# To generate random secret: openssl rand -base64 ansible_become_password: borg_passphrase: cifs_credentials: username: password: authelia_secrets: # Encryption key for the database, must be saved encryption_key: hmac_secret: jwks_key: | # openssl genrsa 4096 jwt_secret: # LDAP bind dn ldap_user: ldap_password: postgres_user: postgres_password: smtp_user: smtp_password: coturn_secrets: static_auth_secret: hedgedoc_secrets: postgres_user: postgres_password: session_secret: lldap_secrets: jwt_secret: key_seed: postgres_user: postgres_password: mailserver_secrets: admin_user: # Hash obtained with openssl passwd -6 admin_secret: ldap_user: ldap_password: postgres_user: postgres_password: searxng_secrets: searxng_secret: synapse_secrets: # docker run --rm authelia/authelia:4 authelia crypto rand --length 72 --charset rfc3986 oidc_client_id: # Generate random secret + hash : docker run --rm authelia/authelia:4 authelia crypto hash generate pbkdf2 --variant sha512 --random --random.length 72 --random.charset rfc3986 oidc_client_secret: oidc_client_secret_hash: smtp_user: smtp_pass: postgres_user: postgres_password: turn_shared_secret: "{{ coturn_secrets['static_auth_secret'] }}" macaroon_secret_key: form_secret: vaultwarden_secrets: # Generate with: docker exec --rm -ti docker.io/vaultwarden/server:alpine /vaultwarden hash admin_token_hash: smtp_username: smtp_password: