#!/bin/sh wp_base_dir="$HOME/Images/Wallpapers/Desktop" declare -A wp_dirs=([SFW]="$wp_base_dir/SFW" [NSFW]="$wp_base_dir/( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" [BONK]="$wp_base_dir/Bonk") function pick_random_wallpaper { if [[ ${#wp_opts[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then target_wp_dirs=("${wp_dirs[SFW]}") else for opt in "${!wp_opts[@]}"; do opt_value=${wp_opts[$opt]} if [[ $opt_value -eq 1 ]]; then target_wp_dirs+=("${wp_dirs[$opt]}") fi done fi echo "Picking a random wallpaper from ${target_wp_dirs[@]}." wallpaper="$(find "${target_wp_dirs[@]}" -type f | shuf -n 1)" wallpaper="$wallpaper" } function help { cat <<- EOF Usage: $(basename "$0") [options...] -h, --help Show this message and quit. -r, --random Change the theme by picking a random wallpaper. -w, --wallpaper Change the theme using this wallpaper. -s, --sfw Pick a wallpaper from SFW folder (default). -n, --nsfw Pick a wallpaper from NSFW folder. -b, --bonk U horny dog ¬‿¬. Options -s and -n can be used together. If no option is specified, reloads the current theme. EOF } declare -A wp_opts while getopts "hrw:snb" opt; do case $opt in h) help exit ;; r) opt_random=1 ;; w) opt_wallpaper=1 opt_wallpaper_arg="$OPTARG" ;; s) wp_opts[SFW]=1 ;; n) wp_opts[NSFW]=1 ;; b) wp_opts[BONK]=1 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: $opt." exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ $opt_random -eq 1 && $opt_wallpaper -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Option -r and -w can't be used together." exit 1 elif [[ $opt_random -eq 1 ]]; then pick_random_wallpaper elif [[ $opt_wallpaper -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -f "$opt_wallpaper_arg" ]]; then wallpaper="$opt_wallpaper_arg" else echo "Error: $opt_wallpaper_arg is not a valid path." exit 1 fi else if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Warning: Neither -r or -w were specified, ignoring option(s): $*." fi # To get the current wallpaper source "$HOME/.cache/wal/colors.sh" fi echo "Selected wallpaper: $wallpaper" #viu -h 15 "$wallpaper" # Create the colors scheme echo "Generating color scheme using pywal." wal -qni "$wallpaper" --saturate 0.75 # Pour si ya un apostrophe dans le nom du fichier sed -iE "/^wallpaper=/,/#/ s/='/=\"/" /home/viyurz/.cache/wal/colors.sh sed -iE "/^wallpaper=/,/#/ s/'$/\"/" /home/viyurz/.cache/wal/colors.sh # Source colors scheme generated source "$HOME/.cache/wal/colors.sh" # Set additional colors accent1_dark_hsl="$(pastel darken 1 "$color5" | pastel format hsl)" accent2_dark_hsl="$(pastel darken 1 "$color6" | pastel format hsl)" declare -A colors=( [foreground]="$foreground" [good]="#00BB66" [bad]="#AA2222" [urgent]="$color4" [accent1]="$color5" [accent2]="$color6" [background1]="$(pastel lighten 0.2 "$accent1_dark_hsl" | pastel format hex)" [background2]="$(pastel lighten 0.2 "$accent2_dark_hsl" | pastel format hex)" [hovered]="$(pastel lighten 0.25 "$accent1_dark_hsl" | pastel format hex)" [selected]="$(pastel lighten 0.35 "$accent1_dark_hsl" | pastel format hex)" [disabled]="$(pastel lighten 0.35 "$accent1_dark_hsl" | pastel format hex)" [disabled2]="$(pastel lighten 0.35 "$accent2_dark_hsl" | pastel format hex)" ) declare -A params=( [border_radius]=4 [border_size]=2 [gaps_out]=15 [gaps_in]=8 [font]="'JetBrainsMono Nerd Font'" ) # Display accent colors pastel color "${colors[accent1]}" pastel color "${colors[accent2]}" # Set wallpaper using swaybg if grep 0 "$HOME/.cache/weeb-mode"; then wallpaper="/usr/share/hyprland/wall_2K.png" fi echo "Setting wallpaper using swaybg." killall -9 swaybg &> /dev/null hyprctl dispatch exec "swaybg -i \"$wallpaper\"" > /dev/null # Clear colors/params files echo -n '' > "$HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/colors-gtk.css" echo -n '' > "$HOME/.config/hypr/colors.conf" echo "wallpaper=\"$wallpaper\"" > "$HOME/.config/hypr/colors.sh" # Set colors variables in files echo "Writing colors to .conf/css/sh files." for key in "${!colors[@]}"; do value="${colors[$key]}" # Hyprland echo '$'"$key=rgb(${value:1})" >> "$HOME/.config/hypr/colors.conf" # GTK echo "@define-color $key $value;" >> "$HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/colors-gtk.css" # Shell echo "${key}=$value" >> "$HOME/.config/hypr/colors.sh" done # Add Hyprland params echo "Adding parameters to Hyprland .conf file." for key in "${!params[@]}"; do value="${params[$key]}" echo '$'"$key=$value" >> "$HOME/.config/hypr/colors.conf" done # Reload Hyprland echo "Reloading Hyprland." hyprctl reload &> /dev/null # Set Kitty params echo "Setting Kitty parameters." declare -A kitty_vars=( [font_family]="${params[font]}" [url_color]="${colors[accent1]}" [tab_bar_background]="${colors[background1]}" [active_tab_background]="${colors[selected]}" [inactive_tab_background]="${colors[hovered]}" [active_tab_foreground]="${colors[foreground]}" [inactive_tab_foreground]="${colors[foreground]}" ) for key in "${!kitty_vars[@]}"; do value="${kitty_vars[$key]}" sed -i "s/^$key.*/$key $value/" "$HOME/.config/kitty/kitty.conf" done echo "Reloading opened Kitties." killall -SIGUSR1 kitty &> /dev/null # Convert CSS to SCSS for eww # echo "Converting CSS colors file to SCSS for eww." # cp "$HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/colors-gtk.css" "$HOME/.config/eww/colors.scss" # sed -i -E 's/^@define-color /$/; s/^\$\S*/&:/' "$HOME/.config/eww/colors.scss" # Set Waybar params echo "Setting Waybar parameters." declare -A waybar_vars=( [font-family]="${params[font]}" [border-bottom]="${params[border_size]}px solid transparent" [margin-bottom]="${params[border_size]}px" ) for key in "${!waybar_vars[@]}"; do value="${waybar_vars[$key]}" sed -i "s~$key:[^;]*~$key: $value~" "$HOME/.config/waybar/style.css" done echo "Reloading Waybar." if pgrep -x -u "$USER" waybar > /dev/null; then killall -SIGUSR2 waybar else hyprctl dispatch exec waybar > /dev/null fi # Set Wofi params echo "Setting Wofi parameters." declare -A wofi_vars_window=( [font-family]="${params[font]}" [border]="${params[border_size]}px solid transparent" [border-radius]="${params[border_radius]}px" ) for key in "${!wofi_vars_window[@]}"; do value="${wofi_vars_window[$key]}" sed -i "/^window/,/$key:/ s~$key:[^;]*~$key: $value~" "$HOME/.config/wofi/style.css" done declare -A wofi_vars_input=( [margin]="${params[border_size]}px" [border-radius]="${params[border_radius]}px ${params[border_radius]}px 0 0" ) for key in "${!wofi_vars_input[@]}"; do value="${wofi_vars_input[$key]}" sed -i "/^#input/,/$key:/ s~$key:[^;]*~$key: $value~" "$HOME/.config/wofi/style.css" done # Set entry:selected border-radius sed -i "/^#entry:selected/,/border-radius:/ s/border-radius:[^;]*/border-radius: $(( params[border_radius]/2 ))px/" "$HOME/.config/wofi/style.css" # Set swaync params #echo "Setting swaync parameters." #sed -zi "s/border-radius:[^;]*/border-radius: ${params[border_radius]}px/1" "$HOME/.config/swaync/style.css" #sed -i "s/border: [0-9]+.*/border: ${params[border_size]}px solid transparent;/" "$HOME/.config/swaync/style.css" #sed -zi "s/margin:[^;]*/margin: $((params[gaps_out]*2))px/1" "$HOME/.config/swaync/style.css" #sed -zi "s/margin:[^;]*/margin: ${params[gaps_out]}px/3" "$HOME/.config/swaync/style.css" #sed -zi "s/border-radius:[^;]*/border-radius: ${params[border_radius]}px/8" "$HOME/.config/swaync/style.css" echo "Reloading swaync." if pgrep -x -u "$USER" swaync > /dev/null; then swaync-client -rs > /dev/null else hyprctl dispatch exec swaync > /dev/null fi # BetterDiscord if [[ -x /bin/betterdiscordctl ]]; then if [[ ! -f "$HOME/.config/BetterDiscord/data/stable/custom.css" ]]; then echo "Downloading ClearVision theme for BetterDiscord." mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/BetterDiscord/data/stable" wget -O "$HOME/.config/BetterDiscord/data/stable/custom.css" "https://betterdiscord.app/Download?id=23" fi echo "Setting BetterDiscord colors." declare -A bd_vars=( [main-color]="${colors[accent1]}" [hover-color]="${colors[accent2]}" [text-normal]="${colors[foreground]}" [background-shading]='0%' [background-overlay]='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' [background-image]="linear-gradient(160deg, ${colors[background1]}, ${colors[background2]})" ) for key in "${!bd_vars[@]}"; do value="${bd_vars[$key]}" sed -i "s~--$key:[^;]*~--$key: $value~" "$HOME/.config/BetterDiscord/data/stable/custom.css" done fi # Change Wlogout icons color echo "Changing wlogout icons colors." wlogout_img=('lock' 'reboot' 'shutdown' 'logout') for img in "${wlogout_img[@]}"; do convert "$HOME/.config/wlogout/$img.png" -fill "${colors[accent1]}" -colorize 100 "$HOME/.config/wlogout/$img.png" convert "$HOME/.config/wlogout/$img-focus.png" -fill "${colors[accent2]}" -colorize 100 "$HOME/.config/wlogout/$img-focus.png" done # Reload pywalfox if pgrep firefox &> /dev/null; then echo "Reloading pywalfox." pywalfox update 2> /dev/null fi # OpenRGB if [[ -x /bin/openrgb ]]; then echo "Setting keyboard colors." openrgb --noautoconnect -c "${colors[accent1]:1}" > /dev/null fi # To use with swaylock convert "$wallpaper" -blur 0x5 "$HOME/.cache/wallpaper-blurred.jpg" &