#!/usr/bin/bash # Definition of constantes. Version="1.0.1" Usage="swaylock-script [ PARAMETTER ] script who lock a computer by my own options. PARAMETTER -h, --help Print this help message and quit -v, --version Print the version and quit --sleep Launch the script without waiting anytime --swaylock-only Lauch the locker with swaylock original options. " for i in "$@"; do case "$i" in "-h" | "--help") echo "$Usage" exit 0 ;; "-v" | "--version") echo "swaylock-script $Version" exit 0 ;; "--sleep") sleep_flag="set" ;; "--swaylock-only") sw_only="set" ;; esac done option_sw_effects="-f \ --screenshots \ --clock \ --indicator \ --indicator-radius 200 \ --indicator-thickness 10 \ --inside-color 000000BB \ --effect-vignette 0.6:1 \ --effect-blur 3x5 \ --ring-color ff7f50 \ --separator-color 000000ff \ --timestr %I:%M-%p" option_sw="" if [ ! "${sleep_flag}" == "set" ] then option_sw_effects="${option_sw_effects} \ --fade-in 4" # no options_sw because I hadden't had time to add them. fi if [ "${sw_only}" == "set" ] then swaylock ${option_sw} else swaylock ${option_sw_effects} fi