Remap Super+Ctrl+N from "dismiss all notifications" to "toggle do not disturb mode".
87 lines
3.5 KiB
87 lines
3.5 KiB
$mainMod = SUPER
binde = $mainMod_SHIFT, Q, killactive,
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, E, exec, wlogout -b 4 -T 400 -B 400 -p layer-shell
binde = $mainMod_SHIFT, Space, togglefloating,
binde = $mainMod, P, pseudo,
binde = $mainMod_SHIFT, V, togglesplit,
bind = $mainMod, L, exec, $HOME/.scripts/
bind = $mainMod, F, fullscreen
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, N, exec, $HOME/.scripts/; pkill -SIGRTMIN+2 waybar
bind = $mainMod, R, exec, wofi --show run
bind = $mainMod, E, exec, thunar
binde = $mainMod_SHIFT, T, exec, kitty
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, F, exec, firefox
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, D, exec, discord
bind = , 107, exec, $HOME/.scripts/ screen
bind = ALT_L, 107, exec, $HOME/.scripts/ window
bind = CONTROL_L, 107, exec, $HOME/.scripts/ region
bind = $mainMod, V, exec, cliphist list | wofi --show dmenu | cliphist decode | wl-copy -n
# Move focus with mainMod + arrow keys
bind = $mainMod, left, movefocus, l
bind = $mainMod, right, movefocus, r
bind = $mainMod, up, movefocus, u
bind = $mainMod, down, movefocus, d
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, left, movewindow, l
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, right, movewindow, r
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, up, movewindow, u
bind = $mainMod_SHIFT, down, movewindow, d
# Switch workspaces with mainMod + [0-9]
bind = $mainMod, ampersand, workspace, 1
bind = $mainMod, eacute, workspace, 2
bind = $mainMod, quotedbl, workspace, 3
bind = $mainMod, apostrophe, workspace, 4
bind = $mainMod, parenleft, workspace, 5
bind = $mainMod, minus, workspace, 6
bind = $mainMod, egrave, workspace, 7
bind = $mainMod, underscore, workspace, 8
bind = $mainMod, ccedilla, workspace, 9
bind = $mainMod, agrave, workspace, 10
# Move active window to a workspace with mainMod + SHIFT + [0-9]
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, ampersand, movetoworkspace, 1
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, eacute, movetoworkspace, 2
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, quotedbl, movetoworkspace, 3
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, apostrophe, movetoworkspace, 4
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, parenleft, movetoworkspace, 5
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, minus, movetoworkspace, 6
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, egrave, movetoworkspace, 7
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, underscore, movetoworkspace, 8
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, ccedilla, movetoworkspace, 9
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, agrave, movetoworkspace, 10
# Scroll through existing workspaces with mainMod + scroll
bind = $mainMod, mouse_down, workspace, e+1
bind = $mainMod, mouse_up, workspace, e-1
# Same with ALT + TAB
bind = ALT, TAB, workspace, e+1
bind = ALT_SHIFT, TAB, workspace, e-1
# Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging
bindm = $mainMod, mouse:272, movewindow
bindm = $mainMod, mouse:273, resizewindow
# Swayosd Audio/Brightness/Caps Lock
bindl = , Caps_Lock, exec, swayosd-client --caps-lock
binde = , XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, swayosd-client --output-volume=raise
binde = , XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, swayosd-client --output-volume=lower
binde = , XF86AudioMute, exec, swayosd-client --output-volume=mute-toggle
binde = , XF86AudioMicMute, exec, swayosd-client --input-volume=mute-toggle
bindel = , XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, swayosd-client --brightness raise
bindel = , XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, swayosd-client --brightness lower
# Media keys
bindl = , XF86AudioPlay, exec, playerctl play-pause
bindl = , XF86AudioNext, exec, playerctl next
bindl = , XF86AudioPrev, exec, playerctl previous
# Foobar2000
bind = CTRL, up, exec, $HOME/.scripts/ -vu
bind = CTRL, down, exec, $HOME/.scripts/ -vd
# Weeb mode
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, W, exec, $HOME/.scripts/