.IR up ,
and the script
.I ./check
exists in the service directory,
.B sv
runs this script to check whether the service is up and running; it's
considered to be up if
.I ./check
exits with 0.
.B \-v
If the
.I command
is up, down, term, once, cont, or exit, then wait up to 7 seconds for the
command to take effect.
Then report the status or timeout.
.B \-w \fIsec
Override the default timeout of 7 seconds with
.I sec
This option implies
.IR \-v .
The environment variable $SVDIR overrides the default services directory
.IR /service/ .
The environment variable $SVWAIT overrides the default 7 seconds to wait
for a command to take effect.
It is overridden by the \-w option.
.B sv
exits 0, if the
.I command
was successfully sent to all
.IR services ,
and, if it was told to wait, the
.I command
has taken effect to all services.
For each
.I service
that caused an error (e.g. the directory is not controlled by a
.BR runsv (8)
process, or
.B sv
timed out while waiting),
.B sv
increases the exit code by one and exits non zero.
The maximum is 99.
.B sv
exits 100 on error.
.B sv
is called with a base name other than
.BR sv :
it exits 1 on timeout or trouble sending the command; if the
.I command
.BR status ,
it exits 3 if the service is down, and 4 if the status is unknown;
it exits 2 on wrong usage, and 151 on error.
Gerrit Pape <>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
.TH svlogd 8
svlogd \- runit's service logging daemon
.B svlogd
[\-tttv] [\-r
.I c\fR] [\-R
.I xyz\fR] [\-l
.I len\fR] [\-b
.I buflen\fR]
.I logs
.I logs
consists of one or more arguments, each specifying a directory.
.B svlogd
continuously reads log data from its standard input, optionally filters log
messages, and writes the data to one or more automatically rotated
.IR logs .
Recent log files can automatically be processed by an arbitrary processor
program when they are rotated, and
.B svlogd
can be told to alert selected log messages to standard error, and through
.B svlogd
runs until it sees end-of-file on standard input or is sent a TERM signal,
see below.
A log directory
.I log
contains some number of old log files, and the current log file
.IR current .
Old log files have a file name starting with
.I @
followed by a precise timestamp (see the daemontools'
.B tai64n
program), indicating when
.I current
was rotated and renamed to this file.
A log directory additionally contains the lock file
.IR lock ,
.I state
.IR newstate ,
and optionally the file
.IR config .
.B svlogd
creates necessary files if they don't exist.
.B svlogd
has trouble opening a log directory, it prints a warning, and ignores this
log directory.
.B svlogd
is unable to open all log directories given at the command line, it exits
with an error.
This can happen on start-up or after receiving a HUP signal.
.B svlogd
appends selected log messages to the
.I current
log file.
.I current
.I size
bytes or more (or there is a new-line within the last
.I len
.I size
bytes), or is older than a specified amount of
.IR time ,
.I current
is rotated:
.B svlogd
.IR current ,
changes permission of
.I current
to 0755, renames
.I current
.RI @ timestamp\fR.s,
and starts with a new empty
.IR current .
.B svlogd
.I num
or more old log files in the log directory, it removes the oldest one.
Note that this doesn't decrease the number of log files if there are
already more than
.I num
log files, this must be done manually, e.g. for keeping 10 log files:
ls \-1 \\@* |sort |sed \-ne '10,$p' |xargs rm
.B svlogd
is told to process recent log files, it saves
.I current
.RI @ timestamp\fR.u,
.RI @ timestamp\fR.u
through ``sh \-c "\fIprocessor\fR"''
and writes the output to
.RI @ timestamp\fR.t.
If the
.I processor
finishes successfully,
.RI @ timestamp\fR.t
is renamed to
.RI @ timestamp\fR.s,
.RI @ timestamp\fR.u
is deleted; otherwise
.RI @ timestamp\fR.t
is deleted and the
.I processor
is started again.
.B svlogd
also saves any output that the
.I processor
writes to file descriptor 5, and makes that output available on file
descriptor 4 when running
.I processor
on the next log file rotation.
.I processor
is run in the background.
.B svlogd
sees a previously started
.I processor
still running when trying to start a new one for the same
.IR log ,
it blocks until the currently running
.I processor
has finished successfully.
Only the HUP signal works in that situation.
Note that this may block any program feeding its log data to
.BR svlogd.
On startup, and after receiving a HUP signal,
.B svlogd
checks for each log directory
.I log
if the configuration file
.I log/config
exists, and if so, reads the file line by line and adjusts configuration for
.I log
as follows:
If the line is empty, or starts with a ``#'', it is ignored.
A line of the form
.RI s size
sets the maximum file size of
.I current
.B svlogd
should rotate the current log file to
.I size
Default is 1000000.
.I size
is zero,
.B svlogd
doesn't rotate log files.
You should set
.I size
to at least (2 *
.IR len ).
.RI n num
sets the number of old log files
.B svlogd
should maintain to
.IR num .
.B svlogd
sees more that
.I num
old log files in
.I log
after log file rotation, it deletes the oldest one.
Default is 10.
.I num
is zero,
.B svlogd
doesn't remove old log files.
.RI N min
sets the minimum number of old log files
.B svlogd
should maintain to
.IR min .
.I min
must be less than
.IR num .
.I min
is set, and
.B svlogd
cannot write to
.I current
because the filesystem is full, and it sees more than
.I min
old log files, it deletes the oldest one.
.RI t timeout
sets the maximum age of the
.I current
log file when
.B svlogd
should rotate the current log file to
.I timeout
.I current
.I timeout
seconds old, and is not empty,
.B svlogd
forces log file rotation.
.RI ! processor
.B svlogd
to feed each recent log file through
.I processor
(see above) on log file rotation.
By default log files are not processed.
.RI u a.b.c.d[:port]
.B svlogd
to transmit the first
.I len
characters of selected log messages to the IP address
.IR a.b.c.d ,
port number
.IR port .
.I port
isn't set, the default port for syslog is used (514).
.I len
can be set through the \-l option, see below.
.B svlogd
has trouble sending udp packets, it writes error messages to the log
logging through udp is unreliable, and should be used in private networks
.RI U a.b.c.d[:port]
is the same as the
.I u
line above, but the log messages are no longer written to the log directory,
but transmitted through udp only.
Error messages from
.B svlogd
concerning sending udp packages still go to the log directory.
.RI p prefix
.B svlogd
to prefix each line to be written to the log directory, to standard error,
or through UDP, with
.IR prefix .
If a line starts with a
.IR \- ,
.IR + ,
.IR e ,
.IR E ,
.B svlogd
matches the first
.I len
characters of each log message against
.I pattern
and acts accordingly:
.RI \- pattern
the log message is deselected.
.RI + pattern
the log message is selected.
.RI e pattern
the log message is selected to be printed to standard error.
.RI E pattern
the log message is deselected to be printed to standard error.
Initially each line is selected to be written to
.IR log/current .
Deselected log messages are discarded from
.IR log .
Initially each line is deselected to be written to standard err.
Log messages selected for standard error are written to standard error.
.B svlogd
matches a log message against the string
.I pattern
as follows:
.I pattern
is applied to the log message one character by one, starting with the first.
A character not a star (``*'') and not a plus (``+'') matches itself.
A plus matches the next character in
.I pattern
in the log message one or more times.
A star before the end of
.I pattern
matches any string in the log message that does not include the next
character in
.IR pattern .
A star at the end of
.I pattern
matches any string.
Timestamps optionally added by
.B svlogd
are not considered part of the log message.
.B svlogd
pattern is not a regular expression.
For example consider a log message like this
2005-12-18_09:13:50.97618 tcpsvd: info: pid 1977 from
The following pattern doesn't match
because the first star matches up to the first p in tcpsvd, and then the
match fails because i is not s.
To match this log message, you can use a pattern like this instead
-*: *: pid *
.B \-t
Prefix each selected line with a precise timestamp (see the daemontools'
.B tai64n
program) when writing to
.I log
or to standard error.
.B \-tt
Prefix each selected line with a human readable, sortable UTC timestamp of
the form YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS.xxxxx when writing to
.I log
or to standard error.
.B \-ttt
Prefix each selected line with a human readable, sortable UTC timestamp of
the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.xxxxx when writing to
.I log
or to standard error.
.B \-r \fIc
.I c
must be a single character.
Replace non-printable characters in log messages with
.IR c .
Characters are replaced before pattern matching is applied.
.B \-R \fIxyz
replace charset.
Additionally to non-printable characters, replace all characters found in
.I xyz
.I c
(default ``_'').
.B \-l \fIlen
line length.
Pattern matching applies to the first
.I len
characters of a log message only.
Default is 1000.
.B \-b \fIbuflen
buffer size.
Set the size of the buffer
.B svlogd
uses when reading from standard input and writing to
.I logs
.IR buflen .
Default is 1024.
.I buflen
must be greater than
.IR len .
.B svlogd
instances that process a lot of data in short time, the buffer size should
be increased to improve performance.
.B \-v
Print verbose messages to standard error.
.B svlogd
is sent a HUP signal, it closes and reopens all
.IR logs ,
and updates their configuration according to
.IR log/config .
.B svlogd
has trouble opening a log directory, it prints a warning, and discards this
log directory.
.B svlogd
is unable to open all log directories given at the command line, it exits
with an error.
.B svlogd
is sent a TERM signal, or if it sees end-of-file on standard input, it stops
reading standard input, processes the data in the buffer, waits for all
.I processor
subprocesses to finish if any, and exits 0 as soon as possible.
.B svlogd
is sent an ALRM signal, it forces log file rotation for all
.I logs
with a non empty
.I current
log file.
Gerrit Pape <>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
.TH utmpset 8
utmpset \- logout a line from utmp and wtmp file
.B utmpset
.B \-w
.I line
.B utmpset
program modifies the user accounting database
.BR utmp (5)
and optionally
.BR wtmp (5)
to indicate that the user on the terminal
.I line
has logged out.
.BR init (8)
processes handle utmp file records for local login accounting.
.BR runit (8)
program doesn't include code to update the utmp file, the
.BR getty (8)
processes are handled the same as all other services.
To enable local login accounting, add
.B utmpset
to the
.BR getty (8)
.I finish
scripts, e.g.:
$ cat /service/getty-5/finish
exec utmpset \-w tty5
.B \-w
wtmp. Additionally to the utmp file, write an empty record for
.I line
to the wtmp file.
.B utmpset
returns 111 on error, 1 on wrong usage, 0 in all other cases.
Gerrit Pape <>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:01:54 +0000
* doc/index.html: reorder, cleanup links to distributions; add Linux
from Scratch, Finnix, VServer.
* sv.c: properly format status command's output on failure cases.
* sv.c: support optional LSB init script actions reload and
* man/sv.8: "sv exit" does not send a TERM signal to the log service
(thx Jonathan Nieder).
* fmt_ptime.c: 64 bits time_t fix for svlogd (tnx Jérémie
* sv.c: fix typo that may lead to wrong output from sv when reporting
status of multiple service directories.
* doc/index.html: add deepOfix Mail Server to list of distributions
that include runit (thx Debayan Banerjee).
* doc/useinit.html: update description on how to use with upstart
(thx Gabriel de Perthuis).
* doc/index.html: add Dragora GNU/Linux to list of distributions that
use runit as default init scheme (thx Matias A. Fonzo).
* doc/index.html: add ArchLinux to list of distributions that include
runit (thx Kevin Berry).
Sun, 04 Oct 2009 20:28:38 +0000
* doc/upgrade.html: fix typo.
* sv.c: on 'down', send runsv the 'down' command properly if not yet
done (e.g. when taken up with 'once').
Thu, 24 Sep 2009 22:49:33 +0000
* pathexec_env.c, pathexec.h: add function pathexec_env_run().
* chpst.c, man/chpst.8: new option -b argv0: run prog with different
0th argument.
* sv.c: fix exit code of status command in lsb mode (thx Mathieu
* chpst.c, svwaitdown.c, svwaitup.c: fix checks for return value of
open_* functions (thx David Reiss).
* runsv.c: exit with error if [log/]supervise/control exists, but is
not a fifo (thx Charlie Brady).
* man/sv.8: clarify which return values apply to the LSB init script
Sun, 15 Jun 2008 15:31:05 +0000
Mon, 05 May 2008 22:00:13 +0000
* doc/upgrade.html: typo.
* sv.c: service name is also relative to the current directory if it
ends with a slash.
* change default directory for services from /var/service/ to /service/.
* runsv.c: create temporary new status files for log/supervise/ actually
in log/supervise/.
* doc/benefits.html: minor additions.
Fri, 21 Sep 2007 00:33:56 +0000
* man/svlogd.8: add hint on how to manually remove log files after the
number of log files svlogd should maintain has been reduced; add hint
about increasing the buffer size if lots of data is to be processed
in short time.
* chpst.c, uidgid.c: improve error reporting if getpwnam() or getgrnam()
fails; cleanup.
* svlogd.c: don't statically bind local udp socket, but request new
source port for each log message sent through udp.
* runit.c: fix typo in error messages (thx Matthew R. Dempsky); minor
* doc/useinit.html: add instructions on how to use with upstart (thx
Lloyd Zusman).
* chpst.c: add explicit braces to avoid ambiguous 'else'.
* uw_tmp.h1: fallback to UTMP_FILE if _PATH_UTMP is not defined as seen
on AIX 5.2 ML1, AIX 5.3 ML5 (thx Daniel Clark).
* sv.c: fix race on check for down if pid is 0 and state is run or finish.
* runit.c: speed up collecting zombies.
* runit.c: force check for zombies after a 14 second timeout without
signals (CHLD, CONT, INT).
* doc/index.html: typo.
* doc/*.html: remove $Id$.
Tue, 21 Nov 2006 15:13:47 +0000
* doc/index.html: add list of distributions that are known to include
or package runit; some reordering.
* doc/replaceinit.html: point to faq.html#create, faq.html#tell (thx
David Kaufman).
* doc/runscripts.html: point to faq.html#createlog.
* runit.c: fix arguments to wait_pid() after fork for reboot_system()
(thx Jan Kampe).
* man/runsv.8: suggest printf t instead of echo -n t.
* runsv.c: really don't act on commands in state finish; minor.
Sat, 04 Nov 2006 19:23:29 +0000
* chpst.c, uidgid.c, uidgid.h: support numerical uid gid through
chpst -[u|U] :uid:gid...
* man/chpst.8: adapt; clarify that users and groups are looked up in
/etc/passwd and /etc/group only.
* sv.c: properly wait for a service to be restarted on 'restart';
support checks through -v for pause, cont, kill.
* doc/runscripts.html: add contributed run scripts (thx Kevin, marlowe,
ed neville, xavier dutoit).
Sat, 07 Oct 2006 18:24:17 +0000
* svlogd.c, fmt_ptime.*, man/svlogd.8: new option -ttt: prefix log
messages with sortable UTC timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.xxxxx.
* runsv.c, runsv.8: give two arguments to ./finish: exit code and exit
status of ./run (mostly copied from pipe-tools' npt-supervise, thx
Laurent Bercot).
* runit.c: don't make console the controlling terminal for process 1,
but for stage 1 only; fork before initiating system halt or reboot,
the linux kernel calls do_exit(0) in kernel/sys.c (thx Jan Kampe).
Thu, 29 Jun 2006 07:52:35 +0000
* svlogd.c: cleanup *.t files possibly leftover by processor when
interrupted by signal, also on startup (thx Andras Korn,; 1st rename .t to .s, then remove .u.
* man/svlogd.8: adapt.
* svlogd.c: prepend optional timestamp to log messages sent through UDP,
as done for messages written to dir and to stderr.
* uidgid.c: properly fixup user/group argument on getpwnam() error.
* doc/benefits.html: typo; wording.
Wed, 10 May 2006 20:55:35 +0000
* runsv.c: delay restart of log service at least 1 sec, just as the main
* runsvdir.c: don't double-copy filedescriptor.
* package/README, package/COPYING: 2006.
* man/runsvctrl.8, man/runsvstat.8, man/svwaitup.8, man/svwaitdown.8,
doc/runsvctrl.html, doc/runsvstat.html, doc/svwaitdown.html,
doc/svwaitup.html: remove; obsolete.
Sun, 16 Apr 2006 12:26:50 +0000
* man/runsvdir.8: document that the services directory is re-scanned if
the time of last modification, the inode, or the device has changed.
* sv.c: don't report success on 'sv start' if the service is in state
finish (thx Matthew R. Dempsky).
* svlogd.c: new config line p: optionally prefix each line written to
logs, stderr, or through udp; no longer skip empty lines (just
containing '\n'), old behavior can be restored with '-' in config.
* man/svlogd.8: document new p config line; adapt.
Mon, 20 Mar 2006 18:54:41 +0000
* doc/faq.html: typos; add usercontrol, userservices; minor.
* src/uidgid.h: use uid_t, git_t (fix setting of multiple groups with
dietlibc, thx Tino Keitel,
runit 1.4.0
Mon, 06 Mar 2006 12:45:08 +0000
* doc/faq.html: new.
* doc/benefits.html: use sv program instead of runsvstat, runsvctrl;
* doc/replaceinit.html, doc/runlevels.html: put getty service directory
into /etc/sv/.
* doc/runscripts.html: use sv program instead of svwaitup.
* etc/*/3, etc/macosx/StartupItems/runit: use sv program instead of
* man/runsv.8: use sv program instead of runsvctrl.
* man/sv.8: minor.
* Makefile, package/commands: no longer build/install runsvctrl,
runsvstat, svwaitdown, svwaitup.
* man/runsvctrl.8, man/runsvstat.8, man/svwaitdown.8, man/svwaitup.8:
remove; obsolete.
* doc/index.html: add faq; remove runsvctrl, runsvstat, svwaitdown,
* sv: fix usage output.
* chpst: new option -d, limit data segment per process; don't use nested
runit 1.3.3
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 20:35:34 +0000
* chpst.c: adjust nice value and set limits before dropping permissions.
* sv.c: new additional command 'check'; with -v check for CONT through
./check if service is up.
* man/sv.8: adapt.
runit 1.3.2
Sun, 18 Dec 2005 11:22:04 +0000
* svlogd.c: don't print extra newlines to the log if additionally writing
to the network through udp (thx Andras Korn,
* runsvdir.c: also process svdir changes if mtime of svdir has changed into
the past (thx Martin Dickopp).
* doc/index.html: update description; Please contact this list and not me
* doc/replaceinit.html, doc/runscripts.html: minor.
* man/chpst.8: -U doesn't support a list of groups.
* man/svlogd.8: update PATTERN MATCHING section, add example (based on
sugesstions from Joshua N Pritikin).
* man/*8: update SEE ALSO sections: runsvctrl, runsvstat, svwaitdown,
svwaitup will become obsolete; remove references to man pages for
programs from the daemontools package.
runit 1.3.1
Wed, 24 Aug 2005 20:14:17 +0000
* doc/runscripts.html: typo; openssh needs absolute path (thx Kevin Berry);
exec into dhcpcd.
* uidgid.c, uidgid.h, chpst.c: support colon-separated list of groups.
* sv.c: utilize optional ./check script in service directory to check for
availablity of service.
* runsv.c: wait_pid() might be interupted.
* man/chpst.8, man/sv.8: adapt.
runit 1.3.0
Sun, 24 Jul 2005 16:50:55 +0000
* man/runsv.8: typo; no longer document the e control character; clarify
custom control on d and x.
* doc/useinit.html: how to use runit with macosx 10.4 (thx Lars Uffmann).
* etc/macosx/org.smarden.runit.plist: new; launchd plist file for
runsvdir-start (thx Lars Uffmann).
* doc/runscripts.html: don't use absolute pathnames for programs in $PATH;
add contributed run scripts (thx Sascha Huedepohl); typos.
* runsvchdir.c, runsvstat.c: optimize output buffer handling.
* runsvctrl.c: write x control character to runsv on e.
* svlogd.c: write to log dir after possibly writing through udp (fixes
line break issue).
* runsv.c, runsv.check: optimize output buffer handling; porperly run
custom t, d, x, k, when stopping service; no longer support e control
* sv.c: new sv program to control services, optionally can be linked to
/etc/init.d/ as lsb "init script" command line interface.
* Makefile, TARGETS: adapt.
* chpst.c: fix pointer types.
* man/sv.8: new.
* package/TODO: new.
runit 1.2.3
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 17:08:35 +0000
* doc/runscripts.html: add contributed run scripts (thx Kevin Berry);
remove mysql run scripts.
* svlogd.dist, svwaitdown.dist, svwaitup.dist: fix program selftest's
false alarms (thx Ian Stokes-Rees).
runit 1.2.2
Sun, 03 Apr 2005 09:21:52 +0000
* doc/index.html, doc/replaceinit.html: no longer refer to sysvinit's
shutdown program.
* man/svlogd.8: svlogd doesn't decrease the number of log files in a log
directory; with n0 don't remove any log files.
* svlogd.c: properly prefix log messages written to standard error with
optional timestamp.
* runsvctrl.c, svwaitdown.c, svwaitup.c: supervise not running -> runsv
not running.
* package/README: 2005.
runit 1.2.1
Sat, 15 Jan 2005 11:57:46 +0000
* chpst.c: typo.
* svwaitdown.c: minimum timeout is 1 second; service directories no longer
must start with /.
* svwaitup.c: minimum uptime of services is 1 second; service directories
no longer must start with /; print number of seconds a service is up if
* man/svwaitdown.8, man/svwaitup.8: adapt.
* doc/runscripts.html: add contributed run scripts (thx Stefan Karrmann,
Kevin Berry, Karl Chen).
* runsv.c: typos; bugfix: run optional control/x when receiving SIGTERM
(thx Vladimir Smelhaus); minor.
* man/runsvctrl.8: minor.
* package/COPYING: adapt, 2005.
runit 1.2.0
Fri, 17 Dec 2004 21:08:50 +0000
* doc/upgrade.html: typo.
* runsv.c: support custom control commands through control/ directory,
optionally switch off sending signal; don't update timestamp in status
when running ./finish; only sleep for a second if ./run has been
restarted within a second, and after updating status to down, normally
up, want up.
* man/runsv.8: document custom control commands.
* runsv.check, runsv.dist: check custom control commands.
* doc/runscripts.html: add contributed run scripts (thx Stefan Karrmann,
Kevin Berry).
runit 1.1.0
Sat, 06 Nov 2004 17:21:11 +0000
* svlogd.c: new config option t timeout (thx Enrico Scholz); config
options e and E select and deselect lines for stderr respectively (thx
Vladimir Smelhaus); new config option N.
* man/svlogd.8: adapt.
* runsv.c: on commands down and exit send CONT after TERM.
* man/runsv.8: adapt.
* etc/2: use -P option to runsvdir.
* src/svlogd.check: add check for t config option.
* chpst.c: new option -n: adjust nice level.
* man/chpst.8: adapt.
runit 1.0.5
Tue, 21 Sep 2004 18:18:14 +0000
* svlogd.c: fix line buffer handling for pattern matching (thx Enrico
Scholz); properly retry writing to current on error; minor.
* doc/index.html: wording; add link to useinit.html; remove link to runit
on linuxfromscratch.
* doc/runscripts.html: add hint, some getties need to be run in a new
session/process group (thx Dan Melomedman).
* man/svlogd.8: minor fixes.
* man/svwaitdown.8: remove hint about -x option.
* package/check, package/compile, package/install, package/install-man,
package/upgrade: use set -e instead of #!/bin/sh -e.
* runsvdir.c: new option -P, run each runsv process in a new session and
process group (thx Charlie Brady).
* man/runsvdir.8: adapt; typo.
runit 1.0.4
Sun, 01 Aug 2004 18:29:36 +0000
* doc/runlevels.html, doc/upgrade.html, doc/useinit.html, man/runsvdir.8,
man/runsvchdir.8: minor changes in wording, notations.
* runsvdir.c: check services dir again after one second until it's
unchanged (thx Eric Lammerts); sleep one second before scanning if
services dir mtime is now; loop while chdir to starting dir fails;
rename log, loglen to rplog, rploglen.
* etc/macosx/StartupItems/runit: use -x option to svwaitdown; timeout 14.
runit 1.0.3
Sat, 26 Jun 2004 14:50:41 +0000
* chpst.c, man/chpst.8: new option -/ chroot.
* runit.c, man/runit.8: if stage 1 crashes or exits 100, stage 2 will be
skipped; if stage 2 crashes or exits 111, it will be restarted.
* package/check, package/compile, package/install-man, package/upgrade:
minor cleanup.
* doc/runscripts.html: add, adapt various run scripts (thx).
runit 1.0.2
Mon, 29 Mar 2004 17:52:50 +0000
* man/svlogd.8: timestamps are not considered when matching patterns (thx
Andras KORN).
* runsv.c: on exit run the finish scripts when taking the service down
(thx X.).
* runsv.c, runsvctrl.c: handle sig_quit (thx Wayne Marshall).
* svlogd.c: don't crash on zero byte long config file (thx Alex Efros).
* man/*: minor cleanup.
* doc/index.html: add link to runit on linuxfromscratch doc (thx Richard
A Downing FBCS).
runit 1.0.1
Sun, 07 Mar 2004 10:40:40 +0000
* doc/usedietlibc.html: minor.
* fmt_ptime.c: create timestamps in UTC, not localtime.
* chpst.c: -e dir: silently ignore directories, print warning if verbose.
* runsv.c: allow also log/supervise to be a dangling symlink; more
meaningful error message if opening lock or locking fails.
* check-diff, check-dist, check-local, package/check: new; run checks on
* package/install: run package/check.
* chpst.check, runit-init.check, runit.check, runsv.check,
runsvchdir.check, runsvctrl.check, runsvdir.check, runsvstat.check,
svlogd.check, svwaitdown.check, svwaitup.check, utmpset.check: new;
check program.
* chpst.dist, runit-init.dist, runit.dist, runsv.dist, runsvchdir.dist,
runsvctrl.dist, runsvdir.dist, runsvstat.dist, svlogd.dist,
svwaitdown.dist, svwaitup.dist, utmpset.dist: new; dist check program
runit 1.0.0
Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:37:28 +0000
* doc/benefits.html, doc/dependencies.html, doc/index.html,
doc/replaceinit.html, doc/runlevels.html, doc/upgrade.html,
doc/useinit.html: cleanup; minor.
* man/utmpset.8: run utmpset in finish script, not run script.
* man/runsvdir.8: minor.
runit 0.13.1
Mon, 19 Jan 2004 18:32:58 +0000
* doc/upgrade.html: typo.
* svlogd.c: bugfix: properly print new-line character to the log on end
of line (thx Pawel Chmielowski).
* trysocketlib.c: new; check for libraries needed for socket() on some
systems (fixes link failure on solaris, thx Uffe Jakobsen).
* Makefile: adapt.
*, head -1 -> head -n1.
runit 0.13.0
Mon, 12 Jan 2004 14:39:38 +0000
* doc/runscripts.html: use html named entities (thx Taj Khattra); add
more contributed run scripts (thx Marek Bartnikowski, Thomas Schwinge).
* svlogd.c: support sending log entries to remote host through udp,
configurable through u and U lines in log dir config file; minor.
* man/svlogd.8: adapt; document -tt option.
* package/compile, package/install-man, package/upgrade: exit 1 on
sub-shell failures.
* man/runsv.8: fix typos (thx Christian Hammers).
runit 0.12.1
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 15:42:44 +0000
* doc/runscripts: add pppd run script (with chpst) next to the ppp one.
* man/chpst.8: typo.
* etc/debian/3: test -r -> test -x (thx Alejandro Mery).
* runsv.c: don't start new processes while collecting children.
runit 0.12.0
Wed, 29 Oct 2003 18:27:48 +0000
* runsv.c: don't use EOVERFLOW as it is not standard (thx Christoph
* reboot_system.h1, reboot_system.h2, tryreboot.c: new; test if reboot()
function takes one or two arguments (solaris).
* runit.c: fallthrough stage 3: re-get stderr; sync() before reboot().
* uw_tmp.h1, uw_tmp.h2, tryuwtmp.c, tryuwtmpx.c: new; test for utmpx or
utmp support.
* utmpset.c: support systems with utmp or utmpx (solaris).
* Makefile: adapt.
* supports the solaris platform (thx Uffe Jakobsen).
* doc/benefits.html, doc/index.html, doc/replaceinit.html,
doc/runlevels.html, doc/useinit.html: default service directory is
/var/service; minor.
* etc/2, etc/debian/3, etc/freebsd/3, etc/macosx/StartupItems/runit,
etc/openbsd/3, man/runsv.8, man/runsvchdir.8, man/runsvdir.8: default
service directory is /var/service.
* doc/runscripts.html: add more contributed run scripts (thx Tomasz
runit 0.11.2
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 10:15:32 +0200
* doc/useinit.html, etc/macosx/StartupItems/runit: don't use /etc/runit/2
when using runit service supervision with traditional init, use
/sbin/runsvdir-start instead.
* fmt_ptime.c: calculate UTC localtime correctly.
* runsv.c: support ./supervise as symbolic link, on dangling symlink create
link target.
runit 0.11.1
Thu, 4 Sep 2003 11:51:02 +0200
* src/Makefile: add dependency to sysdeps to target fmt_ptime.o (thx Thomas
* svlogd.c: barf if all log directories given at the command line fail.
* man/svlogd.8: adapt.
* doc/runscripts.html: adaptions (thx Erich Schubert, Lang Martin).
runit 0.11.0
Fri, 08 Aug 2003 12:37:14 +0200
* uidgid.c, uidgid.h: new; get uid/gid by name.
* chpst: new; run program with a changed process state (includes envdir,
envuidgid, pgrphack, setlock, setuidgid, softlimit functionality).
* setuidgid.c: remove; obsolete (replaced by chpst).
runit 0.10.0
Sun, 22 Jun 2003 20:44:58 +0200
* doc/index.html, doc/install.html, doc/replaceinit.html, doc/useinit.html:
how to install and configure runit on MacOSX.
* svlogd.c: typo; fix incorrect handling of processor's state file; minor
code cleanup; correctly calculate size for all types of timestamps.
* runit-init.c: exit 0 on wrong usage.
* package/versions: new.
runit 0.9.5
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:48:10 +0200
* runit.c: use select() on systems that don't provide poll().
* svlogd.c: reset match flag in lineflush() in all cases.
* Makefile: build setuidgid in default target.
* doc/useinit.html: add instruction to create /etc/runit/2 first.
* doc/install.html: minor.
runit 0.9.4
Wed, 04 Jun 2003 13:56:33 +0200
* svlogd.c: default log file size is 1M; print verbose message only if
-v is set.
* man/svlogd.8: document -v option; minor.
* etc/freebsd/3, etc/openbsd/3: check if magic files in /etc/runit/ are
executable, not readable.
* etc/*/getty-tty*/run: remove utmpset from script.
* etc/*/getty-tty*/finish: new: run utmpset.
* doc/replaceinit.html: adapt.
* setuidgid.c: new: daemontools' setuidgid drop in replacement (not
installed by default).
* Makefile: build setuidgid.
* doc/index.html: update.
runit 0.9.3
Sun, 04 May 2003 11:30:58 +0200
* Makefile: actually build runsvstat, runsvctrl before installing them,
fixes build failure (thx Lukas Beeler).
* runsvctrl.c, runsvstat.c: use _exit().
runit 0.9.2
Sat, 03 May 2003 17:40:23 +0200
* doc/runscripts.html: changes from Jesse Cablek.
* doc/dependencies.html, doc/useinit.html: new.
* doc/index.html: adapt; reorder programs; runsvstat, runsvctrl installed
by default.
* doc/install.html: remove dependency on daemontools; create /package.
* doc/replaceinit.html, man/runsv.8: typos.
* man/svwaitdown.8, man/svwaitup.8: refer to runit and supervise.
* svlogd.c: fix counter var namespace.
* package/commands: add runsvctrl, runsvstat.
runit 0.9.1
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 22:10:57 +0200
* svlogd.c: reset match flag on deselection, fixes pattern matching.
runit 0.9.0
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 09:22:03 +0200
* runsvdir.c: don't propagate sig_term to runsv processes when receiving
sig_term; send sig_term to all runsv processes and exit 111 when
receiving sig_hangup.
* runit.c: print warning for each state that exits non-zero; restart
stage 2 if it exits non-zero.
* svlogd.c: code cleanup.
* svwaitdown.c: send command 'd' (and 'x' if -x is set) to each service if
it's not in state 'want down'.
* svwaitup.c: minor code cleanup.
* man/runsvdir.8, man/svwaitdown.8: adapt.
* doc/runscripts.html: add contributed run scripts (thx!).
* doc/upgrade.html, doc/index.html: adapt.
runit 0.8.4
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 19:31:24 +0200
* svlogd.c: new; runit's service logging daemon.
* fmt_ptime.h, fmt_ptime.c, pmatch.h, pmatch.c: new.
* man/svlogd.8, doc/svlogd.8.html: new.
* man/runsv.8, man/runsvstat.8, man/utmpset.8: minor cleanup.
runit 0.8.1
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 15:10:04 +0100
* runsvdir.c, runsv.c: close-on-exec file descriptors of current dir and
lock files (thx Lukas Beeler).
* doc/runscripts.html: add contributed run scripts (thx Robin S. Socha,
Claus Alboege, Paul Jarc, clemens fischer, Jesse Cablek).
runit 0.8.0
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:17:34 +0100
* doc/benefits.html: new.
* doc/index.html, doc/upgrade.html: adapt.
* etc/*/1, etc/*/3, etc/*/ctrlaltdel: set permissions on the magic files
instead of creating and removing them (can make them symbolic links
now); set PATH.
* runit.h: new; centralize runit's compiled in magic file names.
* runit.c: check permissions of magic files instead of sole existence;
conditionally call reboot(RB_AUTOBOOT), reboot(RB_POWER_OFF),
reboot(RB_HALT_SYSTEM) if possible; code cleanup.
* runit-init.c: set permissions on magic files instead of creating or
removing them; code cleanup.
* runsvdir.c: detect and tolerate system time warp; code cleanup.
* runsv.c, runsvchdir.c, runsvctrl.c, runsvstat.c, svwaitdown.c,
svwaitup.c, utmpset.c: code cleanup.
* man/runit.8, man/runit-init.8: adapt.
runit 0.7.2
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 21:34:13 +0100
* runsv.c: close finish script file descriptor.
* runsv.c: close logpipe[] instead of sending sigterm to logservice when
told to exit, loggers should exit when they see EOF on stdin (thx Paul
* etc/*/1, etc/*/3: remove explicit 'exit'.
* error.h: include <errno.h> (upcoming glibc changes).
runit 0.7.1
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 11:40:24 +0200
* man/runsv.8, doc/runlevels.html: typos.
* runsvctrl.c, runsvstat.c: exit 111 on error.
* runsvdir.c: continue reading directory when stat() on entry fails.
* doc/runsvstat.8.html,doc/runsvctrl.8.html: new.
* runsvstat, runsvctrl: new; optional svc, svstat replacements.
* doc/index.html: adapt; new example.
runit 0.7.0
Mon, 07 Oct 2002 11:26:27 +0200
* runsvdir.c: check service directory's inode and device in addition
to mtime; sleep at least 1 second before restarting runsv processes.
* runsv.c: use status[19] for state information; control pipe supports e.
* runsvstat.c: new option -l: only show log service if -l is given; use
status[19] for state.
* runsvchdir: new; change directory runsvdir is running in (switch
* man/runsvchdir.8, doc/runsvchdir.8.html: new.
* svwaitdown.c: -k option: only kill service that still are up on timeout.
runit 0.6.0
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 16:34:57 +0200
* man/runsv.8, man/runsvdir.8: new.
* doc: use runsvdir/runsv instead of svscanboot/supervise.
* svwaitdown.c, svwaitup.c, man/svwaitdown.8, man/svwaitup.8: services
must start with slash.
* svwaitdown: new option -x: wait for runsv to exit instead for the
service to be down; new option -k: SIGKILL still running services if
timeout is reached.
* stage 3: use new svwaitdown options.
runit 0.5.3
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 16:25:07 +0200
* runsv, runsvdir: new; svscan/supervise replacement.
* etc/runit/2: use runsvdir instead of svscanboot.
* runsvstat.c: new; svstat for runsv.
* runsvctrl.c: new; svc for runsv.
* runsvdir.c, runsv.c: code cleanup.
* utmpset.c: setlock utmp and wtmp file.
runit 0.5.0
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 11:18:28 +0200
* utmpset: avoids libutil; compiles with dietlibc; built by default.
* doc/usedietlibc.html: fix description.
* getty-*/run: add utmpset.
runit 0.4.1
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 15:53:11 +0200
* utmpset.c: new option -w: additionally write wtmp record.
runit 0.4.0
Sun, 19 May 2002 12:28:29 +0200
* src/: include public domain sources to build byte.a, unix.a, time.a:
runit builds without having daemontools' sources installed.
* utmpset.c: new utmpset program.
* doc/utmpset.html: new.
runit 0.3.2
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 10:56:17 +0100
* runit.c: support ctrl-alt-del also on Linux/i386, dietlibc.
* runscripts.html: more samples. (thx Alessandro Bono)
runit 0.3.1
Sun, 3 Feb 2002 16:30:55 +0100
* src: cleanup.
runit 0.3.0
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 19:38:33 +0100
* doc: adapted.
* runit.8: changes documented.
* runscripts.html: more examples.
runit 0.2.9
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 19:00:44 +0100
* reportedly runs on FreeBSD 4.3 (thx clemensF)
* svwaitdown: max timeout is 6000, really. (thx ska)
* runit.c: stage 1 gets no new session and full control of console; an
emergency shell or login program (if present) can be executed.
* openbsd, freebsd: support for 'single user' emergency shell in stage 1
* runit.c: skip stage 2 if stage 1 crashes.
runit 0.2.7
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 16:20:14 +0100
* tested on fresh freebsd 4.4 installation in vmware
* new etc/freebsd: stages and getty service
* doc: replaceinit: how to replace bsd init (freebsd)
* svwaitup: minor code cleanup
* doc: /service/getty-5/ as default getty service.
* doc: index: related links added.
* package: install-man added for installing manpages in /usr/local/man/
runit 0.2.6
Sun, 30 Dec 2001 17:29:29 +0100
* runs on openbsd 2.9
* runit: console init and reinit
* runit: sig_pause() on end.
* new: etc/openbsd: stages and getty service
* doc: replaceinit: how to replace bsd init
runit 0.2.3
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 14:41:56 +0100
* doc: runscripts.html integrated
runit 0.2.2
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 18:12:29 +0100
* runit: checks for pid == 1
* new: svwaitdown, svwaitup, svwaitdown.8, svwaitup.8
* stage3: uses svwaitdown
* doc: runscripts.html added
runit 0.2.0
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 12:29:44 +0100
* runit-halt, runit-reboot removed, integrated into runit-init
* tested with dietlibc
* doc: usedietlibs.html added.
* BSD license.
runit 0.1.2
Thu, 22 Nov 2001 18:29:05 +0100
* collects all terminated children in all stages
* sends sigkill to whole process group if stage2 crashes and waits
5 seconds before restarting
* ctraltdel not automatically shuts down, now respects /etc/runit/stopit
* /etc/runit/ctrlaltdel touches /etc/runit/stopit
* on shutdown request: send sigterm to stage 2, wait max 5 second, send
sigkill if still running, leave stage 2, enter stage 3
runit 0.1.1
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 11:56:58 +0100
* package moved to
runit 0.1.0
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 14:01:27 +0100
* documention
* debian package
runit 0.0.4
Sun, 11 Nov 2001 19:07:49 +0100
* initial release

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Gerrit Pape
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Copyright 2001-2006
G. Pape

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Thanks to D. J. Bernstein for his daemontools package and for putting the
daemontools' library code into the public domain.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
rewrite doc/benefits.html
rewrite doc/index.html
add doc/uselsb.html
have sv replace runsvctrl, runsvstat, svwaitdown, svwaitup
rewrite doc/dependencies.html: weak/string deps
runsv: provide ./run's return code to ./finish, count startups of ./run and
provide number to ./run
chpst: -u user[:group0[:group1 ...]]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
set -e
umask 022
test -d package || sh -cx '! : Wrong working directory.'
test -d compile || sh -cx '! : Wrong working directory.'
echo 'Checking commands in ./command...'
sh -cxe 'cd compile; exec make check'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
set -e
umask 022
test -d package || sh -cx '! : Wrong working directory.'
test -d src || sh -cx '! : Wrong working directory.'
here=`env - PATH=$PATH pwd`
mkdir -p compile command
test -r compile/home || echo $here >compile/home
test -h compile/src || ln -s $here/src compile/src
echo 'Linking ./src/* into ./compile...'
for i in `ls src`; do
test -h compile/$i || ln -s src/$i compile/$i
echo 'Compiling everything in ./compile...'
sh -cxe 'cd compile; exec make'
echo 'Copying commands into ./command...'
for i in `cat package/commands`; do
rm -f command/$i'{new}'
cp -p compile/$i command/$i'{new}'
mv -f command/$i'{new}' command/$i

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
set -e

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
set -e
umask 022
test -d package || sh -cx '! : Wrong working directory.'
test -d man || sh -cx '! : Wrong working directory.'
here=`env - PATH=$PATH pwd`
parent=`dirname $here`
echo 'Compressing manpages...'
for i in man/*.[1-8]; do
gzip -c $i >${i}.gz
echo 'Making manpage links in /usr/local/man...'
cd man
for i in 8; do
mkdir -p /usr/local/man/man$i
for j in *.$i; do
rm -f /usr/local/man/man$i/$j.gz'{new}'
ln -s $parent/runit/man/$j.gz /usr/local/man/man$i/$j.gz'{new}'
mv -f /usr/local/man/man$i/$j.gz'{new}' /usr/local/man/man$i/$j.gz
cd ..

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
set -e
umask 022
test -d package || sh -cx '! : Wrong working directory.'
test -d src || sh -cx '! : Wrong working directory.'
here=`env - PATH=$PATH pwd`
parent=`dirname $here`
echo 'Creating symlink runit -> runit-2.1.2...'
rm -f runit
ln -s runit-2.1.2 runit
mv -f runit ..
echo 'Making command links in /command...'
mkdir -p /command
for i in `cat package/commands`; do
rm -f /command/$i'{new}'
ln -s $parent/runit/command/$i /command/$i'{new}'
mv -f /command/$i'{new}' /command/$i
echo 'Making compatibility links in /usr/local/bin...'
mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
for i in `cat package/commands`; do
rm -f /usr/local/bin/$i'{new}'
ln -s /command/$i /usr/local/bin/$i'{new}'
mv -f /usr/local/bin/$i'{new}' /usr/local/bin/$i

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
IT=chpst runit runit-init runsv runsvchdir runsvdir sv svlogd utmpset
default: sysdeps $(IT)
check: $(IT)
./check-local $(IT)
runit: load runit.o unix.a byte.a
./load runit unix.a byte.a -static
runit-init: load runit-init.o unix.a byte.a
./load runit-init unix.a byte.a -static
runsv: load runsv.o unix.a byte.a time.a
./load runsv unix.a byte.a time.a
runsvdir: load runsvdir.o unix.a byte.a time.a
./load runsvdir unix.a byte.a time.a
runsvstat: load runsvstat.o unix.a byte.a time.a
./load runsvstat unix.a byte.a time.a
runsvctrl: load runsvctrl.o unix.a byte.a
./load runsvctrl unix.a byte.a
sv: load sv.o unix.a byte.a time.a
./load sv unix.a byte.a time.a
svwaitup: load svwaitup.o unix.a byte.a time.a
./load svwaitup unix.a byte.a time.a
svwaitdown: load svwaitdown.o unix.a byte.a time.a
./load svwaitdown unix.a byte.a time.a
utmpset: load utmpset.o unix.a byte.a
./load utmpset unix.a byte.a
runsvchdir: load runsvchdir.o unix.a byte.a
./load runsvchdir unix.a byte.a
svlogd: load svlogd.o pmatch.o fmt_ptime.o unix.a byte.a time.a socket.lib
./load svlogd pmatch.o fmt_ptime.o unix.a byte.a time.a \
`cat socket.lib`
chpst: load chpst.o uidgid.o unix.a byte.a
./load chpst uidgid.o unix.a byte.a
runit.o: compile sysdeps runit.c
./compile runit.c
runit-init.o: compile runit-init.c
./compile runit-init.c
runsv.o: compile sysdeps runsv.c
./compile runsv.c
runsvdir.o: compile sysdeps runsvdir.c
./compile runsvdir.c
runsvstat.o: compile sysdeps runsvstat.c
./compile runsvstat.c
runsvctrl.o: compile runsvctrl.c
./compile runsvctrl.c
sv.o: compile sysdeps sv.c
./compile sv.c
svwaitup.o: compile sysdeps svwaitup.c
./compile svwaitup.c
svwaitdown.o: compile sysdeps svwaitdown.c
./compile svwaitdown.c
utmpset.o: compile sysdeps utmpset.c
./compile utmpset.c
runsvchdir.o: compile runsvchdir.c
./compile runsvchdir.c
svlogd.o: compile sysdeps svlogd.c
./compile svlogd.c
chpst.o: compile sysdeps chpst.c
./compile chpst.c
uidgid.o: compile uidgid.c uidgid.h
./compile uidgid.c
pmatch.o: compile pmatch.c
./compile pmatch.c
fmt_ptime.o: compile sysdeps fmt_ptime.c
./compile fmt_ptime.c
reboot_system.h: choose compile reboot_system.h1 reboot_system.h2
./choose c tryreboot reboot_system.h1 reboot_system.h2 > \
uw_tmp.h: compile uw_tmp.h1 uw_tmp.h2
( ./compile tryuwtmpx.c 2>/dev/null && cat uw_tmp.h2 >uw_tmp.h ) || \
( ./compile tryuwtmp.c 2>/dev/null && cat uw_tmp.h1 >uw_tmp.h )
rm -f tryuwtmp.o tryuwtmpx.o
socket.lib: compile load trysocketlib.c
./compile trysocketlib.c
( ./load trysocketlib >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
( ./load trysocketlib -lxnet >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo '-lxnet' ) || \
( ./load trysocketlib -lsocket -lnsl >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
echo '-lsocket -lnsl' ) \
) >socket.lib
rm -f trysocketlib.o trysocketlib
find . -name \*~ -exec rm -f {} \;
find . -name .??*~ -exec rm -f {} \;
find . -name \#?* -exec rm -f {} \;
rm -f `cat TARGETS`
alloc.o: alloc.c alloc.h compile error.h
./compile alloc.c
alloc_re.o: alloc.h alloc_re.c byte.h compile
./compile alloc_re.c
buffer.o: buffer.c buffer.h compile
./compile buffer.c
buffer_0.o: buffer.h buffer_0.c compile
./compile buffer_0.c
buffer_1.o: buffer.h buffer_1.c compile
./compile buffer_1.c
buffer_2.o: buffer.h buffer_2.c compile
./compile buffer_2.c
buffer_get.o: buffer.h buffer_get.c byte.h compile error.h
./compile buffer_get.c
buffer_put.o: buffer.h buffer_put.c byte.h compile error.h str.h
./compile buffer_put.c
buffer_read.o: buffer.h buffer_read.c compile
./compile buffer_read.c
buffer_write.o: buffer.h buffer_write.c compile
./compile buffer_write.c
byte.a: byte_chr.o byte_copy.o byte_cr.o byte_diff.o byte_rchr.o \
fmt_uint.o fmt_uint0.o fmt_ulong.o makelib scan_ulong.o str_chr.o \
str_diff.o str_len.o str_start.o
./makelib byte.a byte_chr.o byte_copy.o byte_cr.o byte_diff.o \
byte_rchr.o fmt_uint.o fmt_uint0.o fmt_ulong.o scan_ulong.o str_chr.o \
str_diff.o str_len.o str_start.o
byte_chr.o: byte.h byte_chr.c compile
./compile byte_chr.c
byte_copy.o: byte.h byte_copy.c compile
./compile byte_copy.c
byte_cr.o: byte.h byte_cr.c compile
./compile byte_cr.c
byte_diff.o: byte.h byte_diff.c compile
./compile byte_diff.c
byte_rchr.o: byte.h byte_rchr.c compile
./compile byte_rchr.c
chkshsgr: chkshsgr.o load
./load chkshsgr
chkshsgr.o: chkshsgr.c compile
./compile chkshsgr.c
rm -f choose
cat \
> choose
chmod 555 choose
coe.o: coe.c coe.h compile
./compile coe.c
compile: conf-cc systype
rm -f compile
sh > compile
chmod 555 compile
direntry.h: choose compile direntry.h1 direntry.h2 trydrent.c
./choose c trydrent direntry.h1 direntry.h2 > direntry.h
env.o: compile env.c env.h str.h
./compile env.c
error.o: compile error.c error.h
./compile error.c
error_str.o: compile error.h error_str.c
./compile error_str.c
fd_copy.o: compile fd.h fd_copy.c
./compile fd_copy.c
fd_move.o: compile fd.h fd_move.c
./compile fd_move.c
fifo.o: compile fifo.c fifo.h hasmkffo.h
./compile fifo.c
fmt_uint.o: compile fmt.h fmt_uint.c
./compile fmt_uint.c
fmt_uint0.o: compile fmt.h fmt_uint0.c
./compile fmt_uint0.c
fmt_ulong.o: compile fmt.h fmt_ulong.c
./compile fmt_ulong.c
hasflock.h: choose compile hasflock.h1 hasflock.h2 load tryflock.c
./choose cl tryflock hasflock.h1 hasflock.h2 > hasflock.h
hasmkffo.h: choose compile hasmkffo.h1 hasmkffo.h2 load trymkffo.c
./choose cl trymkffo hasmkffo.h1 hasmkffo.h2 > hasmkffo.h
hassgact.h: choose compile hassgact.h1 hassgact.h2 load trysgact.c
./choose cl trysgact hassgact.h1 hassgact.h2 > hassgact.h
hassgprm.h: choose compile hassgprm.h1 hassgprm.h2 load trysgprm.c
./choose cl trysgprm hassgprm.h1 hassgprm.h2 > hassgprm.h
hasshsgr.h: chkshsgr choose compile hasshsgr.h1 hasshsgr.h2 load \
tryshsgr.c warn-shsgr
./chkshsgr || ( cat warn-shsgr; exit 1 )
./choose clr tryshsgr hasshsgr.h1 hasshsgr.h2 > hasshsgr.h
haswaitp.h: choose compile haswaitp.h1 haswaitp.h2 load trywaitp.c
./choose cl trywaitp haswaitp.h1 haswaitp.h2 > haswaitp.h
iopause.h: choose compile iopause.h1 iopause.h2 load trypoll.c
./choose clr trypoll iopause.h1 iopause.h2 > iopause.h
iopause.o: compile iopause.c iopause.h select.h tai.h taia.h uint64.h
./compile iopause.c
load: conf-ld systype
rm -f load
sh > load
chmod 555 load
lock_ex.o: compile hasflock.h lock.h lock_ex.c
./compile lock_ex.c
lock_exnb.o: compile hasflock.h lock.h lock_exnb.c
./compile lock_exnb.c
makelib: systype
rm -f makelib
sh > makelib
chmod 555 makelib
ndelay_off.o: compile ndelay.h ndelay_off.c
./compile ndelay_off.c
ndelay_on.o: compile ndelay.h ndelay_on.c
./compile ndelay_on.c
open_append.o: compile open.h open_append.c
./compile open_append.c
open_read.o: compile open.h open_read.c
./compile open_read.c
open_trunc.o: compile open.h open_trunc.c
./compile open_trunc.c
open_write.o: compile open.h open_write.c
./compile open_write.c
openreadclose.o: compile error.h gen_alloc.h open.h openreadclose.c \
openreadclose.h readclose.h stralloc.h
./compile openreadclose.c
pathexec_env.o: alloc.h byte.h compile env.h gen_alloc.h pathexec.h \
pathexec_env.c str.h stralloc.h
./compile pathexec_env.c
pathexec_run.o: compile env.h error.h gen_alloc.h pathexec.h \
pathexec_run.c str.h stralloc.h
./compile pathexec_run.c
prot.o: compile hasshsgr.h prot.c prot.h
./compile prot.c
readclose.o: compile error.h gen_alloc.h readclose.c readclose.h \
./compile readclose.c
scan_ulong.o: compile scan.h scan_ulong.c
./compile scan_ulong.c
seek_set.o: compile seek.h seek_set.c
./compile seek_set.c
select.h: choose compile select.h1 select.h2 trysysel.c
./choose c trysysel select.h1 select.h2 > select.h
sgetopt.o: buffer.h compile sgetopt.c sgetopt.h subgetopt.h
./compile sgetopt.c
sig.o: compile sig.c sig.h
./compile sig.c
sig_block.o: compile hassgprm.h sig.h sig_block.c
./compile sig_block.c
sig_catch.o: compile hassgact.h sig.h sig_catch.c
./compile sig_catch.c
sig_pause.o: compile hassgprm.h sig.h sig_pause.c
./compile sig_pause.c
str_chr.o: compile str.h str_chr.c
./compile str_chr.c
str_diff.o: compile str.h str_diff.c
./compile str_diff.c
str_len.o: compile str.h str_len.c
./compile str_len.c
str_start.o: compile str.h str_start.c
./compile str_start.c
stralloc_cat.o: byte.h compile gen_alloc.h stralloc.h stralloc_cat.c
./compile stralloc_cat.c
stralloc_catb.o: byte.h compile gen_alloc.h stralloc.h \
./compile stralloc_catb.c
stralloc_cats.o: byte.h compile gen_alloc.h str.h stralloc.h \
./compile stralloc_cats.c
stralloc_eady.o: alloc.h compile gen_alloc.h gen_allocdefs.h \
stralloc.h stralloc_eady.c
./compile stralloc_eady.c
stralloc_opyb.o: byte.h compile gen_alloc.h stralloc.h \
./compile stralloc_opyb.c
stralloc_opys.o: byte.h compile gen_alloc.h str.h stralloc.h \
./compile stralloc_opys.c
stralloc_pend.o: alloc.h compile gen_alloc.h gen_allocdefs.h \
stralloc.h stralloc_pend.c
./compile stralloc_pend.c
strerr_die.o: buffer.h compile strerr.h strerr_die.c
./compile strerr_die.c
strerr_sys.o: compile error.h strerr.h strerr_sys.c
./compile strerr_sys.c
subgetopt.o: compile subgetopt.c subgetopt.h
./compile subgetopt.c
sysdeps: compile direntry.h hasflock.h hasmkffo.h hassgact.h \
hassgprm.h hasshsgr.h haswaitp.h iopause.h load select.h systype \
uint64.h reboot_system.h uw_tmp.h socket.lib
rm -f sysdeps
cat systype compile load socket.lib >>sysdeps
grep sysdep direntry.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep haswaitp.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep hassgact.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep hassgprm.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep select.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep uint64.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep iopause.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep hasmkffo.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep hasflock.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep hasshsgr.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep reboot_system.h >>sysdeps
grep sysdep uw_tmp.h >>sysdeps
cat sysdeps
systype: trycpp.c x86cpuid.c
sh > systype
tai_now.o: compile tai.h tai_now.c uint64.h
./compile tai_now.c
tai_pack.o: compile tai.h tai_pack.c uint64.h
./compile tai_pack.c
tai_sub.o: compile tai.h tai_sub.c uint64.h
./compile tai_sub.c
tai_unpack.o: compile tai.h tai_unpack.c uint64.h
./compile tai_unpack.c
taia_add.o: compile tai.h taia.h taia_add.c uint64.h
./compile taia_add.c
taia_approx.o: compile tai.h taia.h taia_approx.c uint64.h
./compile taia_approx.c
taia_frac.o: compile tai.h taia.h taia_frac.c uint64.h
./compile taia_frac.c
taia_less.o: compile tai.h taia.h taia_less.c uint64.h
./compile taia_less.c
taia_now.o: compile tai.h taia.h taia_now.c uint64.h
./compile taia_now.c
taia_pack.o: compile tai.h taia.h taia_pack.c uint64.h
./compile taia_pack.c
taia_sub.o: compile tai.h taia.h taia_sub.c uint64.h
./compile taia_sub.c
taia_uint.o: compile tai.h taia.h taia_uint.c uint64.h
./compile taia_uint.c
time.a: iopause.o makelib tai_now.o tai_pack.o tai_sub.o tai_unpack.o \
taia_add.o taia_approx.o taia_frac.o taia_less.o taia_now.o \
taia_pack.o taia_sub.o taia_uint.o
./makelib time.a iopause.o tai_now.o tai_pack.o tai_sub.o \
tai_unpack.o taia_add.o taia_approx.o taia_frac.o taia_less.o \
taia_now.o taia_pack.o taia_sub.o taia_uint.o
uint64.h: choose compile load tryulong64.c uint64.h1 uint64.h2
./choose clr tryulong64 uint64.h1 uint64.h2 > uint64.h
unix.a: alloc.o alloc_re.o buffer.o buffer_0.o buffer_1.o buffer_2.o \
buffer_get.o buffer_put.o buffer_read.o buffer_write.o coe.o env.o \
error.o error_str.o fd_copy.o fd_move.o fifo.o lock_ex.o lock_exnb.o \
makelib ndelay_off.o ndelay_on.o open_append.o open_read.o \
open_trunc.o open_write.o openreadclose.o pathexec_env.o \
pathexec_run.o prot.o readclose.o seek_set.o sgetopt.o sig.o \
sig_block.o sig_catch.o sig_pause.o stralloc_cat.o stralloc_catb.o \
stralloc_cats.o stralloc_eady.o stralloc_opyb.o stralloc_opys.o \
stralloc_pend.o strerr_die.o strerr_sys.o subgetopt.o wait_nohang.o \
./makelib unix.a alloc.o alloc_re.o buffer.o buffer_0.o buffer_1.o \
buffer_2.o buffer_get.o buffer_put.o buffer_read.o buffer_write.o \
coe.o env.o error.o error_str.o fd_copy.o fd_move.o fifo.o lock_ex.o \
lock_exnb.o ndelay_off.o ndelay_on.o open_append.o open_read.o \
open_trunc.o open_write.o openreadclose.o pathexec_env.o \
pathexec_run.o prot.o readclose.o seek_set.o sgetopt.o sig.o \
sig_block.o sig_catch.o sig_pause.o stralloc_cat.o stralloc_catb.o \
stralloc_cats.o stralloc_eady.o stralloc_opyb.o stralloc_opys.o \
stralloc_pend.o strerr_die.o strerr_sys.o subgetopt.o wait_nohang.o \
wait_nohang.o: compile haswaitp.h wait_nohang.c
./compile wait_nohang.c
wait_pid.o: compile error.h haswaitp.h wait_pid.c
./compile wait_pid.c

View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "alloc.h"
#include "error.h"
#define ALIGNMENT 16 /* XXX: assuming that this alignment is enough */
#define SPACE 2048 /* must be multiple of ALIGNMENT */
typedef union { char irrelevant[ALIGNMENT]; double d; } aligned;
static aligned realspace[SPACE / ALIGNMENT];
#define space ((char *) realspace)
static unsigned int avail = SPACE; /* multiple of ALIGNMENT; 0<=avail<=SPACE */
/*@null@*//*@out@*/char *alloc(n)
unsigned int n;
char *x;
n = ALIGNMENT + n - (n & (ALIGNMENT - 1)); /* XXX: could overflow */
if (n <= avail) { avail -= n; return space + avail; }
x = malloc(n);
if (!x) errno = error_nomem;
return x;
void alloc_free(x)
char *x;
if (x >= space)
if (x < space + SPACE)
return; /* XXX: assuming that pointers are flat */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
/* Public domain. */
#ifndef ALLOC_H
#define ALLOC_H
extern /*@null@*//*@out@*/char *alloc();
extern void alloc_free();
extern int alloc_re();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "alloc.h"
#include "byte.h"
int alloc_re(x,m,n)
char **x;
unsigned int m;
unsigned int n;
char *y;
y = alloc(n);
if (!y) return 0;
*x = y;
return 1;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "buffer.h"
void buffer_init(buffer *s,int (*op)(),int fd,char *buf,unsigned int len)
s->x = buf;
s->fd = fd;
s->op = op;
s->p = 0;
s->n = len;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
/* Public domain. */
#ifndef BUFFER_H
#define BUFFER_H
typedef struct buffer {
char *x;
unsigned int p;
unsigned int n;
int fd;
int (*op)();
} buffer;
#define BUFFER_INIT(op,fd,buf,len) { (buf), 0, (len), (fd), (op) }
#define BUFFER_INSIZE 8192
#define BUFFER_OUTSIZE 8192
extern void buffer_init(buffer *,int (*)(),int,char *,unsigned int);
extern int buffer_flush(buffer *);
extern int buffer_put(buffer *,const char *,unsigned int);
extern int buffer_putalign(buffer *,const char *,unsigned int);
extern int buffer_putflush(buffer *,const char *,unsigned int);
extern int buffer_puts(buffer *,const char *);
extern int buffer_putsalign(buffer *,const char *);
extern int buffer_putsflush(buffer *,const char *);
#define buffer_PUTC(s,c) \
( ((s)->n != (s)->p) \
? ( (s)->x[(s)->p++] = (c), 0 ) \
: buffer_put((s),&(c),1) \
extern int buffer_get(buffer *,char *,unsigned int);
extern int buffer_bget(buffer *,char *,unsigned int);
extern int buffer_feed(buffer *);
extern char *buffer_peek(buffer *);
extern void buffer_seek(buffer *,unsigned int);
#define buffer_PEEK(s) ( (s)->x + (s)->n )
#define buffer_SEEK(s,len) ( ( (s)->p -= (len) ) , ( (s)->n += (len) ) )
#define buffer_GETC(s,c) \
( ((s)->p > 0) \
? ( *(c) = (s)->x[(s)->n], buffer_SEEK((s),1), 1 ) \
: buffer_get((s),(c),1) \
extern int buffer_copy(buffer *,buffer *);
extern int buffer_unixread(int,char *,unsigned int);
extern int buffer_unixwrite(int,const char *,unsigned int);
extern buffer *buffer_0;
extern buffer *buffer_0small;
extern buffer *buffer_1;
extern buffer *buffer_1small;
extern buffer *buffer_2;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "buffer.h"
int buffer_0_read(fd,buf,len) int fd; char *buf; int len;
if (buffer_flush(buffer_1) == -1) return -1;
return buffer_unixread(fd,buf,len);
char buffer_0_space[BUFFER_INSIZE];
static buffer it = BUFFER_INIT(buffer_0_read,0,buffer_0_space,sizeof buffer_0_space);
buffer *buffer_0 = &it;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "buffer.h"
char buffer_1_space[BUFFER_OUTSIZE];
static buffer it = BUFFER_INIT(buffer_unixwrite,1,buffer_1_space,sizeof buffer_1_space);
buffer *buffer_1 = &it;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "buffer.h"
char buffer_2_space[256];
static buffer it = BUFFER_INIT(buffer_unixwrite,2,buffer_2_space,sizeof buffer_2_space);
buffer *buffer_2 = &it;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "buffer.h"
#include "byte.h"
#include "error.h"
static int oneread(int (*op)(),int fd,char *buf,unsigned int len)
int r;
for (;;) {
r = op(fd,buf,len);
if (r == -1) if (errno == error_intr) continue;
return r;
static int getthis(buffer *s,char *buf,unsigned int len)
if (len > s->p) len = s->p;
s->p -= len;
byte_copy(buf,len,s->x + s->n);
s->n += len;
return len;
int buffer_feed(buffer *s)
int r;
if (s->p) return s->p;
r = oneread(s->op,s->fd,s->x,s->n);
if (r <= 0) return r;
s->p = r;
s->n -= r;
if (s->n > 0) byte_copyr(s->x + s->n,r,s->x);
return r;
int buffer_bget(buffer *s,char *buf,unsigned int len)
int r;
if (s->p > 0) return getthis(s,buf,len);
if (s->n <= len) return oneread(s->op,s->fd,buf,s->n);
r = buffer_feed(s); if (r <= 0) return r;
return getthis(s,buf,len);
int buffer_get(buffer *s,char *buf,unsigned int len)
int r;
if (s->p > 0) return getthis(s,buf,len);
if (s->n <= len) return oneread(s->op,s->fd,buf,len);
r = buffer_feed(s); if (r <= 0) return r;
return getthis(s,buf,len);
char *buffer_peek(buffer *s)
return s->x + s->n;
void buffer_seek(buffer *s,unsigned int len)
s->n += len;
s->p -= len;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "buffer.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "byte.h"
#include "error.h"
static int allwrite(int (*op)(),int fd,const char *buf,unsigned int len)
int w;
while (len) {
w = op(fd,buf,len);
if (w == -1) {
if (errno == error_intr) continue;
return -1; /* note that some data may have been written */
if (w == 0) ; /* luser's fault */
buf += w;
len -= w;
return 0;
int buffer_flush(buffer *s)
int p;
p = s->p;
if (!p) return 0;
s->p = 0;
return allwrite(s->op,s->fd,s->x,p);
int buffer_putalign(buffer *s,const char *buf,unsigned int len)
unsigned int n;
while (len > (n = s->n - s->p)) {
byte_copy(s->x + s->p,n,buf); s->p += n; buf += n; len -= n;
if (buffer_flush(s) == -1) return -1;
/* now len <= s->n - s->p */
byte_copy(s->x + s->p,len,buf);
s->p += len;
return 0;
int buffer_put(buffer *s,const char *buf,unsigned int len)
unsigned int n;
n = s->n;
if (len > n - s->p) {
if (buffer_flush(s) == -1) return -1;
/* now s->p == 0 */
while (len > s->n) {
if (n > len) n = len;
if (allwrite(s->op,s->fd,buf,n) == -1) return -1;
buf += n;
len -= n;
/* now len <= s->n - s->p */
byte_copy(s->x + s->p,len,buf);
s->p += len;
return 0;
int buffer_putflush(buffer *s,const char *buf,unsigned int len)
if (buffer_flush(s) == -1) return -1;
return allwrite(s->op,s->fd,buf,len);
int buffer_putsalign(buffer *s,const char *buf)
return buffer_putalign(s,buf,str_len(buf));
int buffer_puts(buffer *s,const char *buf)
return buffer_put(s,buf,str_len(buf));
int buffer_putsflush(buffer *s,const char *buf)
return buffer_putflush(s,buf,str_len(buf));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include <unistd.h>
#include "buffer.h"
int buffer_unixread(int fd,char *buf,unsigned int len)
return read(fd,buf,len);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include <unistd.h>
#include "buffer.h"
int buffer_unixwrite(int fd,const char *buf,unsigned int len)
return write(fd,buf,len);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
/* Public domain. */
#ifndef BYTE_H
#define BYTE_H
extern unsigned int byte_chr();
extern unsigned int byte_rchr();
extern void byte_copy();
extern void byte_copyr();
extern int byte_diff();
extern void byte_zero();
#define byte_equal(s,n,t) (!byte_diff((s),(n),(t)))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "byte.h"
unsigned int byte_chr(s,n,c)
char *s;
register unsigned int n;
int c;
register char ch;
register char *t;
ch = c;
t = s;
for (;;) {
if (!n) break; if (*t == ch) break; ++t; --n;
if (!n) break; if (*t == ch) break; ++t; --n;
if (!n) break; if (*t == ch) break; ++t; --n;
if (!n) break; if (*t == ch) break; ++t; --n;
return t - s;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "byte.h"
void byte_copy(to,n,from)
register char *to;
register unsigned int n;
register char *from;
for (;;) {
if (!n) return; *to++ = *from++; --n;
if (!n) return; *to++ = *from++; --n;
if (!n) return; *to++ = *from++; --n;
if (!n) return; *to++ = *from++; --n;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "byte.h"
void byte_copyr(to,n,from)
register char *to;
register unsigned int n;
register char *from;
to += n;
from += n;
for (;;) {
if (!n) return; *--to = *--from; --n;
if (!n) return; *--to = *--from; --n;
if (!n) return; *--to = *--from; --n;
if (!n) return; *--to = *--from; --n;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "byte.h"
int byte_diff(s,n,t)
register char *s;
register unsigned int n;
register char *t;
for (;;) {
if (!n) return 0; if (*s != *t) break; ++s; ++t; --n;
if (!n) return 0; if (*s != *t) break; ++s; ++t; --n;
if (!n) return 0; if (*s != *t) break; ++s; ++t; --n;
if (!n) return 0; if (*s != *t) break; ++s; ++t; --n;
return ((int)(unsigned int)(unsigned char) *s)
- ((int)(unsigned int)(unsigned char) *t);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include "byte.h"
unsigned int byte_rchr(s,n,c)
char *s;
register unsigned int n;
int c;
register char ch;
register char *t;
register char *u;
ch = c;
t = s;
u = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!n) break; if (*t == ch) u = t; ++t; --n;
if (!n) break; if (*t == ch) u = t; ++t; --n;
if (!n) break; if (*t == ch) u = t; ++t; --n;
if (!n) break; if (*t == ch) u = t; ++t; --n;
if (!u) u = t;
return u - s;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
while read i; do
read j 0<&7 || exit 1
test "$i" = "$j" || exit 1
done 7<$1.dist <$1.local

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
for i in `cat ../package/commands`; do
echo "Creating new $i.dist..."
env - PATH="$PATH" ctmp="`pwd`/check-tmp" $i.check 2>&1 |cat -v >$i.dist

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
for i in ${1+"$@"}; do
echo "Checking $i..."
env - PATH="$PATH" ctmp="`pwd`/check-tmp" $i.check 2>&1 |cat -v >$i.local
./check-diff $i || ( cat $i.local; echo "$i failed."; exit 1 ) || exit 1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
short x[4];
x[0] = x[1] = 0;
if (getgroups(1,x) == 0) if (setgroups(1,x) == -1) _exit(1);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
case "$1" in
*c*) ./compile $2.c >/dev/null 2>&1 || result="$3" ;;
case "$1" in
*l*) ./load $2 >/dev/null 2>&1 || result="$3" ;;
case "$1" in
*r*) ./$2 >/dev/null 2>&1 || result="$3" ;;
rm -f $2.o $2
exec cat "$result"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "sgetopt.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "strerr.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "uidgid.h"
#include "prot.h"
#include "strerr.h"
#include "scan.h"
#include "fmt.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include "pathexec.h"
#include "stralloc.h"
#include "byte.h"
#include "open.h"
#include "openreadclose.h"
#include "direntry.h"
#define USAGE_MAIN " [-vP012] [-u user[:group]] [-U user[:group]] [-b argv0] [-e dir] [-/ root] [-n nice] [-l|-L lock] [-m n] [-d n] [-o n] [-p n] [-f n] [-c n] prog"
#define FATAL "chpst: fatal: "
#define WARNING "chpst: warning: "
const char *progname;
static stralloc sa;
void fatal(const char *m) { strerr_die3sys(111, FATAL, m, ": "); }
void fatal2(const char *m0, const char *m1) {
strerr_die5sys(111, FATAL, m0, ": ", m1, ": ");
void fatalx(const char *m0, const char *m1) {
strerr_die4x(111, FATAL, m0, ": ", m1);
void warn(const char *m) { strerr_warn2(WARNING, m, 0); }
void die_nomem() { strerr_die2x(111, FATAL, "out of memory."); }
void usage() { strerr_die4x(100, "usage: ", progname, USAGE_MAIN, "\n"); }
char *set_user =0;
char *env_user =0;
const char *argv0 =0;
const char *env_dir =0;
unsigned int verbose =0;
unsigned int pgrp =0;
unsigned int nostdin =0;
unsigned int nostdout =0;
unsigned int nostderr =0;
long limitd =-2;
long limits =-2;
long limitl =-2;
long limita =-2;
long limito =-2;
long limitp =-2;
long limitf =-2;
long limitc =-2;
long limitr =-2;
long limitt =-2;
long nicelvl =0;
const char *lock =0;
const char *root =0;
unsigned int lockdelay;
void suidgid(char *user, unsigned int ext) {
struct uidgid ugid;
if (ext) {
if (! uidgids_get(&ugid, user)) {
if (*user == ':') fatalx("invalid uid/gids", user +1);
if (errno) fatal("unable to get password/group file entry");
fatalx("unknown user/group", user);
if (! uidgid_get(&ugid, user)) {
if (errno) fatal("unable to get password file entry");
fatalx("unknown account", user);
if (setgroups(ugid.gids, ugid.gid) == -1) fatal("unable to setgroups");
if (setgid(*ugid.gid) == -1) fatal("unable to setgid");
if (prot_uid(ugid.uid) == -1) fatal("unable to setuid");
void euidgid(char *user, unsigned int ext) {
struct uidgid ugid;
char bufnum[FMT_ULONG];
if (ext) {
if (! uidgids_get(&ugid, user)) {
if (*user == ':') fatalx("invalid uid/gids", user +1);
if (errno) fatal("unable to get password/group file entry");
fatalx("unknown user/group", user);
if (! uidgid_get(&ugid, user)) {
if (errno) fatal("unable to get password file entry");
fatalx("unknown account", user);
bufnum[fmt_ulong(bufnum, *ugid.gid)] =0;
if (! pathexec_env("GID", bufnum)) die_nomem();
bufnum[fmt_ulong(bufnum, ugid.uid)] =0;
if (! pathexec_env("UID", bufnum)) die_nomem();
void edir(const char *dirname) {
int wdir;
DIR *dir;
direntry *d;
int i;
if ((wdir =open_read(".")) == -1)
fatal("unable to open current working directory");
if (chdir(dirname)) fatal2("unable to switch to directory", dirname);
if (! (dir =opendir("."))) fatal2("unable to open directory", dirname);
for (;;) {
errno =0;
d =readdir(dir);
if (! d) {
if (errno) fatal2("unable to read directory", dirname);
if (d->d_name[0] == '.') continue;
if (openreadclose(d->d_name, &sa, 256) == -1) {
if ((errno == error_isdir) && env_dir) {
if (verbose)
strerr_warn6(WARNING, "unable to read ", dirname, "/",
d->d_name, ": ", &strerr_sys);
strerr_die6sys(111, FATAL, "unable to read ", dirname, "/",
d->d_name, ": ");
if (sa.len) {
sa.len =byte_chr(sa.s, sa.len, '\n');
while (sa.len && (sa.s[sa.len -1] == ' ' || sa.s[sa.len -1] == '\t'))
for (i =0; i < sa.len; ++i) if (! sa.s[i]) sa.s[i] ='\n';
if (! stralloc_0(&sa)) die_nomem();
if (! pathexec_env(d->d_name, sa.s)) die_nomem();
if (! pathexec_env(d->d_name, 0)) die_nomem();
if (fchdir(wdir) == -1) fatal("unable to switch to starting directory");
void slock_die(const char *m, const char *f, unsigned int x) {
if (! x) fatal2(m, f);
void slock(const char *f, unsigned int d, unsigned int x) {
int fd;
if ((fd =open_append(f)) == -1) slock_die("unable to open lock", f, x);
if (d) {
if (lock_ex(fd) == -1) slock_die("unable to lock", f, x);
if (lock_exnb(fd) == -1) slock_die("unable to lock", f, x);
void limit(int what, long l) {
struct rlimit r;
if (getrlimit(what, &r) == -1) fatal("unable to getrlimit()");
if ((l < 0) || (l > r.rlim_max))
r.rlim_cur =r.rlim_max;
r.rlim_cur =l;
if (setrlimit(what, &r) == -1) fatal("unable to setrlimit()");
void slimit() {
if (limitd >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_DATA, limitd);
if (verbose) warn("system does not support RLIMIT_DATA");
if (limits >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_STACK, limits);
if (verbose) warn("system does not support RLIMIT_STACK");
if (limitl >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, limitl);
if (verbose) warn("system does not support RLIMIT_MEMLOCK");
if (limita >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_VMEM, limita);
#ifdef RLIMIT_AS
limit(RLIMIT_AS, limita);
if (verbose)
warn("system does neither support RLIMIT_VMEM nor RLIMIT_AS");
if (limito >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, limito);
limit(RLIMIT_OFILE, limito);
if (verbose)
warn("system does neither support RLIMIT_NOFILE nor RLIMIT_OFILE");
if (limitp >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_NPROC, limitp);
if (verbose) warn("system does not support RLIMIT_NPROC");
if (limitf >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_FSIZE, limitf);
if (verbose) warn("system does not support RLIMIT_FSIZE");
if (limitc >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_CORE, limitc);
if (verbose) warn("system does not support RLIMIT_CORE");
if (limitr >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_RSS, limitr);
if (verbose) warn("system does not support RLIMIT_RSS");
if (limitt >= -1) {
limit(RLIMIT_CPU, limitt);
if (verbose) warn("system does not support RLIMIT_CPU");
/* argv[0] */
void setuidgid(int, const char *const *);
void envuidgid(int, const char *const *);
void envdir(int, const char *const *);
void pgrphack(int, const char *const *);
void setlock(int, const char *const *);
void softlimit(int, const char *const *);
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
int opt;
int i;
unsigned long ul;
progname =argv[0];
for (i =str_len(progname); i; --i)
if (progname[i -1] == '/') {
progname +=i;
if (progname[0] == 'd') ++progname;
/* argv[0] */
if (str_equal(progname, "setuidgid")) setuidgid(argc, argv);
if (str_equal(progname, "envuidgid")) envuidgid(argc, argv);
if (str_equal(progname, "envdir")) envdir(argc, argv);
if (str_equal(progname, "pgrphack")) pgrphack(argc, argv);
if (str_equal(progname, "setlock")) setlock(argc, argv);
if (str_equal(progname, "softlimit")) softlimit(argc, argv);
while ((opt =getopt(argc, argv, "u:U:b:e:m:d:o:p:f:c:r:t:/:n:l:L:vP012V"))
!= opteof)
switch(opt) {
case 'u': set_user =(char*)optarg; break;
case 'U': env_user =(char*)optarg; break;
case 'b': argv0 =(char*)optarg; break;
case 'e': env_dir =optarg; break;
case 'm':
if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage();
limits =limitl =limita =limitd =ul;
case 'd': if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage(); limitd =ul; break;
case 'o': if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage(); limito =ul; break;
case 'p': if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage(); limitp =ul; break;
case 'f': if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage(); limitf =ul; break;
case 'c': if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage(); limitc =ul; break;
case 'r': if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage(); limitr =ul; break;
case 't': if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage(); limitt =ul; break;
case '/': root =optarg; break;
case 'n':
switch (*optarg) {
case '-':
if (optarg[scan_ulong(++optarg, &ul)]) usage(); nicelvl =ul;
nicelvl *=-1;
case '+': ++optarg;
if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage(); nicelvl =ul;
case 'l': if (lock) usage(); lock =optarg; lockdelay =1; break;
case 'L': if (lock) usage(); lock =optarg; lockdelay =0; break;
case 'v': verbose =1; break;
case 'P': pgrp =1; break;
case '0': nostdin =1; break;
case '1': nostdout =1; break;
case '2': nostderr =1; break;
case 'V': strerr_warn1("$Id: f279d44141c981dd7535a12260efcf1ef7beed26 $", 0);
case '?': usage();
argv +=optind;
if (! argv || ! *argv) usage();
if (pgrp) setsid();
if (env_dir) edir(env_dir);
if (root) {
if (chdir(root) == -1) fatal2("unable to change directory", root);
if (chroot(".") == -1) fatal("unable to change root directory");
if (nicelvl) {
errno =0;
if (nice(nicelvl) == -1) if (errno) fatal("unable to set nice level");
if (env_user) euidgid(env_user, 1);
if (set_user) suidgid(set_user, 1);
if (lock) slock(lock, lockdelay, 0);
if (nostdin) if (close(0) == -1) fatal("unable to close stdin");
if (nostdout) if (close(1) == -1) fatal("unable to close stdout");
if (nostderr) if (close(2) == -1) fatal("unable to close stderr");
progname =*argv;
if (argv0) *argv =argv0;
pathexec_env_run(progname, argv);
fatal2("unable to run", *argv);
/* argv[0] */
#define USAGE_SETUIDGID " account child"
#define USAGE_ENVUIDGID " account child"
#define USAGE_ENVDIR " dir child"
#define USAGE_PGRPHACK " child"
#define USAGE_SETLOCK " [ -nNxX ] file program [ arg ... ]"
#define USAGE_SOFTLIMIT " [-a allbytes] [-c corebytes] [-d databytes] [-f filebytes] [-l lockbytes] [-m membytes] [-o openfiles] [-p processes] [-r residentbytes] [-s stackbytes] [-t cpusecs] child"
void setuidgid_usage() {
strerr_die4x(100, "usage: ", progname, USAGE_SETUIDGID, "\n");
void setuidgid(int argc, const char *const *argv) {
const char *account;
if (! (account =*++argv)) setuidgid_usage();
if (! *++argv) setuidgid_usage();
suidgid((char*)account, 0);
fatal2("unable to run", *argv);
void envuidgid_usage() {
strerr_die4x(100, "usage: ", progname, USAGE_ENVUIDGID, "\n");
void envuidgid(int argc, const char *const *argv) {
const char *account;
if (! (account =*++argv)) envuidgid_usage();
if (! *++argv) envuidgid_usage();
euidgid((char*)account, 0);
fatal2("unable to run", *argv);
void envdir_usage() {
strerr_die4x(100, "usage: ", progname, USAGE_ENVDIR, "\n");
void envdir(int argc, const char *const *argv) {
const char *dir;
if (! (dir =*++argv)) envdir_usage();
if (! *++argv) envdir_usage();
fatal2("unable to run", *argv);
void pgrphack_usage() {
strerr_die4x(100, "usage: ", progname, USAGE_PGRPHACK, "\n");
void pgrphack(int argc, const char *const *argv) {
if (! *++argv) pgrphack_usage();
fatal2("unable to run", *argv);
void setlock_usage() {
strerr_die4x(100, "usage: ", progname, USAGE_SETLOCK, "\n");
void setlock(int argc, const char *const *argv) {
int opt;
unsigned int delay =0;
unsigned int x =0;
const char *fn;
while ((opt =getopt(argc, argv, "nNxX")) != opteof)
switch(opt) {
case 'n': delay =1; break;
case 'N': delay =0; break;
case 'x': x =1; break;
case 'X': x =0; break;
default: setlock_usage();
argv +=optind;
if (! (fn =*argv)) setlock_usage();
if (! *++argv) setlock_usage();
slock(fn, delay, x);
if (! x) fatal2("unable to run", *argv);
void softlimit_usage() {
strerr_die4x(100, "usage: ", progname, USAGE_SOFTLIMIT, "\n");
void getlarg(long *l) {
unsigned long ul;
if (str_equal(optarg, "=")) { *l =-1; return; }
if (optarg[scan_ulong(optarg, &ul)]) usage();
*l =ul;
void softlimit(int argc, const char *const *argv) {
int opt;
while ((opt =getopt(argc,argv,"a:c:d:f:l:m:o:p:r:s:t:")) != opteof)
switch(opt) {
case '?': softlimit_usage();
case 'a': getlarg(&limita); break;
case 'c': getlarg(&limitc); break;
case 'd': getlarg(&limitd); break;
case 'f': getlarg(&limitf); break;
case 'l': getlarg(&limitl); break;
case 'm': getlarg(&limitd); limits =limitl =limita =limitd; break;
case 'o': getlarg(&limito); break;
case 'p': getlarg(&limitp); break;
case 'r': getlarg(&limitr); break;
case 's': getlarg(&limits); break;
case 't': getlarg(&limitt); break;
argv +=optind;
if (!*argv) softlimit_usage();
fatal2("unable to run", *argv);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
rm -rf "${ctmp}"
echo $?
chpst -V
echo $?
# -u
# -U
mkdir "${ctmp}"
echo 1 >"${ctmp}"/test
chpst -e"${ctmp}" env |sed -ne '/^test=1$/p'
echo $?
rm -rf "${ctmp}"
chpst -l"${ctmp}" true
echo $?
rm -f "${ctmp}"
chpst -L"${ctmp}" true
echo $?
rm -f "${ctmp}"
# -m
# -o
# -p
# -f
# -c
chpst -P true
echo $?
chpst -012 true
echo $?

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
usage: chpst [-vP012] [-u user[:group]] [-U user[:group]] [-b argv0] [-e dir] [-/ root] [-n nice] [-l|-L lock] [-m n] [-d n] [-o n] [-p n] [-f n] [-c n] prog
$Id: f279d44141c981dd7535a12260efcf1ef7beed26 $
usage: chpst [-vP012] [-u user[:group]] [-U user[:group]] [-b argv0] [-e dir] [-/ root] [-n nice] [-l|-L lock] [-m n] [-d n] [-o n] [-p n] [-f n] [-c n] prog

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/* Public domain. */
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "coe.h"
int coe(int fd)
return fcntl(fd,F_SETFD,1);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/* Public domain. */
#ifndef COE_H
#define COE_H
extern int coe(int);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
gcc -O2 -Wall
gcc -O2 -Wimplicit -Wunused -Wcomment -Wchar-subscripts -Wuninitialized -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings
This will be used to compile .c files.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
gcc -s
This will be used to link .o files into an executable.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/* Public domain. */
#ifndef DIRENTRY_H
#define DIRENTRY_H
/* sysdep: -dirent */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#define direntry struct direct

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more