# homepage Source for my [homepage](https://viyurz.fr/), built with Axum & Tailwind (CSS gives me nightmares). ## Configuration Change the default configuration by creating a file at `/etc/homepage/config.toml` or setting the environment variable `HP_CONFIG_FILE` if using another path. Configuration options can also be set using environment variables by preceding the variable name by `HP_` (ex. `HP_LISTEN_ADDRESS`). ## Example service ``` services.toml [[services]] name = "Vaultwarden" description = "Rust rewrite of the Bitwarden server, a password management service." domain = "vw.viyurz.fr" language = "Rust" repository_url = "https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden" ``` ## Create a multi-platform image tag ### Docker Create a builder that uses the `docker-container` driver, which supports multi-platform builds: ``` docker buildx create --name multiarch --bootstrap ``` Build the multi-platform image tag using this new builder: ``` docker buildx build --builder multiarch --load --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --tag git.ahur.ac/viyurz/homepage:latest . ``` Push the image: ``` docker login git.ahur.ac docker push git.ahur.ac/viyurz/homepage:latest ``` ### Podman Create a manifest with the image name and tag: ``` podman manifest create git.ahur.ac/viyurz/homepage:latest ``` Build the multi-platform image tag using this manifest: ``` podman build --format docker --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --manifest git.ahur.ac/viyurz/homepage:latest . ``` Push the manifest: ``` podman login git.ahur.ac podman manifest push git.ahur.ac/viyurz/homepage:latest ```