
35 lines
1,021 B
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from os import environ
# Set number of vCPUs to use to the environment variable QEMUSH_NPROC or
# half of total vCPUs installed if it fails
nproc = environ['QEMUSH_NPROC']
except KeyError:
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
nproc = str(cpu_count() // 2)
# Set amount of RAM to use to the environment variable QEMUSH_RAM or half
# of total RAM installed if it fails
ram = environ['QEMUSH_RAM']
except KeyError:
from psutil import virtual_memory
ram = str(virtual_memory().available // 2 // (1024 ** 2))
# Set the command to initialize; all required parameters to make a sane KVM
# are included and optional arguments are appended from argv
from sys import argv
command = [
'-enable-kvm', '-daemonize',
'-M', 'q35',
'-cpu', 'host', '-smp', nproc,
'-m', ram,
'-net', 'nic'
] + argv[1:]
# Print the final command and replace the main process with it
from os import execvp
execvp(command[0], command)