no virtkeys

This commit is contained in:
primardj 2024-07-20 22:04:50 +02:00
parent 9a0d7cb7d6
commit 417fde9823
2 changed files with 0 additions and 122 deletions

View file

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
(defvar width_button_highline 50)
(defwidget keyboard_main []
(box :orientation "v"
(box :space-evenly false
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k Escape)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text "Échap"))
(button :onclick "$(pactl set-sink-mute $(pactl get-default-sink) toggle)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text ""))
(button :onclick "$(pactl set-sink-volume $(pactl get-default-sink) -5%)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text ""))
(button :onclick "$(pactl set-sink-volume $(pactl get-default-sink) +5%)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text ""))
(button :onclick "$(pactl set-source-mute alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic.HiFi__hw_sofhdadsp_6__source toggle)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text ""))
(button :onclick "$(light -U 5)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text "Light -"))
(button :onclick "$(light -A 5)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text "Light +"))
(button :onclick "$()" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text "")))
(box :space-evenly false :halign "end"
(button :onclick "$()" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text ""))
(button :onclick "$(eww close keyb)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text "VirtKey"))
(button :onclick "$()" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text ""))
(button :onclick "$()" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text ""))
(button :onclick "$(galculator)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text "Calc"))
(button :onclick "$()" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text ""))
(button :onclick "$()" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text ""))
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k Delete)" :width "${width_button_highline}"
(label :text "Suppr"))))
(button :onclick "$(wtype ²)" :width 62
(label :text "²"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k ampersand)"
(label :text "&"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype é)"
(label :text "é"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k quotedbl)"
(label :text "\""))
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k apostrophe)"
(label :text "'"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k parenleft)"
(label :text "("))
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k minus)"
(label :text "-"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype è)"
(label :text "è"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype _)"
(label :text "_"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype ç)"
(label :text "ç"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype à)"
(label :text "à"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k parenright)"
(label :text ")"))
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k equal)"
(label :text "=")))
(box :space-evenly false :halign "end"
(button :onclick "$(wtype -k Return)" :width 95
(label :text "<_ |"))
(defwindow keyb
:monitor 0
:geometry (geometry
:x "0%"
:y "0%"
:width "100%"
:height "30%"
:anchor "center bottom")
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:focusable false
:exclusive true