#!/usr/bin/python3 import datetime import json import os import requests import psutil import time # CPU usage threshold in percent CPU_THRESHOLD = 50 # Memory usage threshold in GB MEMORY_THRESHOLD = 3.25 # Disk usage threshold in GB DISK_LOCAL_THRESHOLD = 25 DISK_SMB_THRESHOLD = 120 # Time in seconds between each check MONITORING_INTERVAL = 30 # Discord Webhook URL WEBHOOK_URL = os.environ["WEBHOOK_URL"] # Minimum delay in seconds between alerts for a resource WEBHOOK_INTERVAL = 600 def send_webhook(title, description): print(f'Sending Webhook with title "{title}".') data = { "username": "System Monitoring", "embeds": [ { "title": title, "description": description, "timestamp": datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC).isoformat(), } ], } requests.post( WEBHOOK_URL, data=json.dumps(data), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) def check_cpu(): cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None) if ( round(cpu_percent) > CPU_THRESHOLD and (time.time() - check_cpu.last_alert) > WEBHOOK_INTERVAL ): check_cpu.last_alert = time.time() send_webhook( "CPU Usage Alert", f"Average CPU usage over last {MONITORING_INTERVAL} seconds is past threshold of {CPU_THRESHOLD}%.\nCurrent usage: {cpu_percent}%.", ) return f"{cpu_percent}%" check_cpu.last_alert = 0 def check_memory(): memory_info = psutil.virtual_memory() memory_used_bytes = memory_info.used memory_total_bytes = memory_info.total memory_used_gb = round(memory_used_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2) memory_total_gb = round(memory_total_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2) if ( memory_used_gb > MEMORY_THRESHOLD and (time.time() - check_memory.last_alert) > WEBHOOK_INTERVAL ): check_memory.last_alert = time.time() send_webhook( "Memory Usage Alert", f"Memory usage is past threshold of {MEMORY_THRESHOLD} GB.\nCurrent usage: {memory_used_gb} GB / {memory_total_gb} GB.", ) return f"{memory_used_gb} GB / {memory_total_gb} GB" check_memory.last_alert = 0 def check_local_disk(): disk_info = psutil.disk_usage("/") disk_used_bytes = disk_info.used disk_total_bytes = disk_info.total disk_used_gb = round(disk_used_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2) disk_total_gb = round(disk_total_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2) if ( disk_used_gb > DISK_LOCAL_THRESHOLD and (time.time() - check_local_disk.last_alert) > WEBHOOK_INTERVAL ): check_local_disk.last_alert = time.time() send_webhook( "Local Disk Usage Alert", f"Local disk used space is past threshold of {DISK_LOCAL_THRESHOLD} GB.\nCurrent used space: {disk_used_gb} GB / {disk_total_gb} GB.", ) return f"{disk_used_gb} GB / {disk_total_gb} GB" check_local_disk.last_alert = 0 def check_smb_disk(): disk_info = psutil.disk_usage("/mnt/storagebox") disk_used_bytes = disk_info.used disk_total_bytes = disk_info.total disk_used_gb = round(disk_used_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2) disk_total_gb = round(disk_total_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2) if ( disk_used_gb > DISK_SMB_THRESHOLD and (time.time() - check_smb_disk.last_alert) > WEBHOOK_INTERVAL ): check_smb_disk.last_alert = time.time() send_webhook( "SMB Disk Usage Alert", f"SMB disk used space is past threshold of {DISK_SMB_THRESHOLD} GB.\nCurrent used space: {disk_used_gb} GB / {disk_total_gb} GB.", ) return f"{disk_used_gb} GB / {disk_total_gb} GB" check_smb_disk.last_alert = 0 def monitor(): print(f"Refreshing every {MONITORING_INTERVAL} seconds.") while True: cpu_usage = check_cpu() memory_usage = check_memory() disk_local_usage = check_local_disk() disk_smb_usage = check_smb_disk() print( f"CPU usage: {cpu_usage}, Memory usage: {memory_usage}, Disk usage: Local = {disk_local_usage}, SMB = {disk_smb_usage}\r", end="\r", ) time.sleep(MONITORING_INTERVAL) if __name__ == "__main__": monitor()